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Spanish Office IV
Spanish Medical Office IV
Term | Definition |
Are you following the instructions? | Esta siguiendo las instrucciones? (see-gee-ehn-doh) |
Does it hurt? | Le duele? (dweh-leh) |
Do they hurt? | Le duelen? (dweh-lehn) |
It hurts (me)! | Me duele! (dweh-leh) |
They hurt (me)! | Me duelen! (dweh-lehn) |
Point to the . . . | Senale . . . (sen-yah-lay) |
My head hurts. | Me duele la cabeza. |
Do your feet hurt? | Le duelen los pies? |
What hurts? | Que le duele? |
My eyes do not hurt. | No me duelen los ojos. |
The room is full. | El cuarto esta lleno. |
The office is full. | La oficina esta llena. |
I need an appointment. | Necesito una cita. |
They aren't the same patients. | No son los mismos pacientes. |
Something is in the stomach. | Algo esta en el estomago. (es-TOE-mah-go) |
Do you need medicine? | Necesita usted la medicina? |
There is enough medicine, too. | Hay bastante medicina, tambien. |
next of kin | pariente mas cercano |
adopted child | nino adoptado (nina adoptada) |
partner | socio |
You have to go to the appointment. | Tiene que ir a la cita. |
They have to go to the appointment. | Tienen que ir a la cita. |
Do you have grandchildren? | Tiene usted nietos? |
Wait in the room. | Espere en el cuarto. |
Bring the water. | Traiga el agua. |
Her son-in-law has to drive. | Su yerno tiene que manejar. |
Come. | Venga. |
Go with the nurse. | Vaya con la enfermera. |
Go. | Vaya. |
Sit on the chair. | Sientese en la silla. |
Call the doctor. | Llame al doctor. |
Carry the baby. | Lleve el bebe. |
Get up on the table. | Subase a la mesa. (SU-bah-say) |
Sign your name. | Firme su nombre. |
The appointment is at 2:00 on Tuesday. | La cita es a las 2:00 del Martes. |
Take the medicine. | Tome la medicina. |
Turn, please. | Dese vuelta, por favor. |
Call 911. | Llame nueve uno uno. |
Where does it hurt? | Donde le duele? |
Does it hurt here? | Le duele aqui? |
Stop the bleeding. | Pare la sangre. |
The appointment is at 10:00 on Friday. | La cita es a las 10:00 el VIernes. |
Bring me bandages. | Traigame vendajes. |
Bring me towels. | Traigame toallas. |
Bring me band aids. | Traigame tiritas. |
Bring me medicine. | Traigame medicina. |
The ambulance is coming. | La ambulancia viene. |
Stay quiet. | Quedese tranquilo(a). (KAY-day-say) (tran-KEE-lo) |
The appointment is at 1:00 on Monday. | La cita es a la 1:00 del Lunes. |
He is unconscious. | Perdio la conciencia. |
What did he swallow? | Que ha tragado? |
Do you know where his mother or father is? | Sabe donde esta su madre o su padre? |
Take him to the emergency room. | Llevale a la sala de emergencias. (urgencias) |
He swallowed pills. | Ha tragado pastillas. |
He swallowed poison. | Ha tragado veneno. (bay-NAY-no) |
He swallowed capsules. | Ha tragado capsulas. |
He injected heroin. | Se ha inyectado heroina. |
He injected cocaine. | Se ha inyectado cocaina. (ko-kah-EE-nah) |
He has overdosed. | Sufre una sobredosis. |
Please repeat it. | Repita por favor. |
Someone in your family has. . .? | Alguien en su familia tiene. . .? |
the consent form | el formulario de consentimiento |
Would you like one? | Quisiera tener uno? |
Who will bring me a copy of the form? | Quien me va a traer una copia del formulario? |
Do you have any special requests? | Tiene usted algunos pedidos adicionales? |
Who is your legal healthcare agent? | Quien es su agente legal para el cuidado de la salud? |
Who is your boss? | Quien es su jefe? |
Kathy is a nurse. | Kathy es una enfermera. |
Kathy is not a nurse. | Kathy no es una enfermera. |
wake up | despiertase (despiertate) |
Do you have any questions? | Tiene preguntas? |
Slower, please. | Mas despacio, por favor. |
I'm sorry, I don't understand. | Disculpe, no entiendo. |
I speak a little Spanish. | Hablo poco Espanol. |
I need an interpreter. | Necesito un interprete. |