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DT Formulas #1
Daoist Traditions First Semester Prescriptions
Category | Subcategory | Chinese Name | English Name | Ingredients | Actions/Indications |
Heat | Relieve Toxicity | huang lian jie du tang | Coptis to Expel Toxins | "huang lian, huang qin, huang bai, zhi zi" | "Detoxify Toxic Heat(DH) from Three Burners, any D/O due to Toxic Heat overwhelming the 3 burners" |
Heat | Relieve Toxicity | pu ji xiao du yin | Universal Benefit Decoction to Eliminate Toxin | "jiu chao huang lian, jiu chao huang qin, xuan shen,lian qiao, ban lan gen, ma bo, niu bang zi, jiang can, bo he, chen pi, chai hu, jie geng, sheng ma, gan cao" | "Detoxify Toxic Heat from UJ, Dispel WH, Dispel Swelling and Stasis, Sooth Throat, any D/O with sore throat and swollen glands due to Toxic Heat and WH in UJ" |
Heat | Relieve Toxicity | si miao yong an tang | Clear Epidemics and Overcome Toxin Decoction | "jin yin hua, xuan shen, dang gui, gan cao" | "Clear Heat/Toxic Heat, Cool Blood, Nourish Blood/Regenerate Flesh, any D/O due to heat at Taiyang and Blood Level causing swellings and ulcerations" |
Heat | Relieve Toxicity | wu wei xiao du yin | Five-Ingredient Decoction to Eliminate Toxin | "jin yin hua, pu gong yin, zi hua di ding, zi bei tian kuei(begonia), ye ju hua" | "Clear Heat/Toxic Heat from Taiyang and Exterior, Urinary Tract Infections with fever" |
Heat | Relieve Toxicity | xian fang huo ming yin | Sublime Formula for Sustaining Life | "jin yin hua, tian hua fen, chen pi, dang gui, chi shao, ru xiang, mo yao, fang feng, zhi bei mu, bai zhi, chan jia, zao jiao ci, gan cao" | "Clear Heat/Toxic Heat, Dispel Stasis, Regenerate Tissue, Stop Pain " |
Heat | Relieve Toxicity | xie xin tang | Drain the Epigastrium Decoction | "da huang, huang lian, huang qin" | "Clear Heat/DH, any D/O due to Heat/DH/Toxic Heat causing Stasis and Accumulation of Fire Toxins (clumping, constipation, or pain)" |
Heat | Qi Level | bai hu tang | White Tiger Decoction | "shi gao(large dose), zhi mu, geng mi(non-glutenous rice), (zhi) gan cao" | "Clear Heat/Seasonal Heat at Qi Level(Deep LU or ST) at peak temperature stage, toothache, H/A" |
Heat | Qi Level | zhi zi dou chi tang | Gardenia and Prepared Soybean Decoction | "zhi ze,dan dou chi" | "Clear Heat from Three Burners, Calm Shen, any D/O due to Heat in the body with shen disturbance(irritability, palpatations, HE heat)" |
Heat | Qi Level | zhu ye shi gao tang | Lopetharus(bland bamboo) and Gypsum Decoction | "shi gao(large dose), dan zhu ye, ren shen, mai men dong, zhi ban xia, zhi gan cao, geng mi" | "Clear Heat at Qi/Wei Level, Tonify Qi and Yin(LU/ST), Descend Rebellion, Clear Phlegm, Calm Shen(from heat: irritability), any d/o due to Lingering Heat at Qi level causing Qi/Yin Xu w/Symptoms of LU and ST Qi disruption and Shen Disturbance" |
Heat | Organ - ST/SP | qing wei san | Clear the Stomach Decoction | "huang lian, sheng ma, mu dan pi, sheng di huang, dang gui" | "Clear Yangming Heat, Clear Heat in Blood/LIV, Nourish Yin/Blood, any D/O due to ST Heat Flaring up" |
Heat | Organ - ST/SP | xie huang san | Drain the Yellow Powder | "shi gao, zhi zi, fang feng(large dose), huo xiang, gan cao" | "Clear ST Heat/Smouldering Heat, Aromatic to disperse depressed Heat" |
Heat | Organ - ST/SP | yu nu jian | Jade Woman Decoction | "shi gao, zhi mu, shu di huang, mai men dong, niu xi" | "Clear ST/Yangming Heat, Tonify and Nourish ST yin xu, nourish blood, any D/O with ST Heat due to yin/blood deficiency." |
Heat | Organ - Lung | ma xing shi gan tang | "Ephedra, Apricot Kernal, Gypsum, and Licorice Decoction" | "ma huang, shi gao(large dose), xing ren, zhi gan cao" | "Clear Heat at Qi level, Stop Wheezing and Regulate LU qi, any D/O with Fever, Thirst, Wheezing, Cough, Nasal Flaring, 4 bigs" |
Heat | Organ - Lung | ting li da zao xie fei tang | Descurainia and Jujube Decoction to Drain the Lungs | "ting li zi(descurainiae semen), da zao" | "LU abcess, Phlegm Fluids in LU/PC/HE, any D/O due to fluid accumulation interfering with HE/LU function" |
Heat | Organ - Lung | wei jing tang | Reed Decoction | "lu gen, dong gua ren, yi yi ren, tao ren" | "Clear Toxic Heat in LU, Dissolve Blood Stasis in LU, Discharge Pus/Phlegm through Urine/Stool, any D/O w/LU abcess due to Toxic Heat/Phlegm/Blood Stagnation" |
Heat | Organ - Lung | xie bai san | Drain the White Powder | "chao sang bai pi, di gu pi, geng mi(rice), zhi gan cao" | "Clear LU Heat, Clear Empty Heat from LU/HE/KI, Promote LU qi function through anchoring to the KI, cough, fever in afternoon, any D/O due to Heat in the LU or Empty Heat" |
Heat | Organ - Lung | yin qiao ma bo san | "Honeysuckle, Forsythia and Puffball Powder" | "jin yin hua, lian qiao, ma bo, she gan, niu bang zi" | "Detoxify Toxic Heat and Phlegm Heat in Upper Lung and Throat, Throat Bi, Sooth throat and relieve pain, any D/O with Throat Bi and Phlegm-Heat in LU" |
Heat | Organ - Liver | long dan xie gan tang | Gentiana Decoction to Drain the Liver | "chai hu, long dan cao, huang qin, zhi zi, ze xie, che chian zi, mu tong, sheng di huang, dang gui" | "Clear Shaoyang Heat, Drain Damp, Sooth Liver, any D/O due to LIV Heat(WH, DH, LIV yang rising)" |
Heat | Organ - Liver | zuo jin wan | Left Metal Formula | "6-parts huang lian(ginger-juice fried),1-part wu zhu yu " | "Harmonize LIV/ST, Dries Damp, Vomiting, Acid Regurgitation, any D/O due to LIV overacting on ST causing digestive D/O" |
Heat | Organ - LI | bai tou weng tang | Pulsatilla(Anemone) Decoction | "bai tou weng, huang lian, huang bai, qin pi" | "Clear DH and Relieve Toxicity, Relieve Dysentary, any D/O due to Heat Toxin and Damp Heat causing severe diarrhea" |
Heat | Organ - Heart | dao chi san | Guide Out the Red Powder | "dan zhu ye, sheng di huang, mu tong, gan cao shao" | "Clear Heat in HE/SI/BL through Urine, Calm Shen, Lin syndrome due to Heat in HE/SI pouring into the BL" |
Heat | Deficiency | qin jiao bie jia san | Gentiana QinJiao and Soft-Shelled Turtle Shell Powder | "bie jia, qin jiao, di gu pi, zhi mu, dan gui, chai hu" | "Dispel Wind and Release Exterior, Clear LU/KI Yin Deficiency, any D/O w/heat due to/causing LU/KI Yin Xu" |
Heat | Deficiency | qing gu san | Cool the Bones Powder | "yin chai hu, hu huang lian, qin jiao, zhi bie jia (honey fried), zhi mu, di gu pi, gan cao" | "Dispel Wind and Release Exterior, Clear Yin Deficiency, any D/O w/heat due to/causing Yin Xu" |
Heat | Deficiency | qing hao bie jia tang | Artemisia Annua and Soft-Shelled Turtle Shell Decoction | "qing hao, bie jia, zhi mu, sheng di huang, mu dan pi" | "Clear Empty Heat, Nourish Yin, any febrile D/O due to deficiency(night fever, fatigue, less sweating)" |
Exterior - Cool Formula | Wind Heat | sang ju yin | Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction | "sang ye, ju hua, lian qiao, bo he, jie geng, xing ren, lu gen, gan cao" | "Relieve Cough and Regulate LU Qi, Dispel WH from Exterior/Wei Qi/UJ, any d/o due to WH violating exterior/wei qi/exterior" |
Exterior - Cool Formula | Wind Heat | yin qiao san | Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder | "jin yin hua, lian qiao, jie geng, niu bang zi, bo he, jing jie, dan zhu ye, xian lu gen, dan dou chi, gan cao" | "Dispel WH and Seasonal Heat, Release Exterior and promote LU qi, any d/o due to WH/Seasonal Heat at Wei Level or UJ" |
Exterior - Cool Formula | Wind Cold becoming Wind Heat | chai ge jie ji tang | Bupleurum and Kudzu Decoction to Release the Muscle Layer | "chai hu, ge gen, huang qin, shi gao, qiang huo, bai zhi, bai shao, jie geng, gan cao, sheng jiang, da zao" | "Dispel WC from Taiyang, Dispel WH from Taiyang/ShaoYang/YangMing, improperly treated WC, any D/O due to WC turning into WH and blocking Taiyang Shaoyang and Yangming Channels" |
Exterior - Cool Formula | Head/Nose/Neck | cang er zhi san | Xanthium Powder | "cang er zi, xin yi hua, bai zhi, bo he" | "Dispel WHD, Open Nose, any d/o due to WHD obstructing the nose and causing purulent, yellow nasal discharge" |
Exterior - Cool Formula | Exterior Full Interior Full | fang feng tong sheng san | Ledebouriella Powder that Sagely Unblocks | "fang feng, ma huang, mang xiao, da huang, jing jie, bo he, zhi zi, hua shi, shi gao, lian qiao, huang qin, jie geng, chuan xiong, dang gui,bai shao, bai zhu, gan cao" | "Release Heat from TaiYang and Yangming(int/ext), any D/O due to WH on the Exterior and Heat in the blood" |
Exterior - Cool Formula | Exterior Full Interior Full | ge gen huang lian huang qin tang | "Kudzu, Coptis and Scutellaria Decoction" | "ge gen, huang qin, huang lian, gan cao" | "Yangming organ excess: clumping in intestines or DH in intestines. |
Any severe yangming disorder (dysentery, diarrhea)" | |||||
Exterior - Cool Formula | Exterior Full Interior Full | sheng ma ge gen tang | Cimicifuga and Kudzu Decoction | "sheng ma, ge gen, chi shao, zhi gan cao" | "Dispel WH from ext. and channels, Cool and move blood, Express Measles/rashes, any febrile D/O d/t WH invading lung, ext.. and skin/blood." |
Exterior - Cool Formula | Exterior Full Interior Empty | jia jian wei rui tang | Modified Polygonatum Odoratum Decoction | "yu zhu(wei rui), bai wei, cong bai, dan dou chi, bo he, jie geng, zhi gan cao, da zao" | "Dispel WH/D invading TaiYang and upper LU, Moisten LU Yin and Body Fluids, any D/O due to WH/D invading the LU causing/with background of LU Yin Deficiency " |
Exterior - Neutral Formula | Head/Nose/Neck | ju hua cha tiao san | Chrysanthemum Powder to be Taken with Green Tea | " ju hua, jiang can, bo he, chuan xiong, bai zhi, qiang huo, xi xin, jing jie, fang feng, gan cao" | "Dispel W from Head/Exterior, Relieve H/A w/pain/itching, any d/o due to WH in exterior in Head w/ skin issues" |
Exterior - Neutral Formula | Exterior Full Interior Empty | ren shen bai du san | Ginseng to Overcome Pathogenic Factors | "ren shen, qiang huo, du huo, jie geng, qian hu, chai hu, zhi ke, fu ling, gan cao" | "Dispel WC from the Exteriorand LU, promote LU Qi, Relieve Symptoms of Cough and Phlegm in LU, Tonify and Move SP/LU Qi, any D/O due to WC on the Exterior and in LU with underlying SP/LU Qi Deficiency, helps with body aches" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | Mild | jiu wei qiang huo tang | Nine-Herb Decoction wih Notopterygium | "qiang huo, fang feng, cang zhu, xi xin, chuan xiong, bai zhi, huang qin, sheng di huang, gan cao" | "Release WCD from the exterior, Cool Blood, any d/o caused by WCD with internal heat, Toothache" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | Mild | xiang ru san | Elsholtsia Powder | "xiang ru, bai bian dou, hou po" | "WC in Summer, Transform Damp, Moves Qi" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | Mild | xiang su san | Cyperus and Perilla Leaf Powder | "zi su ye, xiang fu, chen pi, zhi gan cao" | "Dispel WC from Exterior and MJ, Aromatic TransDamp, Moves Qi(LIV Qi), any d/o due to WC in exterior w/Damp and Qi Stag" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | "ma huang tang family, Head/Nose/Neck" | ge gen tang | Kudzu Decoction | "ge gen, ma huang, gui zhi, bai shao, sheng jiang, da zao, gan cao" | "Dispel WC from the Exterior and Upper Body(NECK), Warms the Channels, TaiYang/ShaoYang Channel Excess, Harmonize Ying/Wei, Pediatric Cold Diarrhea, Chronic Rhinitis" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | ma huang tang family | da qing long tang | Major Bluegreen Dragon Decoction | "ma huang, xing ren, gui zhi, zhi gan cao, shi gao, sheng jiang, da zao" | "High Fever, Tai Yang Meridian Excess, Dispel WC from Body Surface and LU, moves LU Qi, warms and unblocks yang qi, moisten LU, Promote Sweating to relieve wheezing, Any d/o due to cold blocking the body surface" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | ma huang tang family | hua gai san | Canopy formula | "ma huang, sang bai pi, zi su zi, xing ren, chi fu ling, chen pi, gan cao" | " Phlegm in LU, cough, Tai Yang Meridian Excess, Dispel WC from Body Surface and LU, moves LU Qi, warms and unblocks yang qi, moisten LU, Promote Sweating to relieve wheezing,, Any d/o due to cold blocking the body surface" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | ma huang tang family | ma huang tang | Ephedra Decoction | "ma huang, gui zhi, xing ren, zhi gan cao" | "Tai Yang Meridian Excess, Dispel WC from Body Surface and LU, moves LU Qi, warms and unblocks yang qi, moisten LU, Promote Sweating to relieve wheezing, Any d/o due to cold blocking the body surface" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | ma huang tang family | sang ao tang | Three Unbinding Formula | "ma huang, xing ren, gan cao" | "Not as strong as Ma Huang Tang, Tai Yang Meridian Excess, Dispel WC from Body Surface and LU, moves LU Qi, moisten LU, Promote Sweating to relieve wheezing, Any d/o due to cold blocking the body surface" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | ma huang tang family | xiao qing long tang | Minor Bluegreen Dragon decoction | "ma huang, gui zhi, gan jiang, xi xin, wu wei zi, bai shao, ban xia, zhi gan cao" | "Dispel WC from LU and Body Surface, Disolve Phlegm blocking LU, move LU qi, harmonize ying/wei, relieve cough, any d/o due to WC and Phlegm in LU" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | Head/Nose/Neck | chuan xiong cha tiao san | Ligusticum Chuanxiong Powder to be Taken with Green Tea | "bo he, chuan xiong, bai zhi, qiang huo, xi xin, jing jie, fang feng, gan cao" | "Dispel WC from Head/UJ/Exterior, Relieve Pain and H/A, any d/o due to WC/WD with pain and H/A" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | Head/Nose/Neck | xin yi san | Magnolia Flower Powder | "xin yi hua, chuan xiong, mu tong, xi xin, fang feng, qiang huo, gao ben, sheng ma, bai zhi, zhi gan cao" | "Dispel WC from exterior, Open nose, any d/o due to WC causing copious clear nasal discharge" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | gui zhi family | gui zhi tang | Cinnamon Decoction | "gui zhi, bai shao, sheng jiang, da zao, zhi gan cao" | "TaiYang Channel Deficiency Pattern, Release the Exterior and Expel Cold, Balances Yin/Yang(Ying/Wei Qi), Warms Channels, Release Muscle Layer, Pain, any d/o due to WC invasion and Wei Qi Xu" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | Exterior Full Interior Empty | ma huang xi xin fu zi tang | "Ephedra, Asarum and Prepared Aconite Decoction" | "ma huang, fu zi, xi xin" | "Dispel WC from Exterior and Meridians, Warm and Tonify Yang (deep slow pulse), any D/o due to WC on the Exterior and in the Meridians with Yang Deficiency(Interior Cold)" |
Exterior - Warm Formula | Exterior Full Interior Empty | zai zao san | Renewal Powder | "qiang huo, fang feng, chuan xiong, xi xin, gui zhi, ren shen, huang qi, zhi fu zi, gan cao, sheng jiang" | "Dispel WC from Exterior/Meridians/Head, Warm Yang and Tonify Qi, Symptomatically relieve pain, and D/O due to WC/D tightening the body surface and Meridians with a background of Yang/Qi Deficiency" |
Dryness | External going Internal | qing zao jiu fei tang | Eliminate Dryness and Rescue Lung Decoction | "mai men dong, sang ye, shi gao, e jiao, xing ren, pi pa ye, ren shen(xi yang shen), huo ma ren (hei zhi ma), gan cao" | "Clear and Moisten Dryness, Clear LU Heat at Wei/Qi levels, Regulate LU qi, Relieve Constipation" |
Dryness | External - WH | sang xing tang | Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernal Decoction | "sang ye, xing ren, li pi, sha shen, zhi zi, dan dou chi, chuan bei mu" | "Clear Warm Dryness and Moisten LU, Clear WH, any D/O due to WHDryness in exterior and LU" |
Dryness | External - WC | xing su san | Apricot Kernal and Perilla Leaf Powder | "xing ren, zi su ye, jie geng, zhi ke, qian hu, ban xia, chen pi, sheng jiang, da zao, gan cao" | "Clear Cold Dryness and Regulate LU qi, Moisten LU and Expel Phlegm, any D/O due to WCDryness with dry phlegm blocking the LU" |
Dryness | Enrich Yin(JinYe) | bai he gu jin tang | Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal | "bai he, mai men dong, xuan shen, sheng di huang, chuan bei mu, jie geng, shu di huang, bai shao, dang gui, gan cao" | "Nourish BFs in UJ, Regulate LU qi, any D/O due to LU yin xu with cough" |
Dryness | Enrich Yin(JinYe) | mai men dong tang | Ophiopogon Decoction | "mai men dong, ren shen, ban xia, gan cao, da zao, geng mi" | "Tonify Yin esp. ST/SP/LU, Tonify Qi esp. ST/SP/LU, any D/O due to Yin Xu causing rebellious qi" |
Dryness | Enrich Yin(JinYe) | zeng ye tang | Increase the Fluids Decoction | "mai men dong, xuan shen, sheng di huang" | "Moisten Dryness and Generate Fluids, Clear Deficiency Heat and Nourish Yin, Unblock Bowels, any D/O due to dryness and underlying yin xu" |
Dryness | Enrich Yin(JinYe) | bu fei e jiao tang | Tonify Lung Decoction with Donkey Hide Glue | "e jiao, niu bang zi, ma dou ling (aristolochia), xing ren, geng mi, gan cao" | "Stop Bleeding in LU, Nourish LU yin, any LU D/O with bleeding and cough due to LU yin Xu" |
Dryness | Enrich Yin(JinYe) | yang yin qing fei tang | Nourish the Yin and Clear Lung Decoction | "xuan shen, mai men dong, sheng di huang, mu dan pi, chuan bei mu, bai shao, bo he" | "Tonify LU Yin, Clear WH/LIV Heat in LU, Releive cough, any D/O with cough and dryness caused by heat drying fluids in the LU" |
Dryness | Enrich Yin(JinYe) | yu ye tang | Jade Fluid Decoction | "shan yao, huang qi, zhi mu, tian hua fen, ge gen, ji nei jin, wu wei zi" | "Tonify Qi of LU/SP/ST/KI, Promote BF moisten dryness and stop thirst, astringe BF, protect yin/KI, any D/O due to Qi/Yin xu with symptoms of thirst/dryness/leakage" |
Wind | Skin and Channels | xiao feng san | Eliminate Wind Powder | "fang feng, chan tui, jing jie, cang zhu, ku shen, shi gao, zhi mu, dan gui, sheng di huang, gan cao, mu tong, hei zhi ma" | "Expel WH/WDH from blood/collaterals/skin, Harmonize Blood (cool/tonify/move), any D/O due to WH/WDH tangled in the collaterals" |
Wind | Skin and Channels | xiao huo luo dan | Minor Invigorate the Collaterals Special Pill | "zhi chuan wu, zhi cao wu, tian nan xing, di long, ru xiang, mo yao" | "Wind Damp and/or Cold in Meridians, Dissolve Wind-Phlegm, Dissolve Blood Stasis, Dredge the Meridians, any D/O due to WC, WD, WCD or Wind Phlegm blocking the meridians" |
Wind | Skin and Channels | qian zheng san | Rectify Symmetry Powder | "zhi bai fu zi, bai jiang can, quan xie" | "Expel Wind and Wind-Phlegm from Upper Body and Meridians, Open Blockage in the Face, any D/O due to external wind/wind phlegm effecting uper body and meridians" |
Wind | Internal Wind | zhen gan xi feng tang | Sedate the Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction | "long gu, mu li, dai zhe shi, gui ban, bai shao yao, xuan shen, tian men dong, yin chen hao, chuan lian zi, mai ya, gan cao, huai niu xi" | "Lower LIV yang, Prevent LIV wind, Soothe LIV, Move LIV, any D/O due to LIV yang rising/Qi Stagnation creating wind/Heat D/O" |
Wind | Internal Wind | tian ma gou teng yin | Gastrodia and Uncaria Formula | "tian ma, gou teng, shi jue ming, huang qin, zhi zi, yi mu cao, fu shen, sang ji sheng, du zhong, ye jiao teng, chuan niu xi" | "Lower LIV yang, Lower Blood Pressure, any D/O due to LIV yang rising and LIV wind due to KI yin Xu" |
Phlegm | "dry damp, expel phlegm" | er chen tang | Two-Aged Decoction | "ban xia, chen pi(ju hong- more drying), fu ling, gan cao" | "Dissolve Damp and Phlegm, Harmonize/Descend LU/ST/SP Qi, any D/O due to phlegm/damp esp. in LU/ST" |
Phlegm | "clear heat, transform phlegm" | wen dan tang | Warm Gallbladder Decoction | "zhu ru, ban xia, chen pi, fu ling, gan cao, zhi shi, sheng jiang" | "Dissolve Hot Phlegm and Focus GB/LIV, Promote LU/ST Function, any D/O due to Hot Phlegm in GB disrupting LU/ST descending function" |
Phlegm | "clear heat, transform phlegm" | qing qi hua tan tang | Clear Qi and Transform Phlegm Decoction | "dan nan xing(tian nan xing), ban xia, huang qin, chen pi, fu ling, zhi shi, xing ren, gua lou ren" | "Clear Deep LU Heat at Qi level, Dissolve Phlegm, any D/O due to dry and hot phlegm blocking LU" |
Phlegm | "clear heat, transform phlegm" | xiao xian xiong tang | Minor Purging the Chest Formula | "ban xia, huang lian, gua lou(crushed)" | "Dissolve Hot Phlegm from ST and Chest, any D/O blocking the chest or ST" |
Phlegm | "moisten dryness, transform phlegm" | bei mu gua lou san | Fritillaria and Trichosanthes Fruit Powder | "chuan bei mu, gua lou, tian hua fen, chen pi(ju hong), fu ling, jie geng" | "Dissolve Hot and Dry Phlegm, Stop Cough, Clear Heat, any D/O due to Hot and Dry Phlegm blocking the LU" |
Phlegm | transform phlegm and dissipate nodules | xiao luo wan | Reduce Scrofula Pill | "xuan shen, mu li,(zhe) bei mu" | "Dissipates Nodules, Transform Phlegm Fire/Heat, any D/O due to Phlegm Fire causing nodules/lumps/tumors" |
Phlegm | transform phlegm and dissipate nodules | hai zao yu hu tang | Sargassum Decoction for the Jade Flask | "hai zao, kun bu, hai dai, zhe bei mu, ban xia, du huo, chuan xiong, dang gui, lian qiao, qing pi, chen pi, gan cao" | "Dissipates Nodules, Transform Phlegm, Moves/Nourishes Qi/Blood, any D/O due to Phlegm accumulation causing nodules/lumps/tumors" |
Phlegm | warm and transform cold phlegm | ling gui zhu gan tang | "Poria, Cinnamon, White Atractylodes and Licorice Decoction" | "fu ling, bai zhu, gui zhi, gan cao" | "Transform Cold Phlegm in chest and channels, Tonify SP to transform phlegm and nourish LU, any D/O due to cold phlegm obstructing the LU and channels" |
Phlegm | warm and transform cold phlegm | san zi yang qin tang | Three-Seed Decoction to Nourish One's Parents | "zi su zi, bai jie zi, lai fu zi" | "Descend LU/ST Qi, Transform (Cold) Phlegm, Relieve Food Stagnation, any D/O due to phlegm causing LU/ST qi rebellion" |
Phlegm | transform phlegm and eliminate external wind | zhi sou san | Stop Coughing Powder | "jie geng, gan cao, zi wan, bai bu, bai qian, jing jie, chen pi" | "Descend LU qi, Stop Cough, Dispel Wind, Dissolve Phlegm, any LU D/O w/lingering rebellious qi due to wind and phlegm" |
Phlegm | transform phlegm and eliminate internal wind | ban xia bai zhu tian ma tang | "Pinellia, White Atractylodes and Gastrodia Decoction" | "tian ma, ban xia, fu ling, chen pi, gan cao, bai zhu" | "Dissolve Wind-Phlegm, Lower LIV yang, subdue LIV Wind, any D/O due to Wind-Phlegm disturbing the pure Yang of the Head" |
Harmonize | shaoyang | xiao chai hu tang | Minor Bupleurum Decoction | "chai hu, huang qin, ban xia, ren shen, sheng jiang, gan cao, da zao" | "Harmonize ShaoYang/JueYin, Clear Heat from LIV/GB, Transform Phlegm/Damp, Tonify Qi (SP/ST), any D/O due to LIV/GB Disharmony causing heat and overacting on SP/ST" |
Harmonize | shaoyang | da chai hu tang | Major Bupleurum Decoction | "chai hu, huang qin, ban xia, da huang, zhi zhi, bai shao, sheng jiang, da zao" | "Cool LIV/GB Heat, Harmonize ShaoYang and YangMing, any D/O due to heat and disharmony of shaoYang and yangming with Digestive distress" |
Harmonize | shaoyang | hao qin qing dan tang | Artemesia and Scutellaria Decoction to Clear the Gallbladder | "huang qin, qing hao, ban xia, chen pi, zhu ru, zhi shi, chi fu ling, bi yu san(jasper powder: qing dai, hua shi, gan cao)" | "Clear DH in LIV/GB, Harmonize ShaoYang/SP, any D/O due to DH in LIV/GB or shaoyang syndrome" |
Harmonize | LIV/SP | si ni san | Four Counter-Flow Extremities Powder | "chai hu, bai shao, zhi shi, zhi gan cao" | "Move LIV Qi, any D/O due to LIV qi stagnation" |
Harmonize | LIV/SP | chai hu shu gan san | Bupleurum Powder to Spread the Liver | "si ni san(chai hu, bai shao, zhi , zhi gan cao), chuan xiong, xiang fu, chen pi" | "Regulate LIV qi, Move Qi and Blood, any D/O due to LIV qi stagnation and qi/blood stagnation" |
Harmonize | LIV/SP | xiao yao san | Rambling Powder | "chai hu, bai zhu, fu ling, dang gui, bai shao, bo he, sheng jiang, zhi gan cao" | "Regulate LIV qi, Harmonize LIV/SP, Harmonize LIV/Chong/Ren, any D/O due to LIV qi stagnation and LIV/SP disharmony with Qi/Blood Deficiency and Qi/Blood Stagnation" |
Harmonize | LIV/SP | jia wei xiao yao san | Augmented Rambling Powder | "chai hu, bai zhu, fu ling, dang gui, bai shao, bo he, sheng jiang, zhi gan cao, ZHI ZI, MU DAN PI" | "More Heat, more blood moving" |
Harmonize | LIV/SP | tong xie yao feng | Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea | "(chao)bai zhu (chao)bai shao, (chao)chen pi, fang feng" | "Regulate LIV qi, Soothe LIV, Promote SP T&T, Relieve cramps and diarrhea, any D/O due to LIV overacting on SP causing intestinal distress" |
Harmonize | fu/bowels | ban xia xie xin tang | Pinelia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrum | "ban xia, huang lian, huang qin, ren shen, gan jiang, da zao, gan cao" | "Harmonize ST, Direct Qi Down, Disperse Clumping, Relieve Fullness, Tonify Qi, Dispurse Tangle of Damp/Food/Heat/Cold/Qi deficiency, any digestive D/O due to SP Qi Xu combined with phlegm/cold/damp" |
Open Orifices | Heat | an gong niu huang wan | Calm the Palace Pill with Cattle Gall Stone | "Open HE and Revive Shen, Calm/Anchor Spirit, Clear Heat/Phlegm Heat, Reduce Fever, Clear Toxicity, any infectious/febrile D/O due to Ying/Xue/ShaoYin Heat blocking HE orifice" | |
Open Orifices | Heat | zhi bao wan | Greatest Treasure Special Pill | "Open HE and Revive Shen, Anchor Yang and Calm Shen, Clear Heat, any D/O due to blockage of HE orifice caused by Heat or LIV Yang rising" | |
Open Orifices | Heat | zi xue dan | Purple Snow Special Pill | "Open HE and Revive Shen, Anchor Yang and Calm Shen, Clear Internal Wind caused by Heat, " | |
Open Orifices | Cold | su he xiang wan | Styrax Pill | "Open HE and Revive Shen, Slightly Warm to Dispel Cold, Move Qi, any D/O due to blockage of HE orifice caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis leading to cold" | |
Drain Downward | Purge Heat | da cheng qi tang | Major Order the Qi Decoction | "da huang, mang xiao, hou po, zhi shi" | "Laxative to promote LI descent, Clear Heat, Moisten and Soften Stool, any yangming D/O with heat tangled with stool blocking intestines" |
Drain Downward | Purge Heat | xiao cheng qi tang | Minor Order the Qi Decoction | "da huang, hou po, zhi shi" | "Laxative to promote LI descent, Clear Heat, Moisten and Soften Stool, any yangming with heat tangled with stool blocking intestines" |
Drain Downward | Purge Heat | tiao wei cheng qi tang | Regulate Stomach and Order Qi Decoction | "da huang, mang xiao, gan cao" | "Laxative to promote LI descent, Clear Heat, Moisten and Soften Stool, any yangming with heat tangled with stool blocking intestines" |
Drain Downward | Purge Heat | da huang mu dan tang | Rhubarb and Moutan (Peony) Decoction | "da huang, mang xiao, mu dan pi, tao ren, dong gua ren" | "Clear Intestinal Heat, Move Qi/Blood, Remove Stasis in LJ, any intestinal abcess D/O due to Heat with stasis of qi/blood" |
Drain Downward | Purge Heat | liang ge san | Cool the Diaphragm Powder | "da huang, mang xiao, huang qin, lian qiao, zhi zi, bo he, (dan zhu ye, honey)" | "Clear Heat in the 3 Jiaos(emphasis on UJ), Clear Intestinal Heat and treat Constipation, Soothe the Liver, any D/O due to Heat in UJ(and 3 jiaos) with constipation" |
Drain Downward | Purge Heat | huang long tang | Yellow Dragon Decoction | "da huang, mang xiao, zhi shi, ren shen, dang gui, 3kitchen" | "Clear Heat and Bowel Movement, Tonify qi and blood" |
Drain Downward | warm yang and drive out accumulation | da huang fu zi tang | Rhubarb and Prepared Aconite Decoction | "da huang, fu zi, xi xin" | "Laxative to Promote BM, Warm Yang and Dispel Cold, any D/O due to yang xu and cold tangled with stool and blocking LI" |
Drain Downward | Moisten Intestines Unblock Bowels | ma zi ren wan | Hemp Seed Pill | "ma zi ren, xiao cheng qi tang(da huang, hou po, zhi shi), bai shao, xing ren" | "Regulate LU/LI qi, Clear Heat, Moisten Intestines, Soothe the LIV, any chronic constipation due to heat drying the intestines" |
Drain Downward | Moisten Intestines Unblock Bowels | run chang wan | Moisten Intestine Pill | "ma zi ren/huo ma ren, dang gui, sheng di, zhi ke, tao ren" | "Moisten Intestines, Nourish Yin and Blood, Move Bowel, any chronic constipation with dry stools due to yin/blood xu" |
Drain Downward | Moisten Intestines Unblock Bowels | zeng ye cheng qi tang | Increase Fluids and Order Qi Decoction | "da huang, mang xiao, zeng ye tang (xuan shen, sheng di huang, mai men dong)" | "Regulate descent of LI qi, Clear Heat, Unblock Bowels, Nourish Yin and Fluids, any D/O due to LI heat accumulation w/ Yin and Fluid Xu" |
Drain Downward | Moisten Intestines Unblock Bowels | ji chuan tang | Benefit the River Decoction | "rou cong rong, dang gui, niu xi(huai for tonic, chuan for moistening), ze xie, zhi ke, sheng ma" | "Regulate descent of LI qi, Tonify KI essence/qi/yang/blood, any constipation due to KI yang/essence/blood xu" |
Regulate Qi | Move Qi | yue ju wan | Escape Restraint Pill | "xiang fu, chuan xiong, sang zhu, shen qu, zhi zi" | "Regulate Qi, Soothe LIV, relieve pain and symptoms caused by LIV qi stagnation, any D/O due to Qi stagnation especially in the MJ, and any digestive problems associated with it" |
Regulate Qi | Move Qi | ban xia hou po tang | Pinellia and Magnolia Bark | "ban xia, hou po, fu ling, zi su ye, sheng jiang" | "Transform Phlegm and Dissapate lumps, Tonify qi to regulate LU/ST descent, any D/O due to damp phlegm tangled with qi stagnation" |
Regulate Qi | Move Qi | gua lou xie bai bai jiu tang | "Trichosanthes Fruit, Chinese Chive and Wine Decoction" | "xie bai, gua luo, rice wine" | "Warm Ancestral Qi of the chest, Dispel Cold in the Chest, Move qi in chest, Dissolve Phlegm, any D/O involving chest pain/pressure in chest due to yang xu w/cold/phlegm/qi staganation" |
Regulate Qi | Move Qi | liang fu wan | Galangal and Cyperus Pill | "gao liang jiang, xiang fu, sheng jiang" | "Warm MJ, Dispel Cold, Regulate Digestive Qi, Stop Pain, any D/O due to cold MJ with qi stagnation" |
Regulate Qi | Move Qi | jin ling zi san | Melia Toosendan Powder (Gold Bell Powder) | "chuan lian zi, yan hu suo" | "Move Qi/Blood, Relieve pain, Clear Heat due to stagnation, any D/O due to qi and blood stagnation causing pain" |
Regulate Qi | Move Qi | nuan gan jian | Warm the Liver Decoction | "rou gui, xiao hui xiang, wu yao, chen xiang, dang gui, fu ling, gou qi zi, sheng jiang" | "Dispel Cold from LIV meridian and Blood Vessels, Move Qi and Blood, Stop Pain, Tonify Blood/Yin/KI, any D/O due to coldin LIV blood/vesels/meridians leading to qi and blood stagnation" |
Regulate Qi | Rebellious LU Qi | su zi jiang qi wan | Perilla Fruit Decoction for Descending Qi | "zi su zi, quan hu(hog fennel), hou po, er chen tang(- fu ling), rou gui, dang gui, gan cao" | "Descend LU qi, Dissolve Phlegm, Promote KI grasping LU qi, any CHRONIC LU D/O due to rebellious LU qi caused by phlegm and KI not grasping Qi" |
Regulate Qi | Rebellious LU Qi | ding chuan tang | Arrest Wheeze Decoction | "san au tang(ma huang, xing ren, gan cao), bai guo(yin xing- ginko seed), zi su zi, sang bai pi, ban xia, kuan dong hua(coltsfoot flower), huang qin" | "Regulate LU qi, Dissolve Phlegm, Relieve Asthma, Slightly Heat Clearing, any D/O due to LU qi failing to descend caused by phlegm and/or heat" |
Regulate Qi | Rebellious ST Qi | xuan fu da zhe wan | Inula and Hematite Decoction | "xuan fu hua, dai zhe shi, ban xia, ren shen, da zao, gan cao, sheng jiang" | "Descend ST qi, Tonify SP/ST Qi, Transform Phlegm, any D/O due to ST qi failing to descend and phlegm" |
Food Stagnation | Dissolve | bao he wan | Preserve Harmony Pill | "shen qu, shan zha, lai fu zi, chen pi, ban xia, fu ling, lian qiao" | "Dissolve Food Stasis, Harmonize ST, Move Qi, Dissolve Phlegm, any D/O due to Food Stagnation and phlegm and blockage of qi by the food" |
Food Stagnation | Dissolve | mu xiang bing lang wan | Aucklandia and Betel Nut Pill | "bing lang, qian niu zi(morning glory seed), da huang, e zhu, mu xiang, qing pi, chen pi, zhi ke, xiang fu, huang lian, huang bai" | "Dissolve and Purge Food Stasis, Move Qi, Clear Heat, any digestive D/O due to Food Stasis in MJ or Intestines w/qi stagnation and heat" |
Parasites | Expel | wu me wan | Mume Pill | "wu mei, fu zi, gan jiang, hua jiao, xi xin, rou gui, ren shen, huang lian, huang bai, dang gui" | "Warm SP Yang and Dispel Cold from MJ, Tonify Qi, Clear Damp from MJ and GB, Calm/Spend/Purge Parasites, JueYin stage, any D/O due to MJ yang and qi xu with cold" |
Category | Sub category | Pinyin | English | Herbs | Actions/Indications |
Heat | Ying/Xue | qing ying tang | Clear the Nutritive Level Decoction | "shui niu jiao(xi jiao), sheng di huang, xuan shen, dan zhu ye, jin yi hua, lian qiao, huang lian, mai men dong, dan shen" | "Clear Heat from the Blood at Ying Level, Guide Heat out of Blood through Wei and Qi levels, any Febrile D/O due to Heat/Toxic Heat at Ying Level" |
Heat | Ying/Xue | xi jiao(shui niu jiao) di huang tang | Rhinoceros Horn(Water Buffalo Horn) and Rehmannia Decoction | "shui niu jiao(xi jiao), sheng di huang, mu dan pi, chi shao yao" | "Clear Heat from Xue level, Dissolve or Prevent Blood Stasis, Stop Bleeding, Nourish Yin/Blood, any D/O with Heat/Toxic Heat at Xue Level causing Blood Stasis and Bleeding" |
Heat | Summer Heat | liu yi san | Six to One Powder | "6-parts hua shi, 1-part zhi gan cao" | Summerheat |