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Unit 3 Vocabulary

Authoritarian a parenting style where parents are highly demanding and controlling with little or no affection
Consistent repeatedly acting the same way
Democratic the leader shares, is people oriented, and is open minded
Discipline training that corrects, molds, and perfects one's actions
Dysfunctional family family system in which one or more family members do not fulfill their responsibilities throwing the system out of balance
Guidance help in learning acceptable behavior
Negative reinforcement a response that tends to discourage a particular behavior from being repeated
Nurturing providing love, support, attention, and encouragement
Permissive a type of parenting allowing freedom; parenting behavior that is tolerant of practices disapproved of by others
Positive reinforcement a response that encourages a particular behavior; for example, praising a child for acceptable behavior or when a task is done correctly
Potential what a person is capable of becoming
Punishment a penalty inflicted on a child for a violation
Responsibility an obligation or duty for which a person is held accountable
Rights conditions or situations to which one is entitled
Self concept the mental picture people have of themselves; their opinion about themselves
Self control the ability to control one's actions
Values ideas about right and wrong and what is important in your life
Created by: Mrs. Acord
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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