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El Perdon Nicky Jam
"El Perdon" - Nicky Jam song lyrics
Question | Answer |
Dime si es verdad | tell me if it's true |
me dijeron que te estás casando | they tell me that you're getting married |
tú no sabes lo que estoy sufriendo | you don't know what I'm suffering |
esto te lo tengo que decir | this I have to tell you |
cuéntame | tell me |
tu despedida para mi fue dura | your departure from me was hard |
será que te llevo a la luna | it will be that I will take you to the moon |
y yo no supe hacerlo así | and I didn't know what to do like that |
te estaba buscando | I was looking for you |
por la calle gritando | in the street yelling |
esto me está matando | this is killing me |
como un loco tomando | like a crazy man drinking |
es que yo sin ti | it's that without you |
no aguanto más | I can't hold it any more |
por eso vengo a decirte lo que siento | therefore I come to tell you what I feel |
estoy sufriendo la soledad | i'm suffering loneliness |
y aunque tu padre no aprobó esta relación | and although your father didn't approve of this relationship |
yo sigo insistiendo a pedir perdón | I keep insisting on asking for forgiveness |
lo único que importa está en tu corazón | the only thing that matters is in your heart |
yo te juré a ti ese eterno amor | I swore to you that eternal love |
y ahora otro te da calor | and now another is keeping your warm |
cuando en las noches tienes frío | when at night you are cold |
Yo sé que te parece mejor | I know that he seems better to you |
pero yo estoy en tu corazón | but I am in your heart |
y por eso pido perdón | and therefore I ask for forgiveness |
Es que yo sin ti y tú sin mi | it's that I without you and you without me |
dime quién puede ser feliz | tell me who could be happy |
esto no me gusta | I don't like this |
dicen que uno no sabe lo que tiene | they say that one doesn't know what he has |
hasta que se pierde | until they lose it |
pero | but |
vale la pena luchar por lo que uno quiere | it's worth fighting for what one wants |
y hacer el intento | and make the effort |
haciendo historia | making history |