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WS lists 5-10

ambivalent undecideed;having opposed feelings simultaneously
amenity pleasentness; attracive or comfortablr fearure
amenable obedient; willing to give into the wishes of another; agreeable
amnesty an official pardon for a group of people who have violated a law or policy. an official forgetting given to a group of people
amorous feeling loving, esp in a sexual sense; relating to love
amorphous shapeless, without a regular or stable shape
anachronism something out of place in time or history, an incongruity
anarchy absence of gov or control; lawlessness; disorderMONARCHY: a gov headed by a king or a queen aka one leaderANARCHY: no leader
animosity resentment; hositility
anomaly an aberration; an irregularity; a deviation but its neutral
antipathy firm dislike antipathies: things i dont like
antithesis the drect opposite
apartheid the abhorrent policy of racila segregation and oppression in the republic of south aftirca
anguish agonizing pain
aphorism a brieg, often witty saying; a proverb
apocalypse a prophetic revelation, especially one concerning the end of the world
apocalyptic to make such predictions of the end of the world or basc to be deeeply pessimistic
apocryphal of dubious authenticity; fictitious; spurious
spurious of dubious authenticity; fictitious; apocryphal
apotheosis elevation to divine status;t he perfect example of somethingsome ppl think the Corvette is the apotheosis of american car making. they think its the ideal.
appease to soothe; to pacify by giving into
appreciate to increase in value
depreciate to decrase in value
apprehensive worried; anxious
misapprehension a misunderstanding
approbation approval; praise
disapprobation disapproval
appropriate (v) to take without permission; to set aside for particular use
appropriate (adj) suitable or fitting for a particular purpose
appropriation authorization for congress to set aside money for somehitng;an act of a legislature authorizing money to be paid from the treasury for a specified use.
misappropriate when an elected official takes money that was supposed to be spent on submarines and spends it on a Rolls-Royce
expropriates useing offical authority to take possession of your property
aptitude capacity for learning; natural ability
ineptitude being without skill; maladroit;
inept generally awkward or clumsy; haplessly incompetent
arbiter one who decides; a judge
arbitration a formal meeting to settle a dispute
arbitrary random, capricious
capricious random
arcane mysterious, konwn only to a select few
archaic extremely old, ancient, outdated
abject hopeless, extremely sad and servile; defeatedan abject person is one who is crushed and without hope aka a slave"abject poverty"--hopeless, desperate proverty
abate to reduce
abnegate to deny oneself things; to reject; to renounce
absolve to forgive or free from blame; to free from sin; to free from obligation; the act of absolving is called absolution
allege to assert without proof
aggregate a sum total
Created by: kevin_525_li
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