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NCS Sp 3DE Voc 3

Chapter 3 of Experience Spanish

arreglar el cuarto to tidy/clean up the room
barrer el piso to sweep the floor
cortar el césped to cut the grass
doblar la ropa to fold the clothes
hacer la cama to make the bed
pasar la aspiradora to vacuum
planchar to iron
poner la mesa to set the table
quitar la mesa to clear the table
sacar la basura to take out the trash
sacudir los muebles to dust the furniture
tender (ie) la ropa to hang the clothes
trabajar en el jardín to work in the garden/yard
trapear el piso to mop the floor
la estufa the stove
el horno the oven
el (horno de) microondas microwave (oven)
la lavadora washer, washing machine
el lavaplatos dishwasher
la licuadora blender
la secadora dryer
diario/a daily
tener cuidado to have care (to be careful)
tener éxito to have success (to be successful)
tener ganas de + infinitive to fell like (doing something)
tener prisa to be in a hurry
tener razón to be right
tener sueño to be sleepy
hacer ejercicio to exercise
ir a la mezquita to go to the mosque
ir a la sinagoga to go to the synagogue
jugar al billar to play pool
jugar a las cartas to play cards
levantar pesas to lift weights
pasarlo bien/mal to have a good/bad time
tomar un café to have a cup of coffee
tomar una copa to have a drink (alcoholic)
tomar una siesta to take a nap
tomar una sauna to spend time in a sauna
ver un DVD to watch a DVD
ver una película to watch a movie
almorzar (ue) to eat/have lunch
conocer to know, be acquainted with
conseguir (i) to get, obtain
seguir (i) to continue, to follow
deber + infinitive to should, ought to (do something)
empezar (ie) to begin, to start
empezar (ie) a + infinitive to begin to (do something)
mostrar (ue) to show
perder (ie) to lose
servir (i) to serve
soler (ue) + infinitive to usually (do something)
volver (ue) to return (to a place)
volver (ue) a + infinitive to (do something) again
según according to
cocinar to cook
lavar to wash
los platos dishes
la ropa clothes
limpiar to clean
secar to dry
todos los días everyday
una vez a la semana/al mes once a week/month
tener ..... años to be ..... years old
tener (mucho) calor to be (very) hot
tener (mucho) frío to be (very) cold
tener (mucha) suerte to be (very) lucky
tener (mucha) sed to be (very) thirsty
tener miedo (de) to be afraid (of)
tener que + infinitive to have to (do something)
hacer yoga to do yoga
ir al cine to go to the movies
ir a la iglesia to go to church
jugar a los videojuegos to play videogames
cerrar (ie) to close
dormir (ue) to sleep
encontrar (ue) to find
entender (ie) to understand
necesitar + infinitive to need to (do something)
pedir (I) to ask for; to order
pensar (ie) (en) to think (about)
pensar (ie) + infinitive to plan to (do something)
poder (ue) to be able to (can)
preferir (ie) to prefer
querer (ie) to want
saber to know
seguir + gerund to keep/still be (doing something)
venir to come
la cosa thing
el lugar place
entre between
porque because
Created by: angelasaucier
Popular Spanish sets




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