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el nino boy
el pan bread
la manzana apple
la mujer woman
el hombre man
el agua water
la nina girl
una an
un a
yo I me
soy am
come eats (he/she/it)eats (you formal)eat
el come he eats
el he him it
es (he/she/it) is (you formal) are be
usted you (formal) one
ella she her
tu you one
erse are(you) it is be
la the (female) (to) her (to) it (to) you (formal female)
bebes (you) drinks babies
buenos good(feminine) goods
nochas night nights evening sadnesses
dias morning
hola hello
adiso bye goodbye
gracias thank you thanks
de nada you are welcome
nada anything (he/she/it ) swims (you formal) swims
no no
si yes
hablo speak talk
disculpe excuse me
yo hablo espanol i speak spanish
hablos tu espanol do you speak spanish
hablos tu inglies do you speak english
yo no habol espanol i do not speak spanish
tu hablas ingles do you speak english
tu no hablas espanol you do not speak spanish
disculpe , lo siento excuse me, i am sorry
perdon sorry
por favor pleace
mucho gusto nice to meet you
nosotros some hombres we are men
nosotros we
somos (we) are (we) is (we) be
hombres men
bebemos (we) drink
mujeres women
ustedes you(plural)
son (they/you plural) are sound be
somos hombres we are men
los the (plural) (to)them (to) you (plural)
beben (he/she/it singular) drinks (they/ you plural)drink
las the(female plural) (to) them(female) ( to) you(plural female)
ustedes son ninas you all are girls
ninas girls
ninos children boys sons
ellos they them its
ellas they(feminine) them
el vino wine
el libro book
la diario newspaper
escribe write
escribes (you) write
esribimos (we) write worte
yo escribo i write
yo bebo vive i drink wine
tu escribes la carta you write the letter
lees (you) read you hes
persona person
leo (i) read
leemos (we) read
el arroz rice
el pollo chicken
el huevo egg
comemos eats (we) eat
cocino (i) cook bake roast
comen (they/you plural)eat
como (i) eat like kind of
pescado fish
la pasta pasta
la jugo juice
la naranja orange
el queso cheese
came meat flesh
la fresa strawberry
el limon lemon
la comida food
el tomate tomato
es la comida it is the food
como un tomate i eat a tomato
es es limon it is the lemon
el mean mean
el azucar sugar
la sal salt
el emparedado sandwiche
cena dinner
es un mean it is a mean
la cerveza beer
el te tea
vegetariaro vegetarian
vegetales vegetables
emparedadaos sandwiches
vegetarianos vegetarians
vegetariana vegetarian
el gato cat
el caballo horse
el perro dog
gatas cats
gata cat(feminine)
perros dogs
gatos cats
nuestra/ nuestro our
suyo hers theirs yours
pajaro bird
pajaros birds
llaves keys
palabras words
mia/ mio mine
elefante elephant
fruta fruit
sopa soup
animal animal
conejo rabbit
raton mouse
caballos horses
pinguino penguin
cangrejo crab
pato duck
arana spider
oso bear
tortugas turtles
cebolla onion
desayuno breakfast
papa potato
salsa sauce
almuerzo lunch
mi my
mi libro my book
su your(formal)
el gato bebe su leche the cat drinks its milk
sus their his
mis my
mis gatos beben leche my cats drink milk
yo leo tus cartas l read your letter
tus your yours
su desayuno es una manzana his breakfast is an apple
su libros their books
mis gatos beben leche my cats drink milk
the dog is our el perro es nuestro
por favor escribe tu libro please write your book
ella lee mis libros she read my book
tus animales comen your animals eat
mi diario my newspaper
el elefante es mio the elephant is mine
suyo hers him theirs
es suyo it is yours
el zapato shoe
el vestido dress
el abrigo coat
la ropa clothes
el pantalon pants
sombreros hats
la camisa shirt
la falda skirt
el traje surt
las botas boots
calcetines tie
el cinturon belt
sueter sweater
faldas shirks
como how what
que what
quienes who
que come what do you eat
cuales which
quien who
que cocino yo what do i cook
quien soy yo who am i
que bebe ella what doesshe drink
cuales libros which books
que escribes what do you write
cuales llaves which keys
quien es ella who is she
quienes comen cebolla who eats onion
como comes pescado how do you eat fish
que lees tu what do you read
cuales animales which animals
quien come pescado who eats fish
pregunta question
cuardo when
cuantos how many
cual what which one which
cual es la pregunta what is the question
cuanto how many
cual es tu pregunta what is your question
cuantos perros comen queso how many dogs eats cheese
verde green
rojo red
negros black
azul blue
grises gray
blances white
naranja orange
roja red
gris grey
las gatas blancas comen arroz the white cat eat rice
amarilla yellow
el huevo es blance the egg is white
las faldas son verdes the skirts are green
la camisa amarilla the yellow shirt
el color rojo the color red
una carnisa azul a blue shirt
los zapato azul the blue shoe
los zapatos sngros the black shoes
nosotros nadarmos we swim
camino walk track
vemos see
tu no ves you do not see
ves see
camina (he/she/it)walks
la nina camina the girl walks
yo leo i read
el nada (he/she/it) swims
ella ve la gata she sees the cat
ve (she/he/it)sees
caminamos walk walked
nadan (they/you plural) swim
los perros bebn agua the dogs drink water
camino (i)walk track
nadamos (we)swim (we)swam
caminan (they/you plural) walk
nado (i)swim swimming
veo (i)see
no veo la leche i do not see the milk
nadas (you)swim
can=minas (you) walk
nadan (they/ you plural) swim
ven (they/you plural) see
cuanto perros comen queso how many dogs eat cheese
el gato bebe su leche the cat drinks its milk
Created by: Gina305
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