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adulation excessive or slavish admiration or flattery: 称賛;へつらい,お世辞
bristle a short, stiff hair, fiber, etc: 粗い毛;(豚の首や背の)剛毛;剛毛状の物
decoy a person or thing that attracts people's attention so they will not notice someone or something else : おびき寄せる人,ペテン師のぐる,おとり役
erratic acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected or usual : not consistent or regular : 〈言行が〉とっぴな,風変わりな,変な
historionic too emotional or dramatic : 1 俳優[役者]の;演技[演劇,芝居]の.2 わざとらしい
laud to praise (someone or something) : をほめたたえる,賛美する
obstreperous difficult to control and often noisy : 人・行動などが〉暴れる,手に負えない
portend to be a sign or warning that something usually bad or unpleasant is going to happen : portend
retraction a statement saying that something you said or wrote at an earlier time is not true or correct : 引っ込めること,収縮;引っ込んだ状態.
titter to laugh in a quiet and nervous way : くすくす笑う,忍び笑いする
adversity a difficult situation or condition : misfortune or tragedy : 逆境,不運,不幸
borach to open up or break into (as a mine or stores) : to open up (a subject) for discussion: を〉ブローチで広げる.2 話を始める
deference a way of behaving that shows respect for someone or something : (人の判断・意見・意志などへの)服従((to ...))
esoteric only taught to or understood by members of a special group : hard to understand : 〈文学などが〉深遠な;(常人・しろうとには)難解な
hoary very old : not interesting, funny, etc., because of being used too often : not fresh or original : 古い,古めかしい,陳腐な
lavish giving or using a large amount of something : 〈人が〉気前のよい,ぜいたくな,(…を)惜しまない
obtuse stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple : 鋭くない,とがっていない
portent a sign or warning that something usually bad or unpleasant is going to happen : (重大事が起こる)兆候,前兆,先触れ
revere to have great respect for (someone or something) : to show devotion and honor to (someone or something) : …を(畏怖(いふ)の念で)あがめる,崇敬する
tome a very large, thick book : (大著の)1冊,1巻
advocate a person who argues for or supports a cause or policy : 支持者,擁護者,運動家
brusque talking or behaving in a very direct, brief, and unfriendly way : 〈人が〉ぶっきらぼうな,無愛想な
espouse to express support for (a cause, belief, etc.) : 〈主義・学説などを〉信奉する,支持[擁護]する
hone to sharpen or smooth with a whetstone : 〈技能を〉磨く.2 …を砥石でとぐ.
lax not careful enough : not strict enough : 1 手ぬるい;だらしのない
obviate to make (something) no longer necessary : to prevent or avoid (something) : 〈困難などを〉予防する,除去する
poseur a person who pretends to be what he or she is not : an affected or insincere person : 気取り屋.
riddle a mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed
torpid having or showing very little energy or movement : not active : 〈心(の働き)・身体の器官などが〉動かない,鈍い,不活発な
Created by: na235
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