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WS lists 15-20

bequest something left to someone in a will
bequeath to leave something to someone in a will
bereaved deprived or left desolate, esp through death
bereft bereaved; deprived or left desolate, esp through death
beset to harrass, surround
blasphemy irreverence; an insult to something held sacred; profanity.. to nasty, insulting things about God
blaspheme to use swear words
blatant unpleasantly or offensively noisy; glaring. unintentional/not concealed very well
flagrant shockingly noticeable or evident; obvious; glaring. intentional
blight a disease in plants; anything that injures or destroys
blithe carefree; cheerful
blithely ignorant happily unaware
bourgeois middle class, usually in a pejorative sense; boringly conventional.. used to make fun of people who seem to think about nothing but their possessions and other comforts
bovine cowlike
canine dog related
equine horse related
feline cat related
piscine fish
porcine pig
ursine bear
brevity briefness
broach to open up a subject for dicussion, often a delicate subject
bucolic charmingly rural, countrylike
bureaucracy a system of gov administration consisting of numerous bureaus or offices, esp one run according to inflexible and inefficient roles; any large admin system charactized by inefficiency, lots of rule, and red tape
burgeon to expand, flourish
burlesque ludicrous, mocking, or exaggerated imitation
lampoon ludicrous, mocking, or exaggerated imitation
cadence rhythm, the rise and fall of sounds
cajole to persuade someone to do something he or she doesnt wanna do
callow immature. to be youthfully naive, inexperienced, unsophisticated
candor truthfulness; sincere honesty
capitalism free enterprise; businesses are owned by private citizens, not gov aka american econ
capitulate to surrender, to give up ro gve in
recapitulate summarize
capricious unpredictable; likely to change at any momement
caprice whim; Arbitrary thought or impulse
caricature a portrait or description that is purposely distorted or exaggerated, often to prove some point about its subject.. uses exaggeration to bring out the hidden character of its subject
castigate to criticize severely; to chastise
catalyst anyone/thing that makes something happen without being directly involved in it
categorical unconditional; absolute
catharsis purification that brings emotional relief or renewal
catholic universal; embracing everything
caustic like acid; corrosive. caustic comment is onet hat is so nasty or insulting that it seems to sting or burn the person
celibacy abstinence from sex
censure to condemn severely for doing something bad
chagrin humiliation; embarrased disappointment
charisma a magical-seeming ability to attract followers or insipre loyalty
charlatan fraud; quack; con man
chasm deepgaping hold; a gorge
chastise to inflict punishment on; to discipline
chicanery trickery; deceitfulness; artifice, esp legal or political
chimera an illusion; a foolish fancy
choleric hot-tempered; quick to anger
chronic constant; lasting a long time; inveterate
inveterate constnat; lasting a long time; chronic
acute short
chronicle a record of events in order of time; ahistory
belabor to go over repeatedly or to an absurd extent
axiom a self evident rule or truth; a widely accepted saying
avow to claim, to delcare boldly, to admit. to avow something is to declare or admit something that most ppl are reluctant to declare or admit
impertinence boldness
Created by: kevin_525_li
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