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Senators by State

United States Senators

Richard Shelby Alabama
Jeff Sessions Alabama
Lisa Murkowski Alaska
Dan Sullivan Alaska
John McCain Arizona
Jeff Flake Arizona
John Boozman Arkansas
Tom Cotton Arkansas
Dianne Feinstein California
Barbara Boxer California
Michael Bennet Colorado
Cory Gardner Colorado
Richard Blumenthal Connecticut
Chris Murphy Connecticut
Tom Carper Delaware
Chris Coons Delaware
Bill Nelson Florida
Marco Rubio Florida
Johnny Isakson Georgia
David Perdue Georgia
Brian Schatz Hawaii
Mazie Hirono Hawaii
Mike Crapo Idaho
Jim Risch Idaho
Dick Durbin Illinois
Mark Kirk Illinois
Dan Coats Indiana
Joe Donnelly Indiana
Joni Ernst Iowa
Chuck Grassley Iowa
Pat Roberts Kansas
Jerry Moran Kansas
Mitch McConnell Kentucky
Rand Paul Kentucky
David Vitter Louisiana
Bill Cassidy Louisiana
Susan Collins Maine
Angus King Maine
Barbara Mikulski Maryland
Ben Cardin Maryland
Elizabeth Warren Massachusetts
Ed Markey Massachusetts
Debbie Stabenow Michigan
Gary Peters Michigan
Amy Klobuchar Minnesota
Al Franken Minnesota
Thad Cochran Mississippi
Roger Wicker Mississippi
Claire McCaskill Missouri
Roy Blunt Missouri
Jon Tester Montana
Steve Daines Montana
Deb Fischer Nebraska
Ben Sasse Nebraska
Harry Reid Nevada
Dean Heller Nevada
Jeanne Shaheen New Hampshire
Kelly Ayotte New Hampshire
Bob Menendez New Jersey
Cory Booker New Jersey
Tom Udall New Mexico
Martin Heinrich New Mexico
Chuck Schumer New York
Kirsten Gillibrand New York
Richard Burr North Carolina
Thom Tillis North Carolina
John Hoeven North Dakota
Heidi Heitkamp North Dakota
Sherrod Brown Ohio
Rob Portman Ohio
Jim Inhofe Oklahoma
James Lankford Oklahoma
Ron Wyden Oregon
Jeff Merkley Oregon
Bob Casey, Jr. Pennsylvania
Pat Toomey Pennsylvania
Jack Reed Rhode Island
Sheldon Whitehouse Rhode Island
Lindsey Graham South Carolina
Tim Scott South Carolina
John Thune South Dakota
Mike Rounds South Dakota
Lamar Alexander Tennessee
Bob Corker Tennessee
John Cornyn Texas
Ted Cruz Texas
Orrin Hatch Utah
Mike Lee Utah
Patrick Leahy Vermont
Bernie Sanders Vermont
Mark Warner Virginia
Tim Kaine Virginia
Patty Murray Washington
Maria Cantwell Washington
Joe Manchin West Virginia
Shelley Moore Capito West Virginia
Ron Johnson Wisconsin
Tammy Baldwin Wisconsin
Mike Enzi Wyoming
John Barrasso Wyoming
Created by: MorganT932
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