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Japanese Vocab
Term | Definition |
Cultural Diffusion | How a culture is spread |
Religion | A belief that there is a higher being |
Government | A person or group of person that makes laws and regulate people and the place's economics |
System of Writing | A form of communication on something |
Art | A form of expression |
Architecture | The skill of designing a structure |
Social Structure | How people are seperated into groups |
Technology | Something that helps someone do a task better |
Imperial | Relating to an empire or emperor |
Regent | Someone who rules in the name of another |
Emperor | The ruler of an empire |
Kanji | A form of Japanese writing adapted from Chinese characters |
Kana | A form of Japanese writing using sounds from letters and is writen using simplfied Chinese characters. |
Shinto | The religion of Japan that is heavily interwined with nature and being clean in spirit |
Tanka | A form of Japanese poetry |
Pagoda | A type of Buddhism building that had either 3,5,7,or 9 stories and is roofs stacked on top of each other. The buliding was later adapted by Shinto priests |
City design | How a city is designed |