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1.6 Regular Present
Question | Answer |
to dance the tango | bailar el tango |
to go down the stairs | bajar las escaleras |
to look/ search for a book | buscar un libro |
to walk despacio | caminar despacio |
to sing something | cantar algo |
to buy | comprar tacos |
to cook bien | cocinar bien |
to listen to music | escuchar la música |
to study art | estudiar el arte |
to talk, speak in Spanish | hablar en español |
to call by cell phone | llamar por celular |
to arrive late | llegar tarde |
to wear, carry, bring something | llevar algo |
to look at, to watch the TV | mirar la tele |
to swim in the ocean | nadar en el océano |
to need a pen | necesitar una pluma |
to skate | patinar |
to practice the flute | practicar la fluta |
to ask something | preguntar algo |
to prepare, fix, ready | preparar |
to take out, get a good grade | sacar una buena nota |
to end, finish, terminate | terminar |
to touch, play (music) el piano | tocar la fluta |
take (drink/eat) a coke | tomar una coca |
to work a lot | trabajar mucho |
to use a pen | usar un lápiz |
to learn english | aprender inglés |
to drink something | beber algo |
to eat something | comer algo |
to understand | comprender |
to run fast | correr rápido |
to believe | creer |
to read a magazine | leer una revista |
to answer, respond | responder |
to sell | vender |
to open | abrir la puerta |
to describe someone | describir a alguien |
to write a letter | escribir una carta |
to decide | decidir |
to receive a gift | recibir un regalo |
to go up, to get in the car | subir el coche/carro |
to live | vivir en Akron |
to see the game | ver el partido |
to know (how to) | saber |
to go | ir |