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Comm 415 Exam 1

what are the reasons for studying conflict inevitable, affects personal health, relational health, skills of comfort, skills of conflict are not obvious from birth,
what is conflict struggle among small number of individuals arising from preceived interference with goal acheivement
what are the key charicteristics of conflict # of people, scarce, perception, interference, interdependence
what are the four types of tangable goals substanive-tangable Relational - what we mean to eachother face - self esteem / how you look in front of others Process - how we comm / interact
what are barnlands 6 views of perception how you view yourself how you view the other person how you believe the other person sees you how there person views themselves how how the other person views you how the other person believes you see them
communication competance impression that comm behavior is both appropriate and effective
three componants of comunication competence knowledge ability motivation
knowledge appropriate and effective skills
ability willingness to engage in appropriate
what metaphors are often used to define conflict kitchen sink, conflict is like a "papercut"
latent conflict conflict will occur later
psuedo conflict not a conflict at all, sisters and orange
dennotative dictionary
connotative personal definition
attribution theory internal and external processof interupting and understanding what is behind our own and other behaviors
original theorist of attribution weiner
weiner thought we are all naive scientists
what types of attributions do we make internal/external stable/unstable - assume cause continues over time global / specific
self serving bias we favor ourselves
fundamental attribution error internal attributions of others external attributions of others
constructivism people create meaning through a series of personal constructs
original theorist of constructivism Jesse De'lia
personal constructs what it means to be student, brother, worker
cognitive complexity measure of complexity or simplicity of the frame and perceptual skill of a person
comm privacy management all people have personal boundary rules
original theorist of comm privacy management Sandra Patronio
boundary rule of formation what is talked about, what isnt
boundary linkage describing strength of relationship
boundary coordination agree not to share
boundary turbulance inability to coodinate boundary rules, person 2 cant wait to tell person 2's info
conflict topic what the conflict is all about
flash point event that precipitates event
conflict cause why the flashpoint or topic led to the conflict
sense making / internal rationalization process is the dress black and blue or white and gold
what individual differences impact conflict management styles emotional differences and changes
neoticicism the extent to which ppl respond with negativity to their social world in terms of having anxious, depressed and angry thoughts and feelings
locus of control how individuals vary in their assessments of mastery over their outcomes
high internal takes things personally
high external envirnmental factors
which goals do we tend to discuss identity and relational
which goals tend to drve conflict face and perpetual
meta comm comm about comm
expectancy violation theory we have expectations or social norms and when they arent met, we dont like it
what factors influence serial arguments goal importance argument predictability disagreement relational quality
what do clear goals look like include behviorally specifc suggestions recognize that conflict may be an ongoing process focus on present and future NOT PAST
what limitations does social science research face impossible to obtain complete control difficult to generalize research bias specialized sample pool
low context culture direct, dont beat around the bush, lots of words, blunt
high context culture indirect, value silence, nonverbal ques
generatonal cohort textmessage breakup
power ways to influence
five styles of conflict management competition with drawl collaboration compremise accomidate
compitition using attacks and threats shark
withdrawal avoid situatiion maintain nutrality turtle
collaboration expand range of possible options win/win outcomes owl
compremise minimally acceptable to all relationships undamaged fox
accomodate attempt to maintain harmony teddy bear
humor can escalate/de-escalate situations
productive humor benefits both parties common ground establishment
unproductive humor changes topic making fun of sarcasm hostility
trust individuals belief in, and willingness to act on the bias of the words, actions, and decisions of another
privledge the taking advantage of
unearned privledge male/white privelidge checklist
French and Ravens sources of power reward coercive legitamate expert referent
reward gift
coercive blackmail
legitimate boss status
expert exp/knowledge
referent you are liked or respected
genderlect masculine comm is domanate female comm is deviant/has own dialect
tag questions question after a question or statement, to almost ask for approval
Created by: tjbrinkm
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