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Adv Dbase Units 6-8

AR Adv DB Units 6-8

Update query a query that changes selected fields from selected records in one or more tables bases on the criteria you specify
Make–table query a query that creates a new table by copying selected fields in records from one or more existing tables
Parameter query a query that displays a dialog box to prompt you to enter one or more criteria values when you run the query
Top values query a query property that lets you limit the number of records in the query results of a specific number or percentage (for example
Delete query a query that deletes a group of records matching the criteria you specify from one or more tables
Find unmatched query a select query that finds all records in a table or query that have no related records in a second table or query
Index a list that relates field values to the records that contain those field values that can quickly locate records
Append query a query that adds selected fields in records from existing tables or queries to the end of another table
Concatenated expression an expression used to combine text fields together (for example: LastName & " " & FirstName)
Crosstab query a query that performs aggregate function calculations on the values of one database field and display the result in a spreadsheet format
Action query a query that adds, changes, or deletes multiple table records at a time
Find duplicates query a select query that finds repeated records in a table or query
Unbound control a control that is not connected to a field in the database and that is used to display controls such as text, lines, rectangles, and graphics
Form header appears at the top of the form and is used to display titles, a picture, date/time, etc.
Label an unbound control that displays text
Tab order the order in which you move from control to control, or change the focus, in a form when you press the Tab key
Detail section the main body of a form or report in which you place bound, unbound and calculated controls
Design grid the arrangement of dotted and solid lines in a section that help you position controls precisely in a form or report
Form footer appears at the bottom of a form
Bound control a conrol that is connected, or bound, to a field in the database based on the record source
Calculated control a control that displays the result of an expression
Special effect property a property that you use to specify the type of special effect applied to a control in a form or report. Choices are chiseled, etched, flat, raised, shadowed, and sunken
Report page header section a report section that appears at the top of each page of the report and usually contains column headings, titles, etc.
Report footer section a report section that appears once at the bottom of a report and usually contains report totals and other summary information
Report header section a report section that appears once at the top of the report and usually contains titles, logos, etc.
Report page footer section a report section that appears at the bottom of each page of a report
Hide duplicates property a property that you use to hide a control in a report when the field's value is the same as the one before it
Keep together property a property for a group in a report to keep parts of the group together on the same page
Label wizard a tool that asks the user a series of questions and then creates a mailing label report based on the answers
Group footer section a report section appears after each group of records that usually displays subtotals or counts for the records in that group
Group header section a report section appears before each group of records that usually displays the group name and the sort field value for the group
Group, Sort and Total pane a pane in a report in which you can modify the grouping fields, sort fields, and calculations for the report
Custom report a report you create
Date function a function that returns the current date
Can grow property a property that controls the appearance of a control or section in a form or report when printed or previewed; when set to Yes, the control or section expands to fit the data
Created by: Jame Pearce
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