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SJC10 Transport
en bici, en coche, a pie (arriving to school)
Question | Answer |
¿Cómo llegas al instituto? | How do you get to school? |
Llego al instituto... | I get to school... |
Llega... | He / She / It arrives... |
en autobús | by bus |
en bici | by bike |
en coche | by car |
en metro | by underground train |
en moto | by motorbike |
en tren | by train |
Llego a pie | I walk |
a pie | on foot |
Llego a la(s)... | I arrive at... |
Llego a casa a la(s)... | I arrive home at... |
Llega a casa a la(s)... | He / She arrives home at... |
a tiempo | on time |
pronto | early |
tarde | late |
¿A qué hora llegas? | What time do you arrive? |