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cold war/vietnam war

social studies test 5/8/15

Who was Kruschev? communist leader of the Soviet Union
What did Kruschev's trip to the United Nations symbolize? the cold war had become global
what was going on in many parts of Asia and Africa following WWII? what di dthe Soviets have to do with it? colonies of European countries were demanding and won their independence, Soviets aided rebel groups that wanted to be communist
what difficult choice did the US face in response to the Soviets aiding the Asian and African rebels? should they send aid to the colonies that didn't want communism, send troops, or use secret aid to counter the Soviets
what happened in the Philippines? US withdrew control, Philippines had trouble with keeping a good government on their own
briefly describe the situationon the continent of Africa at war for power, borders, tribes, and ethnicity, countries were backed by the US, Soviets, or both
what happened in the Indian Subcontinent? 1947, gained independence from Great Britian, formed Pakistan, backed by US and India, backed by US and Soviets but was neutral
what was going on in French Indochina? Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, separate nationalist groups fought for independence for 30 years and dragged in the US
Who is Castro? 1959 dictator of Cuba
what was the Bay of Pigs Invasion? what was the result? Cuban exiles landed on Bay of Pigs, invasion was badly planned, Castro's forces captured and jailed invders
explain what happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis Soviets put missiles in Cuba, US and Sovit Union agreed that Soviet missiles would be taken out of Cuba, the US will never invade Cuba, and secretly the US will take their missiles out of Turkey later on
why was Latin America fertile soil for communism? majority of population was poor, communism was thought to be fair and better to them
what was the Alliance for Progress? the Peace Corps? the OAS? Alliance for Progress: Americans built schools, hospitals, other to improve Latin Americans' life Peace Corps: American volunteers were teachers, engineers, other in Latin America OAS:promoted economic progress in Americas
what policy did the US exhibit in Latin America during the cold war? intervention
what happened in Nicaragua? rebel group, Sandanistas, overthrew dictator and set up socialist government, other rebel group, Contras, backed by US to overthrow Sandanistas
what was Sputnik and what was its impact on the US? what is NASA? Sputnik: world's first atificial satellite, Soviet-made, US scared because rocket to space means that less-distance rockets would be easy NASA: National Aeronautics Space Administration, US space program to compare with Soviets
Created by: maddiemc3
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