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WS lists 35-40
Question | Answer |
ebullient | boiling; bubbling with excitement; exuberant |
eccentric | not conventional; a little kooky; irregular |
eclectic | choosing the best from many sources; drawn from many sources |
edify | to enlighten; to instruct, esp in moral or religious matters |
efface | to erase; to rub away the features of |
self-effacting | to be modest |
effusion | a pouring forth. when the hcild was rescued from the well, there was an intense effusion of emotion from the crowd that had gathered around the hold |
effusive | to be highly emotional |
egalitarian | believing in the social and economic equality of people |
egocentric | selfish; believing that one is the center of everything |
egregious | extremely bad; flagrant |
egotist | self-obsessed person |
elicit | to bring out; to call forth |
illicit | not legally permitted or authorized; unlicensed; unlawful |
elliptical | oval; missing a word or words; obscure |
elusive | hard to pin down; evasive |
elude | to avoid, evade or escape |
emigrate | to move to a new country ; to move to a new place to live |
expatriate | to emigrate; move to a new country |
migrant | to move from one place to another |
immigrate | to arrive in one country from another |
eminent | well-known and repsected; standing out from all others in quality or accomplishment; outstanding |
imminent | likely to occur at any moment; impending |
empirical | relying on experience or observation; not merely theoretical |
emulate | to strive to equal or excel, ususally through imitation |
encroach | to make gradual or stealthy inroads into; to tresspass |
endemic | native; restricted to a particular region or era; indigenous |
endemic | to reduce the strength or energy of, esp to do so gradually |
enfranchise | to grant the privileges of citizenship, esp the right to vote |
disenfranchise | to take away the privelges of citizenship, esp the right to vote |
engender | to bring into existance; to create; to cause |
enormity | extreme evil; a hideous offense; immensity ... also hugeness |
immensity | hugeness, grewat size |
ephemeral | lasting a very short time |
epigram | a brief and ususlaly witty or satirical saying |
epigraph | an apt quotation placed at the beginning of a book or essay |
epitaph | a commemorative inscription on a grave |
epithet | a term used to characterize the nature of something; someimes a disparaging term used to describe a person |
epitome | a brief summary that captures the meaning of the whole; the perf example of something; a paradigm |
equanimity | composure; calm |
equitable | fair |
equity | fairness |
inequity | unfairness |
iniquity | unfiar, wickedness |
equivocal | ambiguous; intentionally confusing; capable of being interpreted in more than one way |
erudite | scholarly; deeply learned |
erudition | extensive knowledge |
equivocate | to mislead by saying confusing or ambiguous things |
esoteric | hard to understand; understood by only a select few |
espouse | to support; to advocate |
ethereal | heavenly; as light and insubstantial as a gas or ether |
euphemism | a pleasant or inoffensive expression used in place of an unleasant or offensive one |
evanescent | fleeting; vanishing; happening for only the briefest period |
exacerbate | to make worse |
exacting | extremely demanding; difficult; requring great skill or care |
exalt | to raise high; to glorify |
exasperate | to annoyt horoughly; to make very angry; to try the patience of |
exemplify | to illustrate by example; to serve as a good examble |
exemplar | an ideal model or paradign |
exhaustive | thorough; rigorous; complete; painstaking |
exhort | to urge strongly; to give a serious warning to |
hortatory | urging |