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Hungarian List 8
Hungarian list containing grammar, verbs, and vocabulary-8
Term | Definition |
hegy | mountain, hill |
völgy | valley |
erdő | forest, woods |
környék | surroundings, vicinity |
hajó | ship |
csónak | rowboat |
kezdődik | a thing begins, or starts (like a movie) |
érkezni | a mode of transportation arrives, arrival, arriving to a place |
indulni | a mode of transportation departs, starting to travel, beginning of travel |
hiába | in vain |
portás | doorman, porter |
majdnem | nearly, almost |
verseny | tournament, match, race |
részt venni | to take part |
éppen | just, even (as in I'm just reading a book) (as in I don't have a car even though I have the money for one) |
ajtó | door |
ablak | window |
előtt | in front of, before |
képes valamire | you can do something (capable of) |
szóval | so (as in so, tell me--or it was so warm) |
nehéz kimondani | that's hard to pronounce (say) |
nagy/nagyobb/legnagyobb | big/bigger/biggest |
kicsi/kisebb/legkisebb | small/smaller/smallest |
esik a hó | it's snowing |
fázni (irregular) | to be cold -én fázom, te fázol, ő fázik, mi fázunk, ti fáztok, ők fáznak |
viszont | at the same time, like a contrast of two things, however |
visszajöttem | I'm back |
pontosan | exactly |
érinteni | to touch |
elfelejteni | to forget |
alföld | lowland, plain |
szövetkezet | a cooperative |
kapu | gate |
gyorsan | quickly, rapidly, fast |
hajtani | when you leave a place and something that motivates you |
szekér | cart, wagon |
teherautó | truck |
út/utca | road/street |
poros | dusty |
országút | highway, primary road |
gazdaság | farm, homestead |
tag | member (of something) |
mindenki | everybody |
hold | acre |
föld | soil, earth, ground, floor |
gabona | crop, grain, corn |
termelni (FVs) | to grow, to cultivate, to produce |
rajta | on him, her, it |
tanya | farm, farmstead |
istálló | barn, stable |