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Legal Envi. of Bus

FinAL EXAM (Chapters 17-23, 28) Chp 22

[no state shall] deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law Constitution Amend. 14
—applies to entities that affect interstate commerce —prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII):
__ laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of marital status, sexual preference MA
___ prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability ADA
-disparate treatment (DT)—either “direct evidence” or “inference” -disparate impact (DI) -harassment -failure to accommodate (religion or disability) -retaliation Law recognizes five types of employment discrimination claims:
plaintiff has direct evidence of discrimination, such as statements by supervisor/hiring manager, policy statements, huge statistical disparities—direct evidence cases represent about 1% of all DT cases DT “direct evidence” case
indirect evidence of discrimination DT “inference” case
employees can be fired or not hired for any reason or no reason—BUT not an illegal reason employment at will” states
-Specific reason, specific plaintiff—performance reasons, disciplinary reasons -Specific reason, company wide issues: reorg, reduction in force, “upgrade,” etc. -Non-specific reason--Defendants often say: “better fit,” “more qualified,” relevant Legitimate, non-discriminatory reason is a light burden 3 reasons:
-quid pro quo, i.e. something for something -hostile environment, i.e. unwelcome comments or conduct that has purpose or effect of creating a hostile work environment Harassment—two types:
employer will be liable Harassment of subordinate by supervisor or manager
employer may be held liable if it knew or should have known Harassment by co-worker or others
-did employer have policy in place, well publicized -did employer conduct training, awareness etc. -did employer have adequate system for victims to report -did employer respond adequately courts will look to see whether employer took reasonable steps to prevent and address harassment, such as:
courts recognize employers’ affirmative duty to accommodate Failure to accommodate
modify work rules, environment and/or schedules to accommodate religious practices or observances of employees Religious accommodation
religion must involve a deity, belief system Not limited to “mainstream” religions
modify work rules, environment and/or schedules to accommodate employees with disabilities, as defined by law Disability accommodation
-parking -signage -accessible entrances -accessible paths of travel -accessible work areas -accessible restrooms -accessible public areas ADA Standards for Accessible Design, building code provisions that describe how buildings should be built to accommodate employees with disabilities—mandates standards for:
prohibits discrimination, and requires offer of accommodation to “qualified person with a disability” ADA also has civil rights provisions
—vision, hearing, or other sensory impairments --mobility impairments --chronic conditions such as asthma or migraines --partial or total organ failure such as kidney conditions or colostomies; diabetes Disability defined
--diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS --mental and psychological conditions such as depression or insomnia --the courts have struggled with the issue of whether obesity is a disability Disability defined
an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity Disability defined
-certain psychological disorders, such as kleptomania and most psycho-sexual disorders -diseases that are currently contagious AND capable of being spread under the normal conditions of a particular job ADA specifically excludes certain conditions:
Both the ADA and Title VII also prohibit _______ against an employee for asserting their rights under the law, or assisting another in asserting that person’s right under the law. retaliation
-protected activity. -an adverse employment action. -a causal nexus between the protected activity and the adverse employment action. A retaliation case involves three elements:
Created by: 687631825
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