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Stuff To Not Fuck Up On Again From Practice Test 2
Term | Definition |
Beta Particles Have: | A negative charge, are electrons, and are deflected by a magnetic field because they are charged |
Gamma Rays Are High Energy Photons That: | Lack any charge, and will not be deflected in a magnetic field or an electric field because they are uncharged |
Pressure = | Force / area |
Current In Series Must Be: | Equal |
Like Charges: | Repel each other |
Continuity Equation: Q = | V1*A1 = V2*A2 |
Benedict's Reagent Is A Common Reagent Used To: | Test for reducing sugars aka sugars that contain hemiacetal or hemiketal groups |
Only Sugars With Free Carbonyl Groups Like Hemiacetals Or Hemiketals Can Undergo: | Oxidation and reduce Benedict's reagent to produce a positive result for the test |
Sucrose Doesn't Give A Positive Result For Benedict's Test Because: | It doesn't possess any free carbonyl groups |
Specific Rotation = | Observed rotation / conc. of solution * length of tube |
Number Of Hydroxyl Group That Attacks The Carbonyl Carbon In The Hemiketal Reaction To Form The Ring Structure Determines: | The size of the ring |
Maltose Is A Dissaccharide That Is Made Up Of: | 2 glucose subunits, 1 of which is a glucoside, and the other is in hemiacetal form which can mutarotate |
Mutarotation Is Characterized By: | An equilibrium between alpha and beta anomers, which involves a conversion between the two forms that proceeds through an open chain form that possess a free carbonyl group that can reduce Benedict's reagent |
Pyran Corresponds To: | A 6-membered ring |
Furan Corresponds To: | A 5-membered ring |
Prefix For A Glycoside: | "-Osyl" |
Once An Enzyme Is Saturated With Substrate, The Reaction Utilizes: | All possible enzymes at a given time which then has no significant effect |
Steps To Form A Disaccharides (First) | The -OH group on one of the sugars gets protonated to form an H20 group |
Steps To Form A Disaccharides (Second) | The nucleophilic -OH group from the other sugar attacks the protonated sugar |
Steps To Form A Disaccharides (Third) | The H20 Group on the protonated sugar leaves, and simultaneously, a bond is formed between the two sugar molecules |
Steps To Form A Disaccharides (Fourth) | The extra proton leaves, which results in a neutral dissaccharide product |
Solubility Of Non-Gaseous Solutes Increases With: | Increasing temperature |
Solubility Of Gaseous Solutes Decreases With: | Increasing temperature |
La Chatelier's Principle States That A Product's Concentration Will Increase If: | Reactant is added to the system |
Alpha-Hydrogens Are Relatively Acidic Because Of: | Resonance stabilization |
The Acidity Of Hydrogens Will Be Increased By Proximity To: | Electron withdrawing groups |
Carboxylic Acid Derivatives DO NOT Undergo: | Nucleophilic addition reactions like the aldol condensation |
Oxidation Of A Secondary Alcohol Will Lead To The: | Formation of a ketone |
Anomers, Which Are Cyclic Hemiacetal Forms Of Monosaccharides With Different Configurations Around The First Carbon, Are: | Easily broken in solution |
Mutarotation Involves The Initial Opening And Closing Of: | A chain of anomers that results in a mix of anomers |
Both Phospholipids And Triglycerides Contain: | A glycerol backbone |
In Phospholipids, The Glycerol Is Bonded Phosphoric Acid Through: | A phosphate ester and to two fatty acids through ester bonds |
In Triglycerides, The Glycerol Is Bonded To: | Three fatty acids through ester bonds |
Both Triglycerides And Phospholipids Have: | Three sp2-hybridized carbons (carbonyl carbons) |
The Phosphate Group In Phospholipids Can: | Hydrogen bond |
Triglycerides Do Not Have Any: | Functional groups that can hydrogen bond |
Efficiency = | (load * load distance) / (effort * effort distance) |
Error In Load % = | Absolute error / actual load |
As Actual Load Increases, Percent Error: | Increases |
Salt Bridges Are A Necessary Component Of Galvanic Cells That: | Release anions and cations into the separate half cells to counteract the buildup of charge created by the current flow |
When A Material Is Undergoing A Phase Change, It Will Always Be Accompanies By A Change In: | Density and entropy |
Because The Circulatory System Exists In A Closed State, The Volumetric Flow Rate Of Blood: | Must be constant throughout |
Cross-Sectional Area Is Inversely Proportional To: | Fluid velocity |
Acid Anhydrides Are Formed Through The Formation Of Water From: | Two molecules of carboxylic acid |
Acid Anhydrides Are Highly: | Reactive compounds |
Acid Anhydrides Are Named After: | The carboxylic acid that was used as a reactant |
Chymotrypsin Preferentially Cleaves Peptide Bonds Next To: | Large hydrophobic amino acids |
Aromatic Acids Are; | Large and hydrophobic |
The Esophagus Is A Conduit Through Which: | A food bolus passes from the pharynx to the stomach |
Competitive Inhibitors Bind Reversibly To: | The active site |
Alanine Contains Two: | Polarizable functional groups |
Amino Acids With Acidic R Groups (Glutamic Acid And Aspartic Acid) Have: | 3 polarizable functional groups |
Amino Acids With Basic R Groups (Histidine, Arginine, And Lysine) Have: | Three polarizable functional groups |
Regions Of Hydrophobicity On A Hydropathy Graph Are Shown By Regions Of The graph Where: | Y-values change from negative to positive, which indicates that they favor the opposite side of the membrane |
A Decrease In Heart Rate Would: | Decrease the perfusion of tissues with blood and decrease oxygen delivery |
Active mRNA Transcripts Have A: | Very short lifespan |
Triase Phosphate Isomerase Is Involved In: | Glycolysis |
Glycolysis Is A Component Of Both: | Aerobic and anaerobic respiration |
Monosomy In Any Chromosome Would Result From: | Maternal nondisjunction, which results in gene loss |
Most Inactive Enzymes Have Modifications Of The Active Site, Which Is Part Of The: | Tertiary structure |
In Order For Proto-Oncogene To Transform A Cell, Oncoproteins Must Be Produced From: | Proto-oncogene transcripts |
If There Are Complementary Nucleic Acid Sequences Present: | Proto-oncogene mRNA will base pair with the nucleic acids before it can be translated and produce oncoproteins |
The Binding Of A Compound To A Cell Receptor Which Triggers A Series Of Reactions Is Called: | Signal transduction |
Homozygous Dom X Homozygous Rec. = | 100% heterozygotes, 100% phenotype |
Heterozygous Dom. X Homozygous Rec. = | 50% phenotype |
A DNA Double-Strand Break If Left Unrepaired Would Affect Both Chromatids In A Pair Of Sister Chromatids In: | G1 |
The Spindle Apparatus Interacts With The Kinetochore Fibers In Order To Align The Chromosomes On The Equatorial Plate During: | Metaphase |
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Is Based On The Assumption that: | There is one active site capable of binding substrate |
Isomers That Do Not Have The Same Connectivity (ex: Placement Of A Carbonyl Group In Different Positions) Constitutes: | Structural isomers / constitutional isomers |
Polyuria, A Symptom Of Diabetes Type II, Is Characterized By: | Excess water excretion |
The Ascending Limb Of The Loop Of Henle Is: | Impermeable to water |
Type I Diabetes Involves The Destruction Of What Cells In The Pancreas: | Beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas |
Functions Of the Spinal Cord Include: | Pain and monosynaptic reflexes (ex: Deep tendon reflex) |
Totipotency Is The Ability Of A Cell To Develop: | Into any mature cell type |
Autoradiography Utilizes Radioactive Molecules To Trace And Identify: | Cell structures and localize biochemical activity |
Upon Penetration Of The Egg, The Sperm Mitochondria: | Fall apart and are not replicated when divisions begin |
Transcription Of A Specific Gene Will Always Result In: | The same primary transcript (pre-mRNA) |
Confabulation, the Production Of A Distorted Memory Without The Intention To Deceive Is A Common Symptom Of: | Korsakoff's Syndrome |
Working Memory Is Involved In: | Reasoning and comprehension |
Fundamental Attribution Error Describes The Tendency To: | Overvalue dispositional or personality-based causes for behavior while undervaluing the role of external circumstances |
The Humanist Perspective's Focus Is: | Self-actualization and helping patients become more complete and fulfilled individuals |
Ethical Research Guidelines Place Great Emphasis On Informed Consent Prior: | To the commencement of a study if there is potential for emotional or physical harm to the participants in the study |
Individuals With Low Self-Esteem Are More Likely To: | Engage in risky behaviors |
False Alarm Is When A Research Participant Provides: | A false answer to a stimulus that is not present |
Weber's Law: | JND (Just Noticeable Difference) = Change / Original |
Perseverance Dictates That When People Are Presented With Information Of Varying Opinion: | People are more likely to believe information that confirms their opinion and discount evidence which refutes it |
The Way To Increase The Statistical Significance Of A Result Is To: | Increase the number of data points in the study |
Symbolic Interactionists Seek To Study: | The effects of social constructs on individuals and how those constructs affect the roles individuals take in society |
Dizziness And Difficulty Hearing Strongly Suggests: | An inner ear problem involving the semicircular canals |
Systemic Desensitization Is: | The use of increasingly proximal stimuli to gradually reduce the fear response in an individual |
The Amygdala Is The Brain Structure Responsible For: | The fear response |
A Patient Who Seeks Constant Attention From Medical Staff And Becomes Irritable When Ignored Most Likely Has: | Borderline Personality Disorder |
Sexual Dimorphism Refers To: | The degree to which males and females resemble each other. |
A Species With Low Sexual Dimorphism Contains Males And Females That: | Look mostly identical |
Korle's Law States That Time And Distance Are: | Directly related |
Conflict Theory Involves: | Anger or dissatisfaction based on inequality |
A Lack Of Consequence In A Research Study Shows: | A lack of construct validity |
Reference Group Refers To: | The group of people that a person compares him or herself to when evaluating him or herself |
A Pessimist Assumes That Bad Things That Happen To Him Are: | Due to his own fault |
Major Depressive Disorder Requires The Presence Of A Certain Subset Of Symptoms Over A Period Of At Least: | 2 weeks |
Gate Theory Of Pain Explains How: | Input to nociceptors in the arm is preferentially transmitted to the brain by the spinal cord over other stimuli |