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STEMS MASTERLIST Organized in Alphabetical Order

STEMDefinition of STEMExamplesDefinitions of Examples 1Definitions of Examples 2Category
acer, acid, acri bitter, sour, sharp acerbic, acidity, acrid, acrimony acrid=sharp or pungent (not positively) acerbic=the tone of being sharp with someone Senses
acu sharp acute, acupuncture, accurate acuity=the feature of being sharp, skilled, or smart acute=a sharp angle on a triangle Shape
ag, agi, ig, act do, move, go agent, agenda, agitate, navigate, ambiguous, action agent=the person who does the work agenda=list of things you are going to do Movement
ali, allo, alter other alias, alibi, alien, alloy, alter, alter ego, altruism alternative=the other option alias=another name given rather than the true one Compare/Contrast
alt(us) high, deep altimeter, altitude altitude=the measure of height (usually above average sea level) ultimate=the highest or greatest Location
am, amor love, liking amiable, amorous, enamoured amorous=filled with love enamoured=the state of being in admiration or love with someone or something Emotions/Feelings
Anni, annu, enni year anniversary, annually, centennial anniversary=a yearly celebration or commemoration of an event perennials=plants that grow throughout the years Time/Sequence
anthrop man anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropy misanthrope=someone who believes that human beings are evil or malevolent anthropology=the study of human civilizations Big Concepts/Space/Science
anti(co) old antique, antiquated, antiquity antique=an old relic or thing antiquated=describing something that is out of date and of no use in the current time period Time/Sequence
arch chief, first, rule, power archangel, architect, archaic, monarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, Archeozoic era archetype=a recurring pattern or structure matriarchy=ruling through the mother patriarchy=ruling through the father Family/Relationships
aster, astr star aster, asterisk, asteroid, astronomy, astronaut asteroid=a flash of light in the night sky that seems like the light of a star astronomy=study of the stars Big Concepts/Space/Science
aud, aus hear, listen audiology, auditorium, audio, audition, ausculate audition=the performance in which a singer is heard audacity=the attitude of being loud and daring Senses
aug, auc increase augur, augment, auction augment=to add to something auction=when items are sold and the idea is to increase the price with each bid Change
auto, aut self automobile, autograph, automatic automatic=when something runs itself without help autonomic=describes a system that works without conscious effort Forwards/Motivate
belli war rebellion, belligerent, casus belli, bellicose belligerent=someone who is combative, wants to fight, out of control rebellion=a war against the people in power War/Peace/Power
bibl book Bible, bibliography, bibliomania bibliophile=someone who loves books bibliography=the list of books that an author has used or included in their work Literary
bio life biology, biometrics, biome, biosphere biometrics=measurements of the health or life of someone biology=the study of life numbers/math
brev short abbreviate, brief abbreviate=to make abbreviation of NSHS versus spelling out North Side High School brevity=the idea of being short and to the point in speech Time/Sequence
cad, cas to fall cadaver, cadence, cascade cadence=where the beat falls in line cascade=a waterfall Movement
calor heat calorie, caloric, calorimeter calorie=unit of heat calorie=in dietary terms, a unit of energy or heat that a particular food contains. Change
cap, cip, cept take capable, intercept, forceps, capture, except, reciprocate capable=able to take it intercept=to get between and take something capture=to take it Verbs/Actions
capit, capt head decapitate, capital, captain, caption decapitation=cutting off the head captain=the head of the team Parts of the Body
carn flesh carnivorous, incarnate, reincarnation, carnal incarnate=the physical or flesh form of something carnal=describes things having to do with the flesh Parts of the Body
caus, caut burn, heat caustic, cauldron, cauterize caustic=the tone of being harsh or burning cauterize=to burn something in order for it to bind together or be sanitized...the doctor cauterized the wound Change
cause, cuse, cus cause, motive because, excuse, accusation accusation=to argue that someone has caused or done a bad deed excuse=to free someone of cause or motive for a bad deed Emotions/Feelings
ced, ceed, cede, cess move, yield, go, surrender procedure, proceed, cede, concede, recede, precede, accede, success secede=to move away from concede=yield to give up, to surrender War/Peace/Power
cenetri center concentric, centrifugal, centripetal, eccentric eccentric=describes someone who is unique and therefore, outside of the center heliocentric=the sun is the center of the Solar System Parts of the Body
chrom color chrome, chromosome, polychrome, chromatic chromosomes=the chemical strands which determine features such as hair and eye color, etc. chromatic=having to do with colors Light/Darkness/Color
chron time chronology, chronometer, synchronize chronometer=a fancy way of saying a clock...something that measures time Chronos is the god of time synchronize=to make things happen at the same time Time/Sequence
cide, cise cut down, kill homicide, exorcise, germicide, incision, scissors excise=to cut something out patricide=killing the father fratricide=killing your brother Family/Relationships
cit call, start incite, citation, cite cite=to refer or call upon another source to support your argument citation=a ticket that calls out an infraction of the law Location
civ citizen civic, civil, civilian, civilization civil=relating to the ideals of being a good citizen civilization=a society in which people or citizens form a cohesive government War/Peace/Power
clam, claim cry out exclamation, clamor, proclamation, reclamation, acclaim exclamation=a loud or emotional outburst clamor=a state of being loud or noisy Emotions/Feelings
clud, clus, claus shut include, conclude, recluse, claustrophobia, occlusion, occult conclude=the end or shutting down of something claustrophobia=fear of being shut into a small space Change
cognoac, gnosi know recognize, prognosis, cognoscenti, incognito, agnostic incognito=dressing so that no one knows who you are prognosis=the long term prediction of something ahead of time Literary
cord, cor, cardi heart cordial, concord, discord, courage, encourage courageous=having heart cordial=sincere, heartfelt Parts of the Body
corp body corporation, corporal punishment, corpse, corpulent, corpus luteum corporal=having to do with the body corpse=a dead body Parts of the Body
cosm universe, world cosmos, microcosm, cosmopolitan, cosmonaut microcosm=a small example that represents or has the features of the greater whole cosmopolitan=describes someone who has traveled a lot and been in many parts of the world. Big Concepts/Space/Science
crat, cracy rule autocrat, aristocrat, theocracy, technocracy theocracy=a government that rules the enforcement of religious principles aristocrat=wealthy or powerful individuals who rule over others War/Peace/Power
crea create creature, recreation, creation recreation=acts of creating pleasurable experiences creative=someone with the ability to create Light/Darkness/Color
cred believe creed, credo, credence, credit, credulous, incredulous, incredible incredulous=a look of angry disbelief credible=believable Emotions/Feelings
cresc, cret, crease, cru rise, grow crescendo, concrete, increase, decrease, accrue crescendo=describes something that is rising in volume or magnitude accrue=to gain something over time...I wish I could accrue more savings Change
crit separate, choose critical, criterion, hypocrite critic=someone whose writing is meant to separate one thing from another criterion=the features that separate one thing from another SAT scores are a criterion for colleges to admit students. Change
cur, curs run current, concurrent, concur, incur, recur, occur, courier, precursor, cursive curse=a malevolent wish that someone hopes will run its course cursive=a form of script in which the characters are connected or run together Movement
cura care curator, curative, manicure curator=the person in charge of caring for the relics in a museum manicure=to take care of one's hands Emotions/Feelings
cycl, cyclo wheel, circular Cyclops, unicycle, bicycle, cyclone, cyclic cyclic=describing something that is circular cyclone=a spinning or circular storm or wind Parts of Things
deca ten decade, decalogue, decathlon, decahedron decalogue=the ten commandments decahedron=a ten-sided shape numbers/math
dem people democracy, demography, epidemic democracy=a system of government in which people vote to elect their representatives. The US should try this some time. demographics=the features and groups of different people; the study of people and their differences and similarities Big Concepts/Space/Science
dent, dont tooth dental, denture, orthodontist, periodontal dentist=a doctor specializes in treatment of the teeth dentilation=a stylistic feature that gives the appearance of teeth Parts of the Body
derm skin hypodermic, dermatology, epidermis, taxidermy hypodermic=describes something that goes through the skin..i.e. a hypodermic needle dermatologist=a doctor who specializes in skin and skin disorders Parts of the Body
dict say, speak dictation, dictionary, dictate, dictator, Dictaphone, edict, predict, verdict, contradict, benediction contradict=to say or argue against something benediction=a positive prayer or good words Literary
doc, dokein teach doctrine, indoctrinate, document, dogma, dogmatic doctrine=the ideas or beliefs that are taught indoctrinate=the process of teaching or getting someone to believe in certain ideas Literary
domin master dominate, dominion, predominant, domain domain=an area that is mastered or governed predominant=the most common or shared feature Family/Relationships
don give donate, condone donate=to give condone=to allow or give permission Verbs/Actions
dorm sleep dormant, dormitory dormant=something that is not moving i.e. asleep dormitory=where students sleep Verbs/Actions
dox opinion, praise orthodox, heterodox, paradox, doxology doctor=one who has studied so much that it is praiseworthy paradox=a self contradictory statement or idea...sometimes you have to lose in order to win Emotions/Feelings
drome run, step syndrome (run together), hippodrome (place where horses run) syndrome=medical condition that has symptoms that run together Verbs/Actions
duc, duct lead induce, seduce (lead aside), produce, reduce induce=to lead into or cause duct=a strategic tube or pathway used to lead a fluid to another area Forwards/Motivate
dura hard, lasting durable, duration, endure endure=to last or remain durable=something that can stand long use Time/Sequence
dynam power dynamo, dynamic, dynamite, hydrodynamics dynamite=a powerfully explosive material used in demolition dynamic=describes something powerful or changing Parts of the Body
endo within endorse, endocardial, endoskeletal, endoskeleton, endosperm endorse=to support or allow something within an exclusive title or designation endoskeleton=when an organism has a skeleton within its body (such as a human) Location
equi equal equinox, equilibrium, equipoise equinox=the days of the year in which NIGHT (without sun) matches the Day (the sun) equanimity=the ability to be fair minded Compare/Contrast
erg work energy, erg, allergy, ergometer, ergograph, ergophobia ergonomic=describes something that is easy to work or manipulate ergophobia=the fear of work Big Concepts/Space/Science
fac, fact, fic, fect do, make factory, fact, manufacture, amplification, confection confection=food, usually of sweets or desserts, made by confectioner or cook prefect=someone who is in charge and makes others do what they are supposed to do Forwards/Motivate
fall, fals deceive fallacy, falsify, fallacious fallacy=a statement which seems logical but is not logically true fallacious=describes reasoning that is questionable or false Increase/Decrease
fer bear, carry ferry, coniferous, fertile, defer, infer, refer, transfer coniferous=trees (like pine trees) that carry cones fertile=refers to land or other things which are strong enough to carry life Movement
fid, fide, feder(is) faith, trust confidante, fidelity, confident, infidelity, infidel, federal, confederacy, semper ficonfidante, fidelity=faith, trust, or truthful confidante=someone you can trust with a secret Emotions/Feelings
fila, fili thread filigree, filament, filter, filet, filibuster filament=a small thread filter=designed so that only small threads of substances may pass through Time/Sequence
fin end, ended, finished final, finite, finish, confine, fine, refine, define, finale finality=the tone of being last or at the end of life finale=the part of music piece or performance just before the end Time/Sequence
fix fix fix, fixation, fixture, affix, prefix, suffix fixture=a piece that has been fixed or stabilized into place affix=to place or attach something Parts of Things
flex, flect bend flex, reflex, flexible, flexor, inflexibility, reflect, deflect inflexibility=the lack of being able to bend reflect=something that bends back light to the source Change
flu, fluc, fluv flowing influence, fluid, flue, flush, fluently, fluctuate superfluous=describing someone that talks too much or in a flowing manner fluctuate=describes something that flows in many different directions Movement
form form, shape form, uniform, conform, formulary, perform, formal, formula uniform=of one shape or design formal=important and following a specific form of set of rules Shape
fort, forc strong fort, fortress, fortify, forte, fortitude fortitude=tone's strength and resolve fortify=to strengthen Parts of the Body
fract, frag break fracture, infraction, fragile, fraction, refract infraction=breaking the rules fracture=breaking a bone Change
gam marriage bigamy, monogamy, polygamy bigamy=marrying more than one person monogamy=marrying only one other person Family/Relationships
gastr (o) stomach gastric, gastronomic, gastritis, gastropod gastritis=inflammation of the stomach gastric=related to the stomach or gut Parts of the Body
gen birth, race, produce, beginning genesis, genetics, eugenics, genealogy, generate, genetic, antigen, pathogen genesis=the beginnings genetics=the study of origins through DNA Parts of the Body
geo earth geometry, geography, geocentric, geology geography=the study of mapping the earth and its locations geology=the study of the earth's various rocks, parts, and periods Location
germ vital part germination, germ, germane germination=the important process of a seed growing and forming a plant germane=describes something that is relevant or important for the topic at hand Parts of Things
gest carry, bear congest, gestation gestation=the time in which a mother carries its young in the womb congestion=when two many things are being carried through an area or part Movement
gloss, glot tongue glossary, polyglot, epiglottis glossary=the list of words at the end of a book polyglot=someone who can use several languages Parts of the Body
glu, glo lump, bond, glue glue, agglutinate, conglomerate glue=bonds things together conglomerate=a group of companies or things that are connected Verbs/Actions
grad, gress step, go grade, gradual, graduate, progress, graduated, egress regress=to go backwards egress=a place to go or exit a building Forwards/Motivate
graph, gram write, written graph, graphic, autograph, photography, graphite, telegram graph=something that is written or drawn to show relationships autograph=your self-identified written signature Literary
grat pleasing congratulate, gratuity, grateful, ingrate gratuity=the extra tip or money given for good service that you found pleasing ingrate=someone who is not thankful for anything they have Emotions/Feelings
grav heavy, weighty grave, gravity, aggravate, gravitate aggravate=to intentional add weight or heaviness to a situation that does not need it. gravitate=to move towards as if by force Movement
greg herd gregarious, congregation, segregate, gregarian segregate=to separate or move apart groups egregious=describes something of such low or bad taste that it would warrant removal from the group Location
helio sun heliograph, heliotrope, heliocentric heliocentric=the idea that the sun was center of the universe although we do, in fact, have a heliocentric Solar System Helios=the god of the sun Location
hema, hemo blood hemorrhage, hemoglobin, hemophilia, hemostat hemorrhage=a break that causes bleeding hemoglobin=a substance found in blood that transfers oxygen to cells Parts of the Body
here, hes stick adhere, cohere, cohesion, inherent, hereditary adhere=to stick to something cohere=when things are next to each other in a related or logical fashion Verbs/Actions
hetero different heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodox heterodox=containing many different ideas heterogeneous=having many different features and genes Compare/Contrast
homo same homogeneous, homonym, homogenize homogenize=the process used to make a substance be of one texture or consistency homonym=two words that have the same spelling but two different definitions pole can be a stick but it can also be the first position in a race—the pole position Compare/Contrast
hum, human earth, ground, man humus, exhume, humane exhume=to remove something that has been buried posthumously=something that is published by an author after the author has died and been buried The Children of Hurin was published by JRR Tolkien posthumously Parts of Things
hydr, hydra, hydro water dehydrate, hydrant, hydraulic, hydraulics, hydrogen, hydrophobia hydraulic=the use of water (or another liquid) to transfer mechanical energy or force dehydrated=the state of lacking water Big Concepts/Space/Science
hypn sleep hypnosis, hypnotherapy hypnosis=the process of putting ones conscious mind to sleep hypnotherapy=a therapy in which the therapist puts the patient's mind in a state of waking sleep. Verbs/Actions
ignis fire ignite, igneous, ignition ignite=to set something on fire ignition=to start the car by firing up the engine War/Peace/Power
ject throw deject, inject, project, eject, interject projectile=something that is throw out there interjection=usually a sound, noise, or a disruption in a conversation Location
join, junct join adjoining, enjoin, juncture, conjunction, injunction, conjunction conjunction=a word that joins together others...”and” is a perfect example juncture=a place where two roads, ideas, etc. come together Increase/Decrease
juven young juvenile, rejuvenate juvenile=having to do with kids rejuvenate=to become more young or recover Time/Sequence
lau, lav, lot, lut wash launder, lavatory, lotion, ablution, dilute launder=to wash or clean ablution=the act of cleaning or preparing for prayer, purity, or even funeral rites Change
leg law written legal, legislate, legislature, legitimize legislation=the written laws of the land legible=written well enough to be read legend=a story that was written down War/Peace/Power
levi light alleviate, levitate, levity levity=to bring to light or describing something that is shining or important He spoke with great levity alleviate=to lighten the load or pain of someone else Light/Darkness/Color
liber, liver free liberty, liberal, liberalize, deliverance liberal=freely deliverance=the act of setting one free by providing Change
liter letters literary, literature, literal, alliteration, obliterate obliterate=to destroy something and reduce it to size of letters literary=being written or in the form letters Shape
loc, loco place locality, allocate, locomotion locality=a physical place allocate=to gain or place into an area or location Location
log, logo, ology word, study, speech catalog, prologue, dialogue, logogram (symbol representing a word), zoology prologue=first words at the beginning of a book geology=the study of the earth's various rocks, parts, and periods Literary
loqu, locut talk, speak eloquent, loquacious, colloquial, circumlocution loquacious=having the feature of talking too much eloquent=being able to speak skillfully Literary
luc, lum, lus, lun light translucent, luminary, luster, luna (moon goddess) translucent=describing something that allows light to flow through it bio-luminescence=when living organisms emit light Light/Darkness/Color
macr-, macer lean deathlike emaciated, meager emaciated=something that is very thin or lean usually from sickness or starvation macabre=describes something that is deathlike, horrible, or gruesome Shape
magn great magnify, magnificent, magnanimous, magnate, magnitude, magnum magnanimous=the feature of being a great person or of great mind magnitude=the measure of something's greatness or size Emotions/Feelings
man hand manual, manage, manufacture, manacle, manicure, manifest, maneuver, emancipate manacle=hand cuffs manufacture=to create using your hands Parts of the Body
mand command mandatory, remand, mandate mandatory=something you are commanded or required to do mandate=a specific task you are supposed to do or rule you are supposed to follow Forwards/Motivate
mania madness mania, maniac, kleptomania, pyromania kleptomania=the madness of being addicted to stealing things pyromania=the madness and obsession with fire Emotions/Feelings
mar, mari, mer sea, pool marine, marsh, maritime, mermaid maritime=describes things associated with sailing and the sea marine=describes things that are associated with the ocean or the sea Big Concepts/Space/Science
matri mother matrimony, maternal, matriarchate, matron matriarch=a mother figure maternal=describes something having to do with a mother Family/Relationships
medi half, middle, between, halfway mediate, medieval, Mediterranean, mediocre, medium mediocre=something that is done in a poor or half effort mediate=to negotiate or serve as a middle-ground between two negotiating groups Location
mega great megaphone, megalopolis, megacycle (a million cycles), megaton megaphone=something that makes the volume of sound a lot greater megalopolis=a very large city like New York numbers/math
mem remember memo, commemoration, memento, memoir, memorable memoir=a genre of writing in which the author remembers things from their past commemoration=a formal ceremony or celebration used to remember events and people from the past Time/Sequence
meter measure meter, voltammeter, barometer, thermometer barometer=measures the air pressure thermometer=measures the temperature or heat numbers/math
micro deceive small microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave, micrometer microscope=allows you to see things which are very small micrometer=a tool that measures very small things Shape
migra wander migrate, emigrant, immigrate migration=the act of wandering from one place to another immigrate=describes someone who has moved from their homeland into a new country Movement
mit, miss send emit, remit, submit, admit, commit, permit, transmit, omit, intermittent, mission, missile transmit=to send a message across missile=a destructive weapon sent at enemies Movement
mob, mot, mov move mobile, motionless, motor mob=a moving group people looking to cause trouble mobile=able to move Movement
mon warn, remind monument, admonition, monitor, premonition admonition=a stern warning premonition=when someone is aware of or is warned of something before the event takes place Time/Sequence
mor, mort mortal, death mortal, immortal, mortality, mortician, mortuary mortality=the concept of death mortuary=a place where the dead are prepared for burial moratorium=a stoppage or death of a process or something Light/Darkness/Color
morph form amorphous, dimorphic, metamorphosis, morphology amorphous=describing something that does not have a tangible shape or form morphology=the study of change Shape
multi many, much multifold, multilingual, multiped, multiply multilingual=being able to speak many languages multiped=an animal that has many feet Increase/Decrease
nat, nasc to be from, to spring forth innate, natal, native, renaissance renaissance=a period of rebirth, usually refers to a time period in which classical thoughts and ideas were being reborn and reconsidered native=someone who was born in a specific area Movement
neo new Neolithic, nuveau riche, neologism, neophyte, neonatal neologism=a new word or way of saying things neonatal=having to do with premature or babies who were born too soon Change
neur nerve neuritis, neuropathic, neurologist, neural, neurotic neurologist=a doctor who specializes in the brain, spinal cord, and other extensions of the nervous system neurotic=describing someone whose neurons and brain are misfiring or causing that person to exhibit strange and erratic behavior Emotions/Feelings
nom law, order autonomy, astronomy, gastronomy, economy economy=the law of the household and finances autonomy=being able to govern or work alone Literary
nomen, nomin name nomenclature, nominate, ignominious nomenclature=the study or laws that guide how to name things nominate=to name someone as a possible candidate for a position Parts of Things
nov new novel, renovate, novice, nova, innovate novice=someone who is new at doing something renovate=to work on something to make it seem new again Change
nox, noc night nocturnal, equinox, noctilucent equinox=the days of the year in which NIGHT (without sun) matches the Day (the sun) noctilucent=can only be seen at night Light/Darkness/Color
numer number numeral, numeration, enumerate, innumerable innumerable=so many that they cannot be counted numeration=the act of numbering a list of things numbers/math
numisma coin numismatics numbers/math
oligo few, little Oligocene, oligosaccharide, oligotrophic, oligarchy oligarchy=a form of government in which only one or a few people actually have power oligotrophic=describes an organism that can survive on few or little sustenance or nutrients Increase/Decrease
omni all, every omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnivorous omnivorous=describes organisms that eat meat and vegetables and all points in between omnipresent=the concept that a deity could be present everywhere Time/Sequence
onym name anonymous, pseudonym, antonym, synonym pseudonym=a false name antonym=a word that names the opposite of another word Parts of Things
oper work operate, cooperate, opus operate=it works cooperate=working with others Forwards/Motivate
ortho straight, correct orthodox, orthodontist, orthopedic, unorthodox orthopedic=having to do with the straightness of bones and structures orthodox=following a strict and straight reading of a ideas or religion Movement
pac peace pacifist, pacify, pacific ocean pacify=the act of making something or someone peaceful pacifist=someone who refuses to engage in war or violence War/Peace/Power
paleo old Paleozoic, Paleolithic, paleomagnetism, paleopsychology paleozoic=the oldest and most basic fossils paleolithic=the era in which the oldest rock formations were created Time/Sequence
pan all Pan-American, pan-African, panacea, pandemonium (place of all the demons), pan-African=focuses on the entire continent of Africa and its diversity as opposed to a specific part, country, or tribe pandemonium=the place where all of the demons are Parts of Things
pater, patr father paternity, patriarch, patriot, patron, patronize paternity=the idea of fatherhood—a concept many Maury Povitch show participants are trying to avoid patronize=the tone of speaking down to someone as if the speaker is their father...demeaning Family/Relationships
path, pathy feeling, suffering pathos, sympathy, antipathy, apathy, telepathy telepathy=being able to feel other people's thoughts over long distance, it's a false idea empathy=to be understanding and considerate of someone elses feelings Emotions/Feelings
ped, pod foot pedal, impede (get feet in a trap), pedestrian, centipede, tripod, podiatry, antipode pedestrian=one who travels by foot podiatrist=a doctor who specializes in the treatment and health of feet Parts of Things
pedo child orthopedic, pedagogue, pediatrics pedagogue=a teacher, a leader of children pediatrics=the study of medicine focused on treating children Time/Sequence
pel, puls drive, urge compel, dispel, expel, repel, propel, pulse, impulse, pulsate, compulsory, expulsion, repulsive impulse=an urge expulsion=when you are driven out Forwards/Motivate
pend, pens, pond hang, weigh pendant, pendulum, suspend, appendage, pensive pendant=jewelry which hangs from a necklace appendage=a part of the body that hangs out from the main core of the body Verbs/Actions
phage eat macrophage, bacteriophage bacteriophage=a virus that invades and devours a bacterium from inside macrophage=a white blood cell that engulfs and eats up debris in the blood stream Verbs/Actions
phil love philosophy, philanthropy, philharmonic, bibliophile philanthropist=someone,usually of wealth, who loves people so much that they give their money freely to solve problems such as poverty, etc. philosopher=someone who loves the pursuit of wisdom Emotions/Feelings
phlegma inflammation phlegm, phlegmatic phlegm=the mucus that results from inflammation of the nose, windpipe, or lungs phlegmatic=sickly or inflamed Increase/Decrease
phobia, phobos fear phobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia, aquaphobia, ergophobia, homophobia phobia=medical term to describe a condition of fear acrophobia=fear of heights Emotions/Feelings
phon sound phonograph, phonetic, symphony, homophone, euphonious symphony=sounds of many instruments being played together euphonious=when things sound good together...cacophonous=when it sounds like crap Senses
photo light photograph, photoelectric, photogenic, photosynthesis photogenic=describes something that is naturally beautiful or filled with light photosynthesis=the use of light for energy to combine chemicals for plant consumption Big Concepts/Space/Science
plac, plais please peace placid, placebo, placate, complacent placid=peaceful or pleasing placate=to satisfy or please someone War/Peace/Power
plu, plur, plus more plural, pluralist, plus plural=more than one pluralistic=a society in which there is a lot of diversity Increase/Decrease
pneuma, pneumon breath pneumatic, pneumonia, pneumatic=describes something that is powered by breath or air pneumonia=a sickness that impeded breathing Verbs/Actions
poli city metropolis, police, politics, Indianapolis, megalopolis, acropolis acropolis=city on top of a hill metropolis=large city Location
poly many polysaccharide, polyandrous, polytheistic polygon=a shape with many sides polytheism=the belief in many gods and goddesses Increase/Decrease
pon, pos, pound place, put postpone, component, opponent, proponent, expose, impose, deposit, posture, position, expound, impound expound=to put out a large description or argument position=your place Location
pop people population, populous, popular popular=many people like it populous=describes an area where there is a lot of people Family/Relationships
port carry porter, portable, transport, report, export, import, support, transportation import=to carry something into an area support=to carry and hold something up Verbs/Actions
portion part, share portion, proportion portion=a part apportionment=the act of splitting things up into parts Parts of Things
pot power potential, potentate, impotent potent=powerful potential=the power one is capable of gaining War/Peace/Power
prehendere seize, grasp apprehend, comprehend, comprehensive, prehensile apprehend=to take or seize one into detention comprehend=to take in or understand what is taught Literary
prim, prime first primacy, prima donna, primitive, primary, primal, primeval primacy=describes the first or more powerful event primeval=the first or earliest Time/Sequence
proto first prototype, protocol, protagonist, protozoan, Proterozoic, protoindustrial proterozoic=the first organisms found in the fossil record protocol=the first things or procedures that are in place to do something Time/Sequence
psych mind, soul psyche, psychiatry, psychology, psychosis psychology=the study of the mind psychosis=a state of sickness of the mind Parts of Things
punct point, dot punctual, punctuation, puncture, acupuncture, punctuation punctual=being on time and on point punctuation=the points, dots, and other symbols that mark the pauses in language Location
reg, recti straighten regiment, regular, rectify, correct, direct, rectangle regiment=a straight list of things to do or tasks to accomplish or a group of people who adhere to strict rules rectify=to make something right Shape
ri, ridi, risi laughter deride, ridicule, ridiculous, derision, risible ridicule=to mock or make fun of someone for purpose of eliciting laughter derision=the tone of making fun of or ridiculing someone or something Emotions/Feelings
rog, roga ask prerogative, interrogation, derogatory interrogation=the systematic asking of questions derogatory=in a disrespectful and questioning way...why would you do that? Literary
rupt break rupture, interrupt, abrupt, disrupt, ruptible rupture=a break or crack in something, a fracture disrupt=things that break up situation, things, etc. Change
sacr, sanc, secr sacred sacred, sacrosanct, sanction, consecrate, desecrate sacrosanct=a core belief of sacredness in a religion or doctrine to the point where it is unquestioned by its followers. consecrate=the act or ritual of blessing something...marriage is considered a consecration of a relationship Emotions/Feelings
salv, salu safe, healthy salvation, salvage, salutation salvage=to save something salve=something that heals or makes healthy Family/Relationships
sat, satis enough satient (giving pleasure, satisfying), saturate, satisfy satisfied=having enough satient=the state of having enough numbers/math
sci, scientia know science, conscious, omniscient, cognocienti omniscient=to be aware of all things—usually a point of view of a narrator within a story in which the narrator describes or knows the thoughts of the characters science=the study of attempting to know how and why things work Emotions/Feelings
scope see, watch telescope, microscope, kaleidoscope, periscope, stethoscope periscope=used to see long distances usually on submarines and ships telescope=allows you to see long distances into space Senses
scrib, script write scribe, scribble, inscribe, describe, subscribe, prescribe, manuscript manuscript=something that was written by hand scribe=someone whose job is to simply write things down or take notes Literary
sed, sess, sid sit sediment, session, obsession, possess, preside, president, reside, subside sediment=the materials that sit at the bottom of a liquid obsess=to sit on or become stuck on one idea Verbs/Actions
sen old senior, senator, senile senile=someone who is very old and sometimes without awareness senior=the oldest class in a school Time/Sequence
senescere to grow old senescence, evanescent senile=someone who is very old and sometimes without awareness senescence=the time of life known as old age Increase/Decrease
sent, sens feel sentiment, consent, resent, dissent, sentimental, sense, sensation, sensitive, sensory, dissension sentiments=feelings dissent=feelings that go contrary to laws or sentiments of others Emotions/Feelings
sequ, secu, sue follow sequence, consequence, sequel, subsequent, prosecute, consecutive, second, ensue, pursue sequel=the story the follows the previous one consecutive=describing things that go in successive or following order Movement
serv save, serve servant, service, subservient, servitude, preserve, conserve, reservation, deserve, conservation, observe subservient=describing someone who serves or is considered lower than someone of higher rank reservation=to save a spot or item, etc. Verbs/Actions
sign, signi sign, mark, seal signal, signature, design, insignia, significant insignia=a written design that carries meaning or authenticy, similar to a logo signature=your written name Verbs/Actions
simil, simul like, resembling similar, assimilate, simulate, simulacrum, simultaneous assimilate=to learn the same or resembling mores, features, and ideas of new culture simulation=to run an experiment that is just like the real situation Compare/Contrast
sist, sta, stit stand assist, persist, circumstance, stamina, status, state, static, stable, stationary, substitute stasis=the act of staying in one place or not changing stamina=staying strong Movement
solus alone solo, soliloquy, solitaire, solitude soliloquy=one person on stage revealing their thoughts or words directly to the audience alone solitude=the state of being or feeling alone Big Concepts/Space/Science
solv, solu loosen solvent, solve, absolve, resolve, soluble, solution, resolution, resolute, dissolute soluble=able to be loosened or dissolved in a solvent dissolute=loosened in morals, corrupted numbers/math
somnus sleep insomnia, somnambulist insomnia=the inability to sleep somnambulist=someone who walks during their sleep. Emotions/Feelings
soph wise sophomore (wise fool), philosophy, sophisticated sophisticated=wise or intelligent in design or quality philosopher=someone who loves the pursuit of wisdom Forwards/Motivate
spec, spect, spic look specimen, specific, spectator, spectacle, aspect, speculate, inspect, respect, prospect, retrospective, introspective, expect, conspicuous circumspect=to look around introspect=to look within Senses
sphere ball, sphere sphere, stratosphere, hemisphere, spheroid hemisphere=a half of a ball or sphere spheroid=describes something that appears or looks like a sphere or ball Shape
spir breath spirit, conspire, inspire, aspire, expire, perspire, respiration expire=to breath out and die inspire=to be moved to breath and live for something Senses
string, strict draw tight stringent, strict, restrict, constrict, boa constrictor stringent=strict or tight with regard to rules or discipline constrict=to squeeze or tighten Compare/Contrast
stru, struct build construe (build in the mind, interpret), structure, construct, instruct, obstruct, destruction, destroy construct=to build something obstruct=to prevent from building Increase/Decrease
sume, sump take, use, waste consume, assume (to take, to use), sump pump presumption (to take or use before knowing all the facts consumer=someone who uses goods or services presumption=to take or use certain facts before you have the whole story Verbs/Actions
tact, tang, tag, tig, ting touch tactile, contact, intact, intangible, tangible, contagious, contiguous tactile=the sense of touch tangent=a line that touches a circle at one single point Senses
tele far telephone, telegraph, telegram, telescope, television, telephoto, telecast, telepathy telepathy=being able to feel other people's thoughts over long distance, it's a false idea television=the spreading of video information across a long distance Location
tempo time tempo, temporary, extemporaneously, contemporary, pro tem, temporal extemporaneous=something that is done without preparation or time to prepare temporal=describes something that is brief or short in time Time/Sequence
ten, tin, tain hold tenacious, tenant, tenure, untenable, detention, retentive, content, pertinent, continent, obstinate, contain, abstain, pertain, detain tenement=a place where people are held or live tenacity=the feature of holding on, persevering, and working through difficulty Forwards/Motivate
tend, tent, tens stretch, strain tendency, extend, intend, contend, pretend, superintend, tender, extent, tension, pretense tendons=parts of the body that stretch between the muscles and the bones tender=able to be stretched Verbs/Actions
terra earth terrain, terrarium, territory, terrestrial terrain=the land or geographical features of an area terrestrial=something that comes from or is on Earth Big Concepts/Space/Science
test to bear witness testament, detest, testimony, attest testimony=the information a witness brings to court detest=to disagree or hate what they are witnessing Senses
the, theo God, a god monotheism, polytheism, atheism, theology atheism=the belief that there is no deity or god polytheism=the belief in many gods and goddesses Big Concepts/Space/Science
therm heat thermometer, theorem, thermal, thermos bottle, thermostat, hypothermia thermostat=shows the heat or temperature thermal=relating to or associated with heat BTU=British Thermal Unit which measures how hot a stove burner can get Big Concepts/Space/Science
thesis, thet place, put, argument antithesis, hypothesis, synthesis, epithet antithesis=the opposite of a given idea, thing, or concept hypothesis=an argument made outside of experimental evidence or proof which is tested by experimentation and observation over time Location
tom cut atom (not cuttable), appendectomy, tonsillectomy, dichotomy, anatomy appendectomy=the operation of cutting out someone's appendix anatomy=study of the internal parts of the body only seen through cutting below the skin and beyond Verbs/Actions
tom cut atom (not cutable, smallest particle of matter), appendectomy, tonsillectomy, dichotomy, anatomy appendectomy=the operation of cutting out someone's appendix anatomy=study of the internal parts of the body only seen through cutting below the skin and beyond numbers/math
tort, tors twist torture (twisting to inflict pain) retort, extort, distort, contort, torsion, tortuous, torturous torture=twisting to inflict pain tortuous=describing something that curves, twists, and turns Verbs/Actions
tox poison toxic, intoxicate, antitoxin toxins=poisons intoxicate=to be filled with poisons Verbs/Actions
tox poison toxic, intoxicate, antitoxin toxins=poisons detoxification=to remove the poisons from one's body Parts of Things
tract, tra draw, pull tractor, attract, traction, subtract, tractable, abstract (to draw away), subtrahend (the number to be drawn away from another). subract=to pull or remove something from a number traction=the ability to pull or move Time/Sequence
tract, tra draw, pull tractor, attract, subtract, tractable, abstract, subtrahend retract=to pull or take back a statement attract=being pulled toward something Forwards/Motivate
trib pay, bestow tribute, contribute, attribute, retribution, tributary tribute=to pay respects (or money) to someone else retribution=to pay someone back numbers/math
turbo disturb turbulent, disturb, turbid, turmoil turbid=describes something that is chaotic or disturbed turmoil=a state of chaos, discomfort, or disturbed Verbs/Actions
typ print type, prototype, typical, typography, typewriter, typology, typify prototype=the first printed or drawn version of something typify=to serve as the written definition or model of something Verbs/Actions
ultima last ultimate, ultimatum ultimatum=a final negotiating argument before outright conflict ultimate=it's so great, it's the last one... Time/Sequence
umber, umbraticum shadow umbra, penumbra, (take) umbrage, adumbrate umbra=the shadow of the moon that is projected on the earth during an eclipse umbrella=casts a shadow to protect against sun or rain. Light/Darkness/Color
uni one unicorn, unify, university, unanimous, universal unanimous=everyone having the one or the same mindset about an issue universe=the attempt to describe the one, all encompassing idea of existence numbers/math
vac empty vacate, vacuum, evacuate, vacation, vacant, vacuous evacuate=to empty an entire area or building, etc. vacant=describing something that is empty Light/Darkness/Color
vale, vali, valu strength, worth equivalent, valiant, validity, evaluate, value, valor valor=courage and strength equivalent=of equal strength Emotions/Feelings
ven, vent come convene, intervene, venue, convenient, avenue, circumvent, invent, convent, venture, event, advent, prevent convene=to come together advent=when something starts or comes together early on invent=to create something new that has come into being Verbs/Actions
ver, veri TRUE very, aver, verdict, verity, verify, verisimilitude verdict=the final outcome of a trial meaning word of truth verify=to test the truth of a statement Emotions/Feelings
vert, vers turn avert, divert, invert, introvert, convertible, reverse, controversy, versatile reverse=to turn back again invert=to turn something upside down Change
vic, vicis change, substitute vicarious, vicar, vicissitude vicar=the substitute or temporary authority vicarious=describes something that is in a changing or substituting position Change
vict, vinc conquer victor, evict, convict, convince, invincible victory=to win or conquer over others evict=to conquer and remove Change
vid, vis see video, evident, provide, providence, visible, revise, supervise, vista, visit, vision evident=clearly seen revise=to look at something again and consider changing it Senses
viv, vita, vivi alive, life revive, survive, vivid, vivacious, vitality, vivisection vivacious=describes someone who is happy and full of life vivisection=cutting open or perform surgery while the participant is still awake or alive Time/Sequence
voc call vocation, avocation, convocation, invocation, evoke, provoke, revoke, advocate, provocative, vocal evoke=to call upon or cause a response provoke=to call or cause something to happen Verbs/Actions
vol will, filled with malevolent, benevolent, volunteer, volition malevolent=filled with evil benevolent=filled with goodness volition=your will or what you intend to do Verbs/Actions
volcan fire volcano, vulcanize, Vulcan volcano=a mountain of fire vulcan=god of fire War/Peace/Power
volvo turn about, roll revolve, voluble (easily turned about or aroundor talkative), voluminous, convolution convoluted=describes something that has been layed out in a long, rolled out fashion revolve=rolling Movement
vor eat voracious, carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, devour voracious=extremely hungry or able to eat carnivorous=eats meat Verbs/Actions
zo animal zoo (short for zoological garden), zoology, zoomorphism (attributing animal form to god), zodiac (circle of animal constellations), protozoan Verbs/Actions
Created by: t9bailey
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