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WS lists 45-50

hackneyed overused; trite; stale. AKA as cold as ice
hapless unluckly
harbinger a forerunner; a signal of; a newsbringer
hedonism the pursuit of pleasure as a way of life
hegemony leadership, esp of one nation over another
heresy any belief that is strongly opposed to established beliefs
hermetic impervious to external influence; airtight
heyday golden age; prime
hiatus a break or interruption, often from work
hierarchy an organization based on rank or degree; pecking order
histronic overly dramatic; theatrical
homily a sermon
homogeneous uniform; made entirely of one things
heterogeneous to be mixed or varied
husbandry thrifty management of resources; livestock farming. practice fo conserving money
hyperbole an exaggeration used as a figure of speech
hypothetical uncertain; unproven
iconoclast one who attacks popular beliefs or institutions. opponents of icons (sacred images)
ideology a system of cial or political ideas
idiosyncrasy peculiarity; an eccentricity
idyllic charming in a rustic way; naturally peaceful
ignominy deep disgrace
illicit illegal; not permitted
imminent just about to happen
immutable unchangeable
mutable changeable
impartial fair; not favoring one side or the other; unbiased
impeccable flawless; entirely without sin
peccable liable to sin
peccadillo a minor sin
imperial like an emperor or an empire
imperious bossy and arrogant
impervious not allowing anything to pass through; impenetrable
impetuous impulsive; extremely impatient. impetuous DIck always seemed to be running off to buy a new car, even if he had just bought one the day before
implement to carry out
impotent powerless; helpless; unable to perform sexual intercourse
impugn to attack, esp to attack the truth or integrity of something
inane silly, senseless
inaugurate to begin officially; to induct formally into office
incandescent brilliant; giving off heat or light. incandescent lightbulb!
incantation a chant; the repetition of statements or phrases in a way reminiscent of a chant
incense to make very angry
incessant unceasing, continuing without interruption
cessation ceasing
incipient beginning; emerging
incisive cutting right to the heart of the matter. INCISION
incongruous not harmonious, not consistent; not appropriate; not fitting in
incorrigible incapable of being reformed. incorrectable
increment an increase; one in a series of increases
indifferent not caring one way or the other; apathetic; mediocre
indigenous native; originating in that area
indigent poor
indignant angry, esp as a result of something unjust or unworthy; insulted
indolent lazy
indulgent lenient; yielding to desire
ineffable incapable of being expressed or described
inept clumsy; incompetent; gauche
ineptitude opposite of aptitude. unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training
adept adriot, very skilled; proficient; expert
adriot very skilled; proficient; expert
inert inactive; sluggish; not reactin chemically.INERTIA
inexorable relentless; inevitable; unavoidable
relentles inevitable
infamous shamefully wicked; having an extremely bad reputaiton; disgraceful
infatuated foolish; foolishly passionate or attracted; foolishly in love
Created by: kevin_525_li
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