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Final Exam Review

What are the characteristics of totalitarian regimes Censorship, mass arrests, and a secret police force
What is fascism? Who is associated with the rise of fascism in Italy? Why did fascism appeal to people in Italy and Germany? What did they fear? A type of totalitarian government under Hitler and Mussolini
What national crisis led to Hitler’s rise to power? the Great Depression
Why did the treaty of Versailles anger so many Germans? forced Germany to pay large war reparations
What was the Rape of Nanking? Japanese violated human rights
What was the purpose of Stalin’s Five Year Plans? What was the Great Purge? To modernize Russia’s backward economy.
What one characteristic was common to Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Communist Soviet Union? one-party system that denied basic human rights
Anschluss Austria was added to Germany
Sudetenland Germany added this land
Munich Conference agreed that Hitler could keep lands already taken in exchange for a pledge to end German expansion
Appeasement cooperating with an aggressor to preserve peace
Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact 1939
Allied Powers Great Britain, France
Axis Powers Germany, Italy, and Japan
Blitzkrieg lightning war
Operation Barbarossa German invasion of Soviet Union
Battle of Stalingrad Turning point in World War II for the Allies
D-Day Battle at Normandy
Island Hopping USA strategy against Japan
kamikaze Japanese suicide pilots
What event led to the US officially entering WWII? bombing of Pearl Harbor
What violation of civil rights was committed by the US during WWII against Japanese Americans? Japanese Internment Camps
What caused Japan to surrender? What ended WWII in the Pacific? Atomic Bombs were dropped
Genocide Mass killing of a targeted group
Ghettos confined areas where Jews lived
Kristallnacht "Night of Broken Glass"
Final Solution Nazi plan to kill all undesirables
Mein Kampf Hitler's autobiography
Anti-Semitism Hatred towards Jews
In what ways did people resist during the Holocaust? escaping, surviving, destroying Nazi buildings
What international organization was created after WWII to promote peace, protect human rights, and improve quality of life for developing nations? United Nations
What was the Cold War? In what ways did the US and USSR compete during this time? 46 years of conflict between the Soviet Union and USA, space race, arms race, and politically.
How did the Allies deal with Germany after WWII? divided it into two countries
What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? Ended when the USSR and USA made an agreement.
What were NATO and the Warsaw Pact and why were they created? Military alliances to protect the USSR and USA
What was the Truman Doctrine? said communism shouldn't spread
What was meant by the term “Iron Curtain”? divide between communist and democratic countries
Vladimir Lenin Soviet Leader
Josef Stalin Soviet Leader
Nikita Khrushchev Soviet Leader
Yuri Gagarin Soviet astronaut
Berlin Blockade USSR blocked Berlin from getting help
Berlin Airlift USA flew supplies into Berlin
Berlin Wall Built to keep people from escaping to democratic side
What was meant by MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)? USSR and USA would both be destroyed by a nuclear war
When and how did the Cold War finally end? 1991. President Gorbachev resigned.
What problems did the newly independent African nations face as a result of imperialism? Bad Schools, unstable government, border disputes
What hardships are faced by children in Africa? disease, child soldiers, being orphans from AIDS
What major religious influences exist in the African continent? Christianity, African Faiths, Islam
Rwandan GenocideWho was involved? Hutus and Tutsis
Genocide in Sudan ethnic differences, Muslim controlled government, disuputes over land/water
Apartheid Whites controlled Blacks
African National Congress fought Apartheid
Nelson Mandela Jailed for 27 years then became president of South Africa
What factors contributed to the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa? What other issues exist on the continent? South Africa worst area. Deforestation.
What major problems affect the landscape of Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador? deforestation
How has population change affected Latin America? increased greatly
What is the most common religion in Latin America? Catholicism
What cultures mainly contributed to the ethnic diversity in Latin America? African, European, Native
What is the exploitative system of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on the land? share cropping
What is the only Latin American country still controlled by a communist dictator? Cuba
Why did many Cubans flee to the US in the 1960s? Fidel Castro came to power
Who was Che Guevara? revolutionary leader
Why did the US send troops into many Latin American countries between 1950-1990? feared spread of communism
Explain the development of communism in China. land taken and given to peasants
Explain Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution. People that didn't follow it were beaten
Why has China historically been criticized by the West? human rights violations
What were the goals of the US in getting involved in Korea and Vietnam? stop spread of communism
38th parallel divide between North and South Korea
Results of Vietnam War South Vietnam was independent and democratic
Tiananmen Square pro democracy protestors attacked by the military
China’s one-child policy Their answer to over population
How did Japanese industry become strong after WWII? They built modern efficient factories
What problems does Japan face today? work too much, women are lower, overcrowded
What is the biggest concern the world has regarding North Korea today? Who is Kim Jong-Un? selling nuclear weapons to other countries
What nation has overtaken Japan as the economic power in Asia? China
Who was Gandhi? ended British Rule
Why did the British agree to separate Pakistan from India? Hindus and Muslims were rioting
What problems exist in modern India? illiteracy, caste system, poverty
Explain the history of the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1948. Israel won wars and added land
What Middle Eastern nation is currently governed by an Islamic Republic that allows for democratic elections but also places a lot of power in the hands of religious leaders? Iran
US war on Terrorism led USA to fight in Afghanistan
Taliban Use to run Afghanistan
Al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden is their former leader
Saddam Hussein Former leader of Iraq
Arab Spring Thousands of protestors were killed
Swahili coast Middle Eastern and Indian culture has influenced them
Haiti An earthquake in 2010 devastated this nation
Palestinian/Israel conflict fought over land, Jerusalem, creation of Palestinian state
Created by: cevans22



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