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Written Communication Quiz
Term | Definition |
Communication | The written, verbal or non-verbal exchange or delivery of, for example, information, messages or questions. |
Purchase Order | A formal document that is used to communicate to a supplier items or services that are required by the business. This is a legally binding document. |
Invoice | A formal document that is used to by the supplier to charge another person or business for of an item or service they have provided. |
An electronic method of communicating. Each sender and recipient has their own individual address. Messages can be sent with attachments, pictures, web links etc. Take care though this is not a legally binding form of communication. | |
Form | A paper or electronic document that has fields to be completed by a user. For example a feedback form after a course, an application for a job. |
Template | A sample document that has already some details in place for example a template for writing a letter in a particular style. |
House Style | The font, colour, layout and style of documents used within a business. |
Notice | A document that is used to display important information either within or outside of a business to a wide audience. Within a business it would be put on a notice board, eg it could be used to advise employees who their area first aider is. |
Letter | A formal document, often paper based, that is used to communicate both within and outside of a business. For example it could be used to invite a person for an interview or for communicating a customer complaint. |
Memo | An internal, informal paper based document for sending messages between employees. |
Procedure | A formalised set of instructions on how to perform a process or meet a standard eg how to write a report. |
Organisation Chart | A list of all employees &/or departments, shown in a pictorial format, to explain the relationships in a business. |