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Term | Definition |
el cuello | neck |
el hombro | shoulder |
el pecho | chest |
el codo | elbow |
el brazo | arm |
la muneca | wrist |
la pierna | leg |
la rodilla | knee |
el dedo | finger |
hacerse dano | damage done |
ha tenido | has had |
un accidente | an accident |
se cayo | he fell |
de su bicicleta | off his bicycle |
y se hizo dano | and damage has been done |
se rompio | has been broken |
Parece que | It appears that |
no se ha roto | it appears that he has not broken |
se ha torcido | has twisted |
Tiene el tobillo muy hinchado | She has a swollen ankle |
Pero no tiene fractura | But she does not have a fracture |
tiene un herida | has a wound |
se ha cortado el dedo | he has cut his finger |
una abeja le ha picado | a bee has stung |
ella no se siente bien | she is not feeling well |
le duele mucho | It hurts alot |
la frente | forehead |
la mejilla | cheek |
la nariz | nose |
el ojo | eye |
el oido | inner ear |
la oreja | outer ear |
el labio | lip |
la camilla | streacher |
el socorrista | paramedic |
el servicio de primeros auxillos | first aid service |
ha habido | there has been |