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guilande's kool note

sat vocabulary

Dubious uncertain, doubtful
singular unique,special,remarkable
sanctimonious fake loving god, phony holy
preempt to replace by prior arrangement
frenetic frantic,
immutable unchangeable
affinity long time
transient on the move
vindictive to be spiteful,wanting to take revenge
exigent urgent,pressing,immediate action
facile easy
precedent something that comes before something else and serves as an example of or justification for it
concord harmony,agreement,a peaceful similarity of attitudes
willful headstrong, stubborn determined to have one's own way
precipitate to bring about
precipitate bring about,to set off, to cause to happen
fauna refers to animals
rigorous strict,harsh,
illicit forbidden, illegal
reprove criticize or correct
capitulate surrender, to collapse
robust strong,hardy,vigorous
coalesce merge or to fuse
superficial shallow, concerned with self
scrutinize examine carefully, to study in detail
aptitude natural ability,a talent
obfuscate means to make unclear, to darken or confuse
mundane ordinary, routine
harbinger forerunner, somethings that precedes something else and let's us know its comeing
circumspect guarded, viligent
approbation praise, approval,
static not moving, stationary, lacking movement or growth
anarchy the absence of goverment or auhtority
colloquail informal, coversational, common
hermetic airtight or tight sealed
experdite to help along, to speed up the process
impervious unable to be penertrated
apartheid rigid policy of racial seregration
edify uplift, to benefit
fetter restrain, shackle
connoisseur expert at a certain subject
compelling forceful, having a powerful pull
paradox self-contradiction
despot tyrant, a king or dictator
erudite scholarly,smart
deprecate deplore, to express strong disapproval
vocation a calling, a profession
auspicious hearting, encourage
languish to experience prolonged in activity in a way that weakness or depresses
credulous gullible, eager to believe
decorous proper, dignified, in a good taste
consumate skillful, complete
catergorical unconditional
malaise sense of lethargy and unease
awry off course, not right
platitude tirte, overused saying
destitude extremly poor,lacking in what is requried for a basic
extrovert outgoing person
ephemeral short lived
callow immature, inexperienced
malleable easy to shape or mold
legacy something inherited
discriminate to make a distinction
monolithic expresses both sides of the idea
abject hopeless, wretched, miserable
vitriolic full of bitterness, nasty
beset surrounded on all sides, attacked by
renounce means to give up, to deny
matriculate enroll,(college and universities)
convivial festive, friendly, good natured
venerate to honor, deeply respect
contiguous adjoining
arbitrary unfair
pristine pure, unspoiled
succinct to the point
farcical crazy
nepotism practice of showing who's favorite
cogent convincing
rustic lacking the comforts, sophistication of a city
doctrinaire to be flexible,believe in something even if not true
vitiate spoil, pollute
uniform standard
coherent understandable
transgress to sin or break a law
stagnation dormant, not moving and no growth
onerous distasteful
convert hidden, secret
adulation hero worship, to much praise
discern to make different from something else
genteel polite, well bred
demagogue someone who uses people's prejudices and fears to move them to action
comprehensive complete, leaving nothing out
integral in the sense of being inseparable from
obtuse not tuned in , slow to catch on to
decimate destroy most of it
lethargy laziness,
provincial simple , unsophisticated
relinquish release, let go of
noxious bad odor
desiccate dry out, to remove moisture from
peccadillo minor offense, meaningless fault
Created by: G-babi
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