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motor area
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sensory area
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scalp acupuncture

Dr Yang microsystems

motor area from eyebrow-occipital line at edge of hair to 0.5 cm post midpoint of midline
sensory area 1.5 cm posterior to motor line
scalp tx is contra or ipsi lateral to affected limb? contralateral
ear tx is contra or ipsi lateral to affected side? ipsilateral
chorea and tremor line is 1.5 cm anterior to motor line
blood vessel dilation/constriction line is 1.5 cm anterior to chorea line
foot/leg sensory and motor line is located paralell and 1 cm distant to midline and is about 3 cm long
lower limb and trunk motor area upper 5th motor line
upper limb motor area 2nd and 3rd 5ths of motor line area
facial motor area lower 2/5ths of motor area line
lower limb, head and trunk sensory area upper 5th of sensory line area
upper limb sensory area 2nd and 3rd fifths of sensory area line
facial sensory area lower 2/5 ths of sensory area line
for contralateral low back pain, numbness or paresthesia upper 1/5 sensory line
for occipital headache, stiff neck or vertigo upper 1/5 sensory line
for contralateral facial paralysis, aphasia, drooling, speech impairment lower 2/5 motor line (facial area)
for pain, numbness, paresthesia of contralateral arm 2nd and 3rd 5ths of contralateral sensory line
for migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, toothache, TMJ arthritis contralateral sensory line lower 5th (facial area)
for pain, paralysis, numbness of leg or low back sprain, nocturnal urination, or prolapsed uterus 3cm long line paralell to and 1 cm from midline (leg motor and sensory area)
for chorea, tremors, palsy line from midline to temple hairline 1.5 cm anterior to motor line or 1 cm anterior to midpoint
for superficial edema or HTN line at right angles to midline 2.5 cm anterior to midpoint or 3 cm ant to motor line
vertigo and hearing area horizontal line, 1.5 cm above and centered on ear apex 4 cm long
tinnitus, vertigo, diminished hearing, menier's syndrome vertigo and hearing area
speech area #1 upper 2/5 motor line
speech area #3 overlaps vertigo and hearing line but starts at midpoint above ear apex and extends back 3 cm
nominal aphasia speech #2
receptive aphasia speech #3
speech area #2 a vertical line 3 cm in length, between crown and occiput, parallel to midline
apraxia - voluntary movement area 3 lines at 40 degree angles from each other, 3 cm long
vision area location - cortical blindness 1 cm lateral to EOP parallel to midline, 4 cm long extending up
balance area location - cerebellar disorders 3 cm lateral to EOP, parallel to midline, 4 cm long ext down
stomach area - epigastric discomfort directly above pupil, parallel to midline, from hair line back 2 cm long
Liv/GB 2 cm down from stomach line toward pupil
thoracic cavity line midway between stomach line and midline, 2 cm long
asthma, SVT, chest pain thoracic cavity line
reproductive area parallel to stomach line and equidistant as thoracic cavity line is from stomach, also 2 cm long
abnormal uterine bleeding reproductive area
combine w leg motor area for prolapsed uterus reproductive area
Created by: kalyana
Popular Acupuncture sets




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