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Endodontics Deals with the pulp
Exodontics Deals with extractions
Periodontal Therapies Deals with the tissue surrounding the teeth
AVDC American Veterinary Dental College
AVDT American Veterinary Dental Technicians
AVDS American Veterinary Dental Society
Morphology Study of shapes/parts
Brachyodont & Hypsodont Two classifications of teeth
Brachyodont Has small distinct crown and well developed roots (carnivores and omnivores)
Hypsodont Have large reserve crown and root structure that allows for continued growth throughout the life (herbivores)
Rabbits Have hypsodonts but do not have a true root structure and their teeth continue to grow
Four types of teeth Incisors, Canines, PreMolars, Molars
Incisors and Canines Used for prehending food (picking up food), gnawing, and grooming
Canines Specifically used for killing prey
Molars and Premolars Used for shearing and grinding of the meat
Diphyodont Two sets of teeth
Deciduous Baby teeth, primary teeth; Erupt at 3-4 weeks, Fallout at 4-6 months
Permanent Secondary or adult; number varies between species
Canine dental formula Deciduous: I-3/3 C-1/1 P-3/3 M-0/0 = 28 teeth Adult: I-3/3 C-1/1 P-4/4 M-2/3 = 42 teeth
Feline dental formula Deciduous: I-3/3 C- 1/1 P-3/2 M ? 0/0 = 26 teeth Adult: I- 3/3 C-1/1 P-3/2 M-1/1 = 30 teeth
Rostral closer to front of face
Caudal towards the back of the head
Buccal towards the cheek
Lingual Adjacent to the tongue
Labial towards the lips
Palatial structure that is adjacent to the hard palate
Mesial structure that is in line with the most rostral portion of the midline of the mouth
Distal structure that in in line with the most caudal portion of the midline of the mouth
Apical refers to the portion of the tooth that is closer to the apex
Coronal refers to the portion of the tooth that is closer to the crown
Occlusal the surface of the tooth that comes in contact with the opposite tooth of the dental arch.
Triadan System used to describe teeth, Based on quadrants, and 100 series
Maxilla Upper arcade
Mandible Lower arcade
Upper Right Maxilla 100
Upper Left Maxilla 200
Lower Left Maxilla 300
Lower Right Maxilla 400
Incisors are always 103, 102, 101, 201, 202, 203/ 303, 302, 301, 401, 402, 403
Canines are always 104, 204/ 304, 404
Occlusion refers to the spatial relationship between teeth within the mouth
Premolars Dogs- 105, 106, 107, 108, 205, 206, 207, 208/305, 306, 307, 308, 405, 406, 407, 408 Cats ? 106, 107, 108, 206, 207, 208/ 307, 308, 407, 408
Malocclusion refers to the situation when teeth or jaws are not correctly aligned.
Malocclusions can cause Discomfort, Infection, Increased dental disease
Carnassial tooth Means tearing of flesh; max. 4th premolars, man.1st molar; lies buccal to mandibular tooth
Molars Dogs have some flat occlusal surfaces of the molars like humans for grinding food; Cats have true carnivorous surfaces, meant for tearing and shredding meat; The maxillary cusps should lie buccal to the manibular cusps
Types of Malocclusions Overbites, underbites, rotated teeth,
Three parts of the tooth Crown, roots, apex
Enamel Hard outer coating, non-regenerative, hardest substance in the body
Crown Covered in enamel and visible to the eye
Root Covered in dentin, not visible
Apex Curved, allows blood & lymph vessels and nerve endings to exit tooth
Dentin Regenerative layer directly below the enamel; contains microscopic holes that give nutrients to the enamel
Pulp and Pulp chamber Middle of the tooth that houses the nerve endings, lymph tissue and blood vessels
Gingiva Gums; should be light pink; free and attached types; keeps bacteria and debris out of the roots
Gingival sulcus Pocket made of free and attached gingiva
Periodontal Ligament Attaches dentin to the alveolar bone, holds tooth in place
Alveolar Bone Makes up jaw bones; teeth are formed within this type of bone; creates the socket in which the tooth lives
Cermentum Lines the alveolar bone, ligament and dentin to cement everything together
Apical Foramen Hole at the bottom of the tooth (apex) that allows the blood/lymph vessels and nerve endings to exit the tooth
Created by: Libelle
Popular Veterinary sets




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