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V-3.02 companim
Term | Definition |
Persistence of vision | the way our eyes retain images fo split second longer than they actually appear which makes quick flashes of images appear as one continuous motion. Example: Flipbooks |
Advertising | used to catch attention, such as banners on websites. |
Entertainment | films, games, virtual reality. |
Selling | showcasing products, services or instructions |
Teaching | illustrating concepts or process |
Training | simulations, presentations, etc. |
Frame by Frame Animation | the rapid display of a sequence of still images that create the optical illusion of movement. |
Stop Motion Animation | manipulating real-world objects and photographing them one frame at a time. Example: Claymation |
Morphing | transforming one object into another |
Path Based Animation | also called vector animation where the computer tweens, or creates the frames, to move the object along the path. |
Stage | part of program where the content is created and manipulated |
Library | used to store frequently used assets such as graphics and audio |
Timeline | used to organize the content over time |
Frame | in individual image in an animation |
Keyframe | indicates where an actor is to occur |
Layers | the timeline can be divided into different layers to give the author more control over different elements such as sound and text |
Playhead | the marker in the timeline that shows which frame is the current frame as the animation plays. |
Scrubbing | dragging the Playhead across the timeline in order to preview the animation |