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Ch 7 Intermediate

Chapter 7 Vocab

Applicant el/la aspirante
Candidate el/la candidato/a
Job interview la entrevista de trabajo
Resume la hoja de vida
Position el puesto
Job application la solicitud de empleo
Part time el tiempo parcial
Job, work el trabajo
Management la administración
Business administration la Administración de Empresas
Workplace atmosphere el ambiente de trabajo
Business climate el ambiente empresarial
Increase el aumento
Benefit el beneficio
Training la capacitación
Commitment el compromiso
Development el desarrollo
Unemployment el desempleo
Management, directors los directivos
Excuse la disculpa
Executive el/la ejecutivo/a
Business/company la empresa
Balance el equilibrio
Success el éxito
Way, form, manner la forma
Form el formulario
Manager el/la gerente/a
Hourly Schedule el horario
Computer science la informática
Retirement la jubilación
Leave (without pay) la licencia (sin goce de sueldo)
University gradúate el/la licenciado/a
(present) momento El momento
Leisure el ocio
Pleasure el placer
Policy la política
Computer programming la programación de computadoras
Human resources los recursos humanos
Result el resultado
Unemployment insurance el seguro de desempleo
Degree el título
Sale la venta
Advantage la ventaja
To reach a goal alcanzar una meta
To act actuar
To apply something on aplicar
To take advantage of aprovechar
To advance, promote ascender (ie)
To deal with the public atender al public
To attract atraer
To train capacitarse
To count on contar con (ue)
To be convenient, to suit one´s interests convenir (ie)
To be difficult costarle (ue) a uno
To fulfill, execute cumplir con
To have at one´s disposal disponer de
To focus on; approach (a problem) enfocar (un problema)
To train entrenar
To demand exigir
To find hallar
To flee huir
To send mandar
To postpone postergar
To set goals proponer metas
To do realizar
To solve resolver (ue)
To retain, to keep retener (ie)
To apply for, to solicit solicitar
To take into account tener (ie) en cuenta
To be a question of tratarse de
Ample, wide amplio/a
Disappointed decepcionado/a
In charge encargado/a
The others los/las demás
Available disponible
Unfaithful infiel
Work related laboral
Free libre
Following, next siguiente
In this way de este modo
Only solo
Solely únicamente
job/work record antecedente laboral
to set goals proponer metas
to apply for a job solicitar un trabajo
to expect a lot of oneself tener afán de superación
to be fluent in other languages tener dominio de otros idiomas
to be articulate tener facilidad de palabra
to show initiative tener iniciativa
to make decisions tomar decisiones
to work as a team trabajar en equipo
thus, so así
to hire contratar
resume el curriculum vítae
employee el/la empleado/a
employer el/la empleador/a
enterprising emprendedor/a
work experience la experiencia laboral
to sign firmar
job offer la oferta de trabajo
meeting la reunión
salary el sueldo
Created by: Chippen_22
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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