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100 Flash cards

What are the 5 fundamental political principles of government? Consent of the governed, Limited Governed, Rule of law, Democracy, Representative government
What does "consent of the governed" mean? The people are the source of any and all governmental power.
What does "limited government" mean? Government is not all-powerful and may do only those things the people have given it the power to do.
What does "democracy" mean? In a democratic system of government, the people rule.
What does "representative government" mean? In a representative system of government, the people elect public officeholders to make laws and conduct government on the people's behalf.
What does "rule of law" mean? The government and those who govern are bound by the law, as are those who are governed.
Which early American document guaranteed the rights of Englishmen to colonists? Charter of the VA Company in London
What document was written by George Mason and served as a model/example for the U.S. Bill of Rights? Virginia Declaration of Rights
What document by Thomas Jefferson and served as a model for the First Amendment's freedom of religion? Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
Why is the Declaration of Independence important? Written by Thomas Jefferson, took away consent of the governed, stated unalienable rights of life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness, said all men are created equal, NOT a plan of government
What was the first plan of government for the United States and why did it fail? Articles of Confederation- gave states power, created a weak central government
What is the Preamble and what does it do? Introduction to the U.S. Constitution- "We the people...", states the purposes/goals of government
What is the written plan of government for the United States? The U.S. Constitution
What is federalism? The division of power between the national government and the state governments
What are the powers set aside for the states called? Reserved Powers
What happens if a U.S. law conflicts with a state law? U.S. law wins because it's higher
What are implied powers? Powers that are suggested by the "necessary and proper" clause of the U.S. Constitution, used to carry out the expressed powers
What are powers the federal or state governments may NOT have? Denied Powers
What are powers given specifically to Congress in the Constitution called? Delegated, expressed, or enumerated
What are the 3 levels of federal courts? U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Appeals Court, and U.S. District Court
What are the 4 levels of state courts? VA Supreme Court, VA Court of Appeals, Circuit Court, and General District Court
What is the process for bringing a civil and criminal case to trial? Arrest, Bail or Jail, Arraignment- plea trial
What group makes laws for Virginia? General Assembly
What is the lawmaking process? How does a bill become a law? Proposing a bill, working in committees, debating on the floor, voting on a bill by both houses, and signing the bill into law
What is a veto? To reject a decision made by a law-making body
What is the role of a lobbyist? influence decisions made by officials
What does the executive branch include? Federal, President, Congress
What is due process and where is it mentioned in the U.S. Constitution? The constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws
What is the legislative branch of the local government? The Board of Supervisors, County Town Council, Town City Council, City
What positions does the VA Constitution require local governments to elect? Sheriff, Clerk of Circuit Court, Commissioner of the Revenue, Treasurer
What is the role of the media in elections? Familiarize public with candidates, Emphasize certain issues, express opinions in editorials, political cartoons, and op-ed pieces, broadcast different points of view
What are the primary responsibilities of the national government versus the state? Conduct foreign policy, regulate commerce, provide for the common defense
Describe the national legislative branch. Congress- bicameral, House of Representatives (435), Senate (100), Makes laws, approves budget, approves budget, confirms presidential appointments, raises revenue, regulates trade, declares war
How does the executive branch influence policy making? Proposing legislation (state of the union Address), Appealing to the people, approving/vetoing legislation, appointing officials
What is judicial review? Supreme courts of the US/VA determine the constitutionality of laws and acts of the executive branch government
Which Supreme Court case established the idea of judicial review? Marbury vs. Madison
Describe the system of checks and balances. Give examples. Powers of the National government are separated among 3 branches in ways that limit any one branch from abusing its power.
What are the qualifications to vote? Citizen of the US, resident of a state, At least 18 years old
What factors determine who is more likely to vote? Education, Age, and Income
What are PACs and what do they do? Political Action Committees represent business, labor or ideological interests.
What are the functions of political parties? Recruiting/nominating candidates, educating the electorate, helping candidates, monitoring actions
How do third parties differ from the major parties? Stated in the party platforms and reflected in campaigns, introduce new ideas (particular issue), revolve around political personality
What are the major political parties and how are they different from each other? Republicans and Democrats, express different views on which are stated in the party's platform and stated by candidates in the campaign
How has the high cost of getting elected changed campaigning for public office? Gives advantages to wealthy individuals, extensive, extensive fundraising
Explain how the electoral college works. Slate of electors chosen, electors meet to vote for president and vice president
What are magistrates? Civil officer who administers the law
What is the difference between original and appellate jurisdiction? First court to hear a case has original jurisdiction. When a case gets appealed the next court has appellate jurisdiction
Who heads the executive branch at each of the 3 levels of government? National, President State, Governor Local Mayor
Who nominates and confirms Supreme Court justices? Congress and President
Created by: 3174728
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