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Destinos 47

Destinos episode 47

Raquel - Don Fernando quiero presentarle a sus nietos. I want to introduce you to your grandchildren.
Angela - Abuelo. . . yo soy Angela y este es mi hermano, Roberto. Grandfather. . . I am Angela and this is my brother Roberto.
Fernando - Vengan. Quiero verlos de cerca. Come, I want to see them up close.
Roberto - Abuelo. Abuelo, este es nuestro Tio, Arturo el medio hermano de nuestro Papa. This is our uncle, Arturo is half brother of our Papa.
Fernando - Arturo. . . Gracias por haber ayudado a Raquel. Te estoy agradecido. Thank you for having helped Raquel. I am grateful to you.
Arturo - Quien tiene que dar las gracias soy yo. Gracias a usted puedo conocer a mis sobrinos y por fin conocer el destino de Angel. The one who has to thank is me. Thanks to you i can meet my nephews and finally know the fate of Angel.
Fernando - Dime, Arturo. . . Rosario fue feliz? Tell me, Arturo. . . Rosario was happy?
Arturo - Si, lo fue. Le he traido una foto de ella. Yes, she was. I have brought a photo of her.
Fernando - Esta tan bella como el dia en que nos casamos. She is as beautiful as the day we married.
Arturo - Mi madre. . . siempre sintio un gran afecto por Angel. Ahora, me doy cuenta que fue por usted. My mother. . . always felt a great affection for Angel. Now I realize it was for you. (me doy cuenta - I realize)
Arturo - Tengo un foto de Angel cuando tenia veinte anos. Supongo que ustedes le habran contado lo que paso con Angel. I have a picture of Angel when he was twenty years old. I suppose you will have recounted what happened with Angel. (suponer - suppose, imagine)
Fernando - Si. Mi hermano Pedro me lo ha contado todo. Tu te sientes culpable, verdad? Pero no hay ningun motivo para que te sientas asi. Angel solo hizo lo que penso que era necesario. Yes. My brother Pedro recounted to me everything. You feel guilty, right? But there is no reason for you to feel like that. Angel only did what he thought was necessary.
Mercedes - Papa, estas bien? Papa, are you ok?
Fernando - Que si estoy bien, hija mia? Me estoy muriendo. What if I am ok, my daughter. I am dying.
Pedro - Vamos. Mejor dejemos a mi hermano para que pueda descansar. Let's go. Better let's leave my brother so that he could rest.(dejar - to leave)
Fernando - Si, Si, vayan. Dejenme solo un rato. Necesito tiempo para reponerme. Yes, yes, go. Leave me alone a while. I need time to recover. (un rato - a while) (reponerse - to recover)
Juan - Disculpen, voy a dar un paseo para tomar un poco de aire fresco. Me permiten? Excuse me, I am going to go for a walk to take a little fresh air. Allow me? (un paseo - a walk)
Arturo - Si, anda, no hay problemas. Yes, walk, there are no problems.
Mercedes - Juan esta pasando por un periodo dificil. Bueno, estamos organizando todo para la cena de esta noche. Tu te quedas, Raquel, no? Juan is going through a difficult period. Well, we are organizing everything for dinner tonight. And you are staying, Raquel, no? (quedar - to stay)
Raquel - Pues, no lo se. Mis padres acaban de llegar de Los Angeles. Well, I don't know. My parents have just arrived from Los Angeles. (acabar de - to have just)
Mercedes - Pues los invitamos a ellos tambien! Well we invite them also!
Raquel - Gracias, pero no creo que acepten. La Gavia esta muy lejos. Ademas esta es una reunion muy importante para ustedes. Thank you, but I do not believe that they will accept. La Gavia is very far. In addition, this is a very important meeting for you. (ademas - in addition)
Arturo - Raquel, quedate solo por esta noche. Esta es una ocasion unica. Desde manana podras estar con tus padres todo el tiempo que quieras. Stay just for tonight. This is a unique occasion. From tomorrow you can be with your parents all the time that you want. (quedar - to stay) (podras-poder-to be able)
Raquel - Esta bien, los voy a llamar. it is good, I am going to call them.
Consuelo - Aqui hay recamaras para todos. Pueden quedarse hasta manana. Asi no tendran que viajar toda la noche. Here there are bedrooms for everyone. You can stay until tomorrow. So you do not have to travel all night. (recamara - bedroom)
Raquel - De acuerdo. Voy a telefonear al hotel. I agree. I am going to telephone the hotel.
Arturo - Antes de que hagas eso me gustaria dar un paseo. Quisiera conocer la hacienda. Ademas, tengo que hablar de algo muy importante con vos. Before you do that I would like to take a walk. I would like to know the ranch. I have to talk about something very important with you. (hagas-hacer-to do)(dar un paseo - to go for a walk)
Raquel - Bueno,si quieres. Gracias. Well, if you want. Thank you.
Arturo - Gracias. Permiso. Thank you. With permission.
Pedro - Podemos hablar un momento en la oficina? Can we talk a moment in the office?
Carlos - Si, esta bien. Yes, it is well (ok).
Pedro - Voy a buscar a Ramon. I am going to look for Ramon.
Carlos - No se que decir. I don't know what to say.
Pedro - Carlos. . . es dificil enfrentar un problema como el que tiene Gloria. Tu error fue ocultarlo en lugar de pedir ayuda, pero es comprensible. Carlos. . . it is difficult to confront a problem as that Gloria has. Your error was to conceal it instead of asking for help, but it is understandable.(enrentar - to confront, to face) (en lugar de pedir - in place of asking) (pedir - to ask)
Carlos - Y la oficina? And the office?
Pedro - Pues, ya es demasiado tarde para salvar nuestra sucursal en Miami. Ustedes tendran que venirse a vivir a Mexico. Well, it is already too late to save our branch office in Miami. You will have to come live in Mexico. (sucursal - branch office) (tendran-tener-to have)
Ramon - Tal vez a Gloria le haga bien. Perhaps it will do Gloria well.
Pedro - Si, tal vez le ayude. Si esta rodeada de una familia que la quiere que no la juzga. Yes, perhaps it will help her. If she is surrounded by a family that wants her and does not judge her. . .
Carlos - Me siento muy agradecido por la comprension y el apoyo de ustedes. Pero, que vamos a hacer con los negocios? Y que va a pasar con La Gavia? I feel very grateful for the understanding and support from you. But what are we going to do with the business? and what is going to happen with La Gavia? (comprension - understanding) (apoyo - support)
Pedro - Todavia no lo sabemos. As yet we don't know.
Ramon - Lupe me conto una historia de cuando Papa compro La Gavia de como pensaba. No creo que podemos venderla. Mercedes, tu dijiste que tenias una idea. Lupe told me the story of when Papa bought La Gavia as thought. I do not believe that we can sell it. Mercedes, you said that you had an idea.
Mercedes - Asi es. No se lo que les parecera, pero es esta. No creen que el lugar es ideal para fundar un hogar para ninos que no tienen familia? So it is, I do not know what it my seem, but it is this. Don't you think that the place is ideal to found a home for children who have no family? (paracer - to seem)
Pedro - Un orfanato? An orphanage? (el huerfano - orphan)
Mercedes - Algo asi, para recoger a los ninos huerfanos. Una escuela para educarlos. Something like that, to gather the orphan children. A school to educate them. (recoger - to pick up, to gather) (el huerfano - orphan)
Ramon - Necesitamos dinero para hacer reformas al edificio, contratar personal. . . We need money to make reforms to the building, to hire personnel. . . (contratar - to hire)
Mercedes - Podemos comenzar con unos pocos ninos. Y estoy segura de que por una causa asi podremos conseguir dinero de instituciones o de personas. Me comprenden? We could start with a few children. And I am sure that for a cause like this we can will be able to obtain money from institutions or from persons. Do you understand me?
Pedro - Si, pero. . . es una gran responsabilidad. Traer ninos sin asegurados los fondos economicos ne es tan facil. Yes, but. . . It is a great responsibiity. To bring children without secured economic funds is not so easy.
(telefono suena) Ramon - Bueno? Si. Como esta usted Senora Lopez Estrada? Si, mi padre ya esta de regreso. No, todavia no. Claro, esta descansando del viaje. No, justo ahorita estabamos platicando del tema. Hello? Yes, how are you, Senora Lopez Estrada? Yes my father is already back. No, not yet. Of course, he is resting from the trip. No, right now we were talking of the theme (topic). (platicar - to talk, chat)
Mire, lo mejor es que yo le llame cuando hablemos con mi padre. De acuerdo? Gracias. Hasta pronto. Look, the best is that I call you when we talk with my father. Do you agree? Thank you, see you soon.
Ramon - Yo creo que lo mejor sera que no hablemos de esto hasta que hablemos con Papa. I think the best will be to not talk about this until we speak with Papa.
Mercedes - Estoy de acuerdo. I agree.
Pedro - Yo tambien. Me too.
(telefono suena) Ramon - Bueno? Si. Larga distancia? Angela Castillo? Si, un momento. Esta aqui, voy a llamarla. Le hablan a Angela de Puerto Rico . . un tal Jorge. Hello? Yes. Long distance? Yes, a moment. She is here, I am going to call her. They speak to Angela from Puerto Rico . . some Jorge.
Arturo - Raquel. . . quiero hacerte una pregunta. Raquel. . . I want to ask you a queston.
Raquel - Si? Yes?
Arturo - Bueno, no es facil. Luis. . . Well, it is not easy. Luis. . .
Raquel - Ah, si. Luis. Luis ha regresado a Los Angeles. Esta manana recibi un mensaje de el. Han pasado diez anos y yo he cambiado. Fue bueno verlo, pero fue bueno que tambien regresara a Los Angeles. Ah, yes. Luis. Luis has returned to Los Angeles. This morning I received a message from him. Ten years have passed and I have changed. It was good to see him, but it was good also that he will return to Los Angeles.
Arturo - Estas segura? Are you sure?
Raquel - Segura. Luis pertenece al pasado y yo no quiero volver al pasado. Sure. Luis belongs to the past and I don't want to return to the past. (pertenecer - to belong) (volver-to return)
Arturo - Entonces, quiero hablarte del futuro. Quiero que regreses conmigo a Buenos Aires. Then, I want to talk to you about the future. I want you to return with me to Buenos Aires. (regresar - to return)
Raquel - (suspira) Arturo, no es facil. Yo tengo una profesion y una carrera que quiero seguir. Ademas, mi familia vive en Los Angeles, mis padres. No puedo abandonarlos. (sighs) Arturo, it is not easy. I have a profession and a career that i want to continue. In addition, my family lives in Los Angeles, my parents. I can't abandon them. (seguir - to continue) (ademas - in addition)
Arturo - Pero, yo tengo buenos contactos en Buenos Aires. Tengo amigos abogados. Podrias establecerte perfectamente. En cuanto a tus padres, tengo una casa grande. Podrian venir a vivir con nosotros. But, I have good contacts in Buenos Aires. I have lawyer frineds. You could establish perfectly. As for your parents, I have a big house, they could come live with us. (establecer - to establish, to set up)
Raquel - Arturo, eres muy amable. Pero, crees sinceramente que podria sacar a mis padres de Los Angeles? Es todo lo que conocen. No podrian adaptarse a otro pais. Arturo, you are very kind. But do you believe sincerely you could take my parents from Los Angeles? It is everything they know. They could not adapt to another country. (sacar - to take out, remove)
Arturo - Comprendo. I understand.
Raquel - Ademas, tambian para mi empezar de nuevo, en un pais extrano todo seria diferente - - las leyes, el sistema juridico. . . No seria tan facil como crees. In addition, also for me to start new in a strange country everything would be different - - the laws, the legal system. . . It wouldn't be as easy as you think. (empezar - to begin, to start)
Arturo - Bueno, entonces, solo me queda un camino. Well, then, it only remains for me a way (one way). (quedar - to be left, to remain)
Arturo - Con tal de estar cerca de ti me iria a vivir a Los Angeles. To be close to you I would go live in Los Angeles.
Raquel - Pero, Arturo. . . piensa en lo que eso significa! But, Arturo . . .think about what that means! (significar - to mean)
Arturo - Lo he pensado mucho. Que tengo en Buenos Aires? No tengo familia. . .amigos muy pocos. . . solo tengo mi trabajo. Podria comenzar de nuevo en Los Angeles. (rien) I have thought about it much.What do I have in Buenos Aires? I have no family. . . very few friends. . .I only have my work. I could begin new in Los Angeles. Of course, I have to improve my English. (they laugh)
Raquel - Pero, Arturo. . .piensa en lo que eso significa. Dejarias Buenos Aires, saldrias de tu pais, vivirias en un mundo muy diferente al tuyo. But, Arturo. . .think about what that means. You would leave Buenos Aires, go out of your country, would live in a world very different from yours. (dejar - to leave) (saldrias - salir - to go out, to leave)
Arturo - Lo unico que me importa es estar contigo. The only thing important to me is to be with you.
Raquel - (suspira) No esperaba eso en mi vida. (sighs) I was not waiting for that in my life.
Arturo - Yo tampoco pero hablo en serio. Me neither but is speak seriously.
Raquel - Arturo, no crees que deberiamos pensarlo mejor? You don't think we should think about it better? (deber - should, must)
Arturo - Deberiamos pero yo no quiero hacerlo. Quiero actuar. No quiero que me dejes. We should but I don't want to do it. I want to act. I don't want that you leave me.(deber - should, must) (dejar - to leave)
Lupe - Le pasa algo, don Fernando? Did something happen?
Fernando - Si, que me voy a lavantar. Dame algo decente que ponerme. Yes, that I am going to get up. Give me something decent to put on myself. (lavantar - to get up) (dar - to give)
Arturo - Esta tan lindo todo esto. . . This is all so pretty. . .
Carlos - Disculpen si interrumpo. Pues, Arturo, Podriamos platicar un momento? Forgive if I interupt. Then, Arturo, Could we talk a moment? (pues - then, well ) (platicar - to chat)
Arturo - si, claro, como no? yes, of course, how not (why not)?
Carlos - No te molesta, Raquel? Es muy importante. It doesn't bother you, Raquel? It is very important.
Raquel - Claro que no. Aprovechare para llamar a mis padres. Con permiso. Of course not. I take advantage to call my parents. With permission (excuse me). (aprovechar - take advantage)
Arturo - Si. Nos sentamos ahi? Yes. Let us sit there? (sentarse - to sit)
Carlos - Si. Mira, Arturo, queria hablar contigo porque. . . pues, tengo unos problemas y pense que como tu eres psiquiatra. . . Yes. Look, Arturo, I wanted to talk to you because. . . well, I have a few problems and I thought that as you are a psychiatrist. . .
Arturo - Te escucho. De que se trata? I hear you (listen to you). Of what is it about? (trata - about)
Carlos - De mi mujer, Gloria. Hace tiempo. . . anos. . .empezo a jugar. Le gustaban los casinos, la ruleta, tu sabes. My wife, Gloria. Some time ago. . . years. . .she began to play. She like the casinos, the roulette, you know. (empezar - to begin, to start)
Carlos - Pues, al principio no me parecio mal. A mi tambien me gustaba jugar un poco de vez en cuando como diversion. Well, in the beginning I did not think it was bad. I also liked to play a little once in a while as fun. (de vez en cuando - once in a while) (diversion - fun)
Arturo - Pero ella ya no lo hace por diversion. But she no longer does it for fun.(ya no - no longer, not anymore)
Carlos - Eso es. Es como. . . como un vicio. Empieza a jugar, y ya no para. . . That's it. It's like. . . like a vice. She starts to play and no longer for. . . (ya no - no longer, not anymore) (empezar - to begin, to start)
Arturo - Y han hablado de esto entre ustedes? And you have talked about this between you? (entre - between)
Carlos - Si. Dice que va a parar, promete, pero luego. . . Yes. She says she is going to stop, promises, but later. . . (parar - to stop)
Arturo - Lo hace otra vez. She does it again.
Carlos - Si. Se escapa. Se va a San Juan, a las Bahamas y hasta que no pierde todo el dinero, no regresa. Que crees que puedo hacer? Yes. She escapes. She goes to San Juan, to the Bahamas and not until she loses all the money, she doesn't return. What do you think I can do? (pierde - perder - to lose)
Arturo - Hay que averiguar que es lo que la lleva a hacer esto. Seguramente necesita ayuda profesional. We must find out what is leading to this. She certainly needs professional help. (averiguar - to find out) (hay que - one must, it is necessary) (lo que lleva - what leads)
Carlos - Como que? Like what?
Arturo - Bueno, hay terapias individuales, hay terapias de grupo. Ademas si ustedes van a Estados Unidos alli hay organizaciones que dan apoyo emocional. Well, there are individual therapies, there are group therapies. In addition if you are going to the United States there are organizations that give emotional support. (apoyo - support) (dar-to give)
Carlos - Tengo que confesar que es dificil hablar de esto. I have to confess that it is difficult to talk about this.
Arturo - Es natural. Vamos a caminar y si queres, seguimos hablando un poco mas de esto. It is natural. We will walk and if you want, we will continue to talk a little more about this. (seguir - to continue)
Roberto - Pero, Como averiguo Jorge el telefono de aqui? But, how found out Jorge the telephone here? (averiguar - to find out)
Angela - No lo se. I do not know.
Roberto - Tu le diste el telefono de Pedro? You gave him Pedro's telephone? (diste - dar- to give)
Angela - Hay, no! Pero, que importa? Habra llamado al tio Jaime. There is not! But, what is important? He will have called Tio Jaime.
Roberto - Es que me extrana. Que queria? It is strange to me (It surprises me.). What did he want? (extrana - ex-trahn-yah =strange)
Angela - Hablar conmigo, saber como estoy. Por que te extrana? To talk with me, to know how I am. Why is it strange to you? (Why does it surprise you?)
Roberto - Angela, te conozco muy bien. Angela, you know very well.
Angela - Ademas, no te vas a enfadar si te lo digo? In addition, you are not going to get angry if I tell you? (enfadar - angry)
Roberto - No, no me voy a enfadar. Te lo prometo. No, I am not going to get angry. I promise you.
Angela - Queria darme una buena noticia. Ha encontrado una increible oportunidad un teatro viejo. Queda en la calle de la Cruz. Ay, Jorge esta muy contento y queria contarmelo. He wanted to give me good news. He has found an incredible opportunity in an old theater. It is on Cruz street. Ay, Jorge is very happy and he wanted to tell me about it.(quedar - to stay, to be) (contar - to tell, to count) (encontrado - found, met)
Roberto - Nada mas de contartelo? Nothing more than to tell you it?
Angela - Nada mas. Por que tienes que ser tan desconfiado? No entiendo por que todos le tienan tanta antipatia a Jorge. Nothing more. Why do you have to be so suspicious (distrustful)? I don't understand why all of you have so much antipathy to Jorge. (desconfiado - suspicious)
Roberto - Porque queremos protegerte de ese don Juan. Because we want to protect you from that don Juan. (proteger- to protect)
Angela - No tienes derecho de decir que es un don Juan. Tu no lo sabes. You have no right to say that he is a don Juan. You do not know it.
Roberto - Entonces, quien era la mujer que contesto cuando lo llamaste a su casa? Then, who was the woman who answered when you called his house?
Angela - Unos amigos de Nueva York que estan en Puerto Rico. Estan alojados en su casa. Que hay de malo en eso? Some friends from New York that are in Puerto Rico. They are staying at his house. What is wrong bad) in that? (alojado - hosted)
Roberto - Tu crees eso? You believe that?
Angela - Por supuesto! Y mira, terminemos con esta discusion. No hay nada malo en Jorge. Tiene una vocacion y you quiero ayudarlo. Of course! And look, we are done with this discussion. There is nothing bad in Jorge. He has a vocation and i want to help with it.
Raquel - (en el telefono) no estan en el hotel? Entonces, por favor, quiero dejar un mensaje. Digales por favor que llamo su hija. . . que regresare manana y que llamare mas tarde. Si, Si. Gracias. (in the telephone) They are not in the hotel? Then, please, I want to leave a message. Tell them please that their daughter called. . .that I will be back tomorrow and I will call later. Yes, yes, thank you.(regresar - to return)
Raquel (relata) - Bueno. Mis padres no estan y les deje un mensaje. Esta noche voy a quedarme aqui en La Gavia a cenar con la familia Castillo. (narrates) - Well. My parents are not there and I left a message. Tonight I am going to stay here in La Gavia for dinner with the Castillo family. (dejar - to leave) (quadar - to stay)
Raquel (relata) - Que emocionante el encuentro entre don Fernando, Angela, Roberto y Arturo! (narrates) - How emotional the meeting between don Fernando, Angela, Roberto y Arturo!
Raquel (relata) - Recuerdan lo que le trajo Arturo a don Fernando? Arturo trajo dos fotos: una de Angel Y otra de Rosario. (narrates) - Do you remember what Arturo brought to don Fernando? Arturo brought two photos: one of Angel and the other of Rosario. (traer - to bring) (recordar - to remember)
Raquel (relata) - Pero no pasamos mucho tiempo con don Fernando. Con la emocion, necesitaba descansar. (narrates) - But we didn't spend much time with don Fernando. With the emotion, he needed to rest. (pasar - to spend, to happen) (descansar - to rest)
Raquel (relata) - Entonces, Arturo y yo salimos a dar un paseo. Arturo queria dar un paseo para hablar conmigo sobre algo importante. (narrates) - Then, Arturo and i go out for a walk. Arturo wanted to go for a walk to talk with me about something important. (salir - to go out, to leave) (dar un paseo - go for a walk)
Raquel (relata) - Yo sabia dos cosas. Sabia que el queria hablar de nuestro futuro.Y tambien sabia que el iba pedirme que yo me fuera a vivir a la Argentina. (narrates) - I knew two things. I knew that he wanted to talk about our future. And also I knew that he was going to ask me to go live in Argentina. (saber - to know) (iba-ir-to go, to leave)
Raquel (relata) - Cuando yo le dije que no podia, que tenia mi profesion y mi familia en Los Angeles, su respuesta realmente me sorprendio. (narrates) - When I told him that I could not, that I had my profession and my family in Las Angeles, his response really surprised me. (respuesta - response) (poder - to be able to) (tener - to have)
Raquel (relata) - Que me dijo Arturo que haria? Arturo me dijo que se iria a vivir a Los Angeles. (narrates) - What did Arturo tell me he would do? Arturo told me that he would come to live in Los Angeles. (haria-hacer-to do) (iria-ir-to go) (dijo-decir-to say, to tell)
Raquel (relata) - Pues, claro, yo no esperaba eso. Y le respondi que no era facil lo que me proponia. (narrates) - well, of course, I was not waiting for that. And I answered that it was not easy what he proposed to me. (pues-then, well) (esperar-to wait for, to hope) (responder - to answer, to reply) (proponer - to propose)
Raquel (relata) - Pero ahora que lo pienso, sus razones son logicas. Seguramente vamos a hablar mas de eso. (narrates) - But now that I think about it, his reasons are logical. Surely we are going to talk more about that. (pensar - to think)
Raquel (relata) - Por el momento, no se. Me siento muy feliz, pero tambien un poco preocupada. (narrates) - For the moment, I don't know. I feel very happy, but also a bit worried. (preocupar - to worry) (sentir - to feel)
Raquel (relata) - Salir de la Argentina para irse a vivir a Los Angeles, pues, no le sera facil a Arturo. Pero la idea me gusta mucho, si, me gusta mucho. (narrates) - Leaving Argentina to go live in Los Angeles, well, it will not be easy for Arturo. But I like the idea very much, yes, I like it very much. (salir - to leave) (ir-to go)
Angela - No se, pero ya me siento muy bien aqui entre esta gente. I don't know, but already I feel very good here among these people.(ya - already) (entre - between, among) (sentir - to feel)
Raquel - Es tu familia, Angela. Quieren que te sientas comoda. It is your family, Angela. They want you to feel comfortable. (comodo(a) - comfortable)
Ramon - Y donde esta Lupita? And where is Lupita?
Mercedes - Papa! Que haces? Deberias estar en la cama! Papa! What are you doing? You should be in bed! (deber - should)
Fernando - Si. Posiblemente. Yes, possibly.
Fernando - Escuchen. Yo estaba en la cama. . . pensando. Tengo grandes dudas. Listen, I was in the bed. . .thinking. I have great doubts.
Fernando - Si, dudas. Raquel, quiero que me hables de la investigacion detalle por detalle. Realmente Angela & Roberto son mis nietos? Yes, doubts. Raquel, I want you to talk to me about the investigation detail by detail. Are Angela & Roberto really my grandchildren?
Created by: Heidi.Medina
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