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AICP Economics

AICP Economics and Statistics

Used making a decision on whether or not to spend money to build a new senior center or hire more police. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Retaining existing business and industry is a goal of? Economic Development Programs
Attracting business is a goal of? Economic Development Programs
Developing and financing facilities that help capture business is a goal of? Economic Development Programs
When material that is a matter of public record containing sensitive, private, or confidential information is removed from a public file. Redaction
Concurrency is attributable to which state? Florida
The most common measure of traffic volume is? LOS
Compares what a community gains from a project to what must be sacrificed to obtain it. Cost-Benefit Analysis
A systematic comparision between the amount one section of the communty is paying to the cost of serivices provided to that sector. Cost-Revenue Analysis
Its purpose is to assist the city in determining if the project will generate sufficient revenue to defray the cost of public services. Fiscal Impact Study
The industrial classification system that replaced the SIC is? North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Utilize quantitative methods to analyze impact on the community; ie economic base theory, location quotient, shift-share, etc. Economic Development Plans
Use of info or current data symptomatic of what is being studied; ie sampling Estimate
"Best Guess" - id future considtion analysist feels to occur; decisions & judgement with respect to various factors & variables; might be skewed Forecast
"what If" about future if assumptions prove true (IF) Projection
Constructed to avoid undesirable futures, make desired forecasts come true, to create more desirable futures Plan
Method adds a shift factor to account for jobs into or out of local economy due to factors affecting local economy. Shift-share
Method determines level of basic sector employment by comparing local economy to economy of larger geographic region, State or country. Location Quotient
Method which allows analysts to quantify and evaluate connections between industrial sectors. Input-Output Modeling
Give money to develop businesses in a certain location. Place-Related Programs (Carter) Federal fundiing 1960s
Enacted in 1994-Federal funds to distressed areas. Empowerment Zone Program (Clinton)
Zone with tax breads for new investment are offered - tax reductions, direct grants, waiving land use requirements. Enterprize zone
Created by: Joseph.w.baker



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