Release the Exterior
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Release the Exterior
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Question | Answer |
Ma Huang Tang Release the Exterior | T:twc, P: floating, Tight |
Gui Zhi Tang Release the Exterior | T:thin, white & moist, P:Floating & either moderate or frail |
Ge Gen Tang Release the Exterior | T:twc, P:Floating, Tight |
Sang Ju Yin Release the Exterior | T:twc, P:Floating, Rapid |
Yin Qiao San Release the Exterior | T:TWC or TYC, P:Floating, Rapid |
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang Release the Exterior | T: red or nl w thin yellow coat P:Floating, Slightly Flooding and rapid |
Ren Shen Bai Du San Release the Exterior | T:greasy & white, P:Floating,Soggy |
Bai Hu Tang clear heat - 4 bigs | T:red w/dry, yellow coating, P:flooding, forceful/slippery, rapid |
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang clear heat- toxic gu | T:red/yellow coat, P:Rapid, Forceful |
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang lung heat | T:yellow coat, P:Slippery, Rapid |
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang clear heat Liv fire | T:Red/yellow coat, P:Wiry, Rapid & Forceful |
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang clear heat yin xu | T:Red/little coating, P:Fine, Rapid |
Da Cheng Qi Tang drain down YM dry heat | T:Dry, Yellow, Black w/prickles, P:Submerged, Excessive |
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang drain down mild YM | T:Dirty & Dry Yellow, P:Slippery, Rapid |
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang invigorate blood - Abd Pain d/t Blood Stag / Heat LJ | T:Purple/thin&yellow, P:Submerged, Full & Choppy |
Xiao Chai Hu Tang harmonize shao yang | T:TWC, P:Wiry |
Si Ni San harmonize Liv >Sp/St | T:Red/yellow coat, P:Wiry |
Xiao Yao San harmonize Liv Qi Stag Blood Xu | T:Pale Red, P:Wiry, Deficient |
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang harmonize MJ heat/cold | T:Thick Yellow Greasy, P:Wiry, Rapid |
Wu Ling San Diuretic - UB/Lu | T:White Coat, P:Floating or Slippery |
Zhu Ling Tang Diuretic - DH LJ w damaged Yin | T:Red, white/yellow coating, P:Thready,Rapid |
Wu Pi San Diuretic- skin edema | T:white, greasy coat, P:Submerged, Moderate |
Ping Wei San Diuretic- DC in MJ | T:Swollen, Thick, white, greasy coat, P: Moderate or Slippery |
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San Diuretic Ext WC w Int D stag | T:White,Greasy Coat, P:Moderate, Soggy |
Ba Zheng San Diuretic DH LJ | T:Yellow,Greasy Coat, P:Slippery, Rapid |
Zhen Wu Tang Diuretic - K/Sp Yang xu | T pale purple swollen teeth marks w white slippery coat, P submerged thin forceless |
Bei Mu Gua Lou San | T red dry scant coat P rapid thin but strong |
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang | T pale w white coat, P thin weak slow |
Li Zhong Wan | T:pale w white coat, P submerged thin |
Wu Zhu Yu Tang | T: NOT red, white slippery coat P thin slow or thin wiry |
Da Jian Zhong Tang | T: white slippery TC., P thin tight or slow (in especially severe case Hidden) |
Si Ni Tang | T: pale w white slippery coat, P submerged thin faint |
Si Jun Zi Tang | T pale P thin frail |
Yu Ping Feng San | T: pale, white coat, P: floating deficient soft |
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang | T pale w thin white coat, P deficient - rootless R middle |
Sheng Mai San | T pale red w dry thin coat, P def rapid |
Si Wu Tang | T: pale, P: thin wiry or thin choppy |
Gui Pi Tang | T pale w thin coat P thin frail |
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang | T pale dusky w thin white coat, P thin weak deep possibly slow |
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | T red w scant coat, P thin rapid |
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan K yang tonic | T pale swollen w thin white moist coat, P empty or frail faint at proximal position |
Yue Ju Wan 6 constraints | T: pale purple w slippery greasy coat,P: wiry slippery possibly rapid |
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang plum pit | T: moist or greasy white tc, P: wiry slow slippery |
Suan Zao Ren calm shen | T red and dry P wiry thin rapid |
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan calm shen tonify H/K yin blood | T red w scant coat, P thin rapid |
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang calm shen crazy lady | T red w scant coat P thin rapid |
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang xs above xu below | T white w greasy coat, P slippery weak |
Ding Chuan Tang reg qi - descend lung qi | T: greasy yellow tc,P:slippery rapid |
Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang reg qi - hiccups | T tender red, P def rapid |
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang invigorate blood - Abd Pain d/t Blood Stag / Heat LJ | T purple w thin yellow coat, P submerged full choppy |
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang drain down mild YM | T yellow coat, P slippery rapid |
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang | T dark red w dark spots on sides P choppy wiry tight |
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan | T: purple w dark spots and white or yellow tc,P: choppy |
Wen Jing Tang | T dusky, w thin coat, P deep slow thin choppy wiry tight |
Xiao Feng San | T yellow or white coat, P forceful floating rapid |
Si Shen Wan | T pale w thin white coat, P submerged slow forceless |
Gu Jing Wan | T red P rapid, wiry |
Xiao Huo Luo Dan | T white moist coat P wiry slippery |
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin | T red w yellow coat, P wiry rapid |
Er Chen Tang | T swollen thick white greasy coat P slippery |
Wen Dan Tang | T greasy yellow coat P rapid slippery or wiry |
Zhi Sou San | T thin white coat, P moderate and floating |
Ban Xia bai zhu Tian Ma Tang | T white greasy coat P wiry slippery |
Bao He Wan food stagnation | T yellow greasy coat P slippery |
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang clear heat - yin xu | T red w little coat, P thin rapid |
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin Ext toxic heat - | T: red w yellow coat,P: rapid |
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang clear heat - toxic | T: red w yellow coat P: forceful rapid |
xie xin tang clear heat 3J | T: red w greasy yellow coat,P: forceful rapid |
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang clear heat -L fire | T: Red/yellow coat, P:Wiry, Rapid & Forceful |
Dao Chi San clear heat-H>SI | T: red,P: rapid |
Bai Tou Weng Tang clear heat dysentery | T red w yellow coat, P: wiry rapid |
juan bi tang Diuretic - WCD Bi syndrome | T: thick white coat, P: slow possibly slippery |
xing su san Tx Dryness - cool cough | T: dry w white coat,P: Wiry |
bai he gu jing tang Tx Dryness - lung TB | T dry red w little coat,P: thin rapid |
mai men dong tang Tx Dryness - Lu/St qi + yin xu | T: dry red little coat, P: def rapid |
wu zhu yu tang warm int cold - St,Liv.K | T: NOT red, white slippery coat P thin slow or thin wiry |
si ni tang warm int cold - yang collapse | T: pale w white slippery coat, P submerged thin faint |
da jian zhong tang warm int cold - MJ yang xu | T: white slippery TC., P thin tight or slow (in especially severe case Hidden) |
xiao jian zhong tang warm int cold - Sp yang xu | T: pale w white coat,P: thin wiry and moderate |
li zhong wan warm int cold -Sp/St def cold | T:pale w white coat, P submerged thin |
shi quan da bu tang tonic - qi blood xu w mild def cold | T:pale dusky w thin white coat ,P: thin weak deep possibly slow |
ba zhen tang tonic - qi and blood | T: pale ,P: thin frail or large def without strength |
si jun zi tang SP/St qi tonic | T: pale ,P: thin frail |
si wu tang blood xu +stag | T: pale ,P: thin wiry or thin choppy |
sheng mai san Lung Qi +Yin xu | T: pale red w dry thin coat ,P: deficient rapid thin |
shen ling bai zhu san Sp Qi Def Damp | T: pale w white coat, P: thin moderate or deficient |
jing gui shen qi san K yang tonic | T: pale swollen w thin white moist coat, P: empty frail submerged and faint at prox position |
zou gui wan K yin and essence tonic | T: red dry w peeled coat ,P: thin rapid |
you gui wan K Yang, Essence + Blood tonic | T: pale swollen, P: thin frail esp at proximal position |
gui pi tang Sp Qi + H blood tonic | T pale w thin coat P thin frail |
liu wei di huang wan K+Liv yin tonic | T red w scant coat, P thin rapid |
dang gui bu xue tang tonic for Blood +Qi xu w floating yang | T:pale, P: flooding big deficient |
bu zhong yi qi tang SP & ST Qi tonic | T pale w thin white coat, P deficient - rootless R middle |
qing qi hua tan tang resolve phlegm - Lung Phlegm Heat causing cough | T: greasy yellow coat, P: slippery rapid |
Bei Mu Gua Lou San resolve phlegm- dry phlegm in lung | T red dry scant coat P rapid thin but strong |
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang resolve phlegm - Internal Wind-Phlegm Rising | T white greasy coat P wiry slippery |
Zhi Sou Tang resolve phlegm -External Wind Attacking the LU | T thin white coat, P moderate and floating |
Er Chen Tang resolve phlegm - Damp Phlegm Syndrome in MJ or Lung | T swollen thick white greasy coat P slippery |
Wen Dan Tang resolve phlegm - GB & ST Disharmony w/ Phlegm-Heat | T greasy yellow coat P rapid slippery or wiry |
Yue Ju wan regulate Qi - 6 constraints | T: pale purple w slippery greasy coat,P: wiry slippery possibly rapid |
Su Zi Jiang Qi tang - regulate Qi - LU Cold-Phlegm (XS above) + KD Yang Def (Xu below) | T white w greasy coat, P slippery weak |
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang regulate Qi -LV Qi & Phlegm Stagnation in Throat | T: moist or greasy white tc, P: wiry slow slippery |
Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang regulate Qi - hiccups -ST Deficiency & Heat & Rebel ST Qi | T tender red, P def rapid |
gui zhi fu ling wan invigorate blood - uterus | T: purple w dark spots and white or yellow tc,P: choppy |
xue fu zhu yu tang invigorate blood - chest | T dark red w dark spots on sides P choppy wiry tight |
sheng hua tang invigorate blood - postpartum | T pale purple or pale w purple spots, P: thin choppy submerged |
tao he cheng qi tang invigorate blood - Abd Pain d/t Blood Stag / Heat LJ | T:Purple/thin&yellow, P:Submerged, Full & Choppy |
dan shen yin invigorate blood - MI, CAD | T purple, P: choppy |
wen jing tang invigorate blood - Chong & Ren Mai Deficiency-Cold | T dusky, w thin coat, P deep slow thin choppy wiry tight |
Jiao Ai tang hemostatic - uterine w chong ren xu cold | T: pale, P: thin frail forceless |
Huai hua san hemostatic - hemorrhoids | T: red, P : Wiry or soggy rapid |
huang lian e jiao tang calm shen - Yin Xu Fire | T red w dry yellow coat, P: thin rapid |
gan mai da zao tang calm shen - HT Yin Deficiency w/ LV Qi Stagnation | T red w scant coat P thin rapid |
suan zao ren tang calm shen - LV Blood xu Causing Yin xu w/ Heat | T red and dry P wiry thin rapid |
xiao feng san expel wind - Wind-Damp-Heat in the Skin | T yellow or white coat, P forceful floating rapid, |
tian ma gou teng yin expel wind - LV Yang Rising | T red w yellow coat, P wiry rapid |
xiao hou lou dan expel wind - Wind-Cold-Damp Bi / CVA | T white moist coat P wiry slippery |
zhen gan xi feng tang expel wind - liver wind rising due to liver/kidney yin xu | T: - P: wiry long forceful |
Bao He Wan food stagnation | T yellow greasy coat P slippery |
Wan Dai Tang stabilize and bind -leukorrhea d/t Dai/Sp xu w damp qi stag | T pale w white coat P: soggy frail |
Si Shen Wan stabilize and bind - KD & SP Yang xu - daybreak diarrhea | T pale w thin white coat, P submerged slow forceless |
Yu Ping Feng San stabilize and bind - Wei Qi Xu Causing Sweating | T pale w white coat, P floating deficient soft |
Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan stabilize and bind - spermatorrhea due to K def | T: pale, P: thin frail, |
Gu Jing Wan stabilize and bind - LV Fire > Chong- Ren mai> Beng Lou | T red P rapid, wiry |
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang stabilize and bind - Yin Def Heat | T: red dry, P: rapid |
Ma Zi Ren Wan drain down - dry heat | T dry yellow coat, P: submerged, rapid or floating choppy |
Run Chang Wan drain down - dessicated intestines | T dry P: thin |