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Blue List 5 and 6

pre before
gen origin
jur swear
sopor sleep
ped foot
lin line
tomy cut
tart twist
ob against
sesqui one and a half
nec kill
post after
son sound
dem(o) people
inter between
cracy government
phan appearance
dicho in two parts
sui self
partheno virgin
pluto wealth
a priori from theory
a posteriori from observation
parthenogenesis unfertilized birth
assonance vowel repetition
objurgation rebuke
demotic of the common people
soporific sleep-inducing
internecine mutually destructive
sesquipedalian very long
sui genesis unique
plutocracy government of the wealthy
delinate to outline
dichotomy two part division
epiphany revelation
tortuos twisting
anthropo man
gastro stomach
auto self
contra against
viv life
helio sun
culp blame
spec look
mono one
centri center
medi middle
ambi both
ism doctrine
trans across
ex out
intro into
trop turn
lykos wolf
anthropocentric man-centered
gastronome gourmet
autodidact self-taught person
monism doctrine that reality is one
in medi res in the middle of things
lycanthrope werewolf
circumambiant surrounding
transmogrify change form
reify treat as real
au contraire on the contrary
vivacious lively
circumvent get around
heliotropic sun-following
exculpate free of blame
introspective inward looking
Created by: Bcolt15
Popular Literature sets




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