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Consumer buying beha

consumer buying behavior

Interpersonal determinants of consumer buying behvaior Cultural influences, Social influences, Family influences
Personal determinants of consumer buying behavior Needs, Motives, perceptions, Attitudes, Learning, Self-concept theory
Culture Values, beliefs, preferences, and tastes handed down from one generation to the next
Subculture Small homogeneous groups with their own distinct modes of behavior e.g. Hispanic American, African American are sub-cultures
Norms Values, attitudes, and behaviors a group deems appropriate for its members.
Status Relative position of any individual member in a group.
Roles Behavior that members of a group expect of individuals who hold specific positions within a group.
Asch Phenomenon Impact of groups and group norms on individual behavior. Something similar to majority rules.
Reference groups people whose opinions are valued and to whom a person looks for guidance in his or her own behavior, values, and conduct, such as spouse, family, friends, or celebrities.
Opinion leaders Trendsetters who purchase new products before others in a group and then influence others in their purchase.
Needs Imbalance between the consumers actual and desired states.
Motives inner states that direct a person towrad the goal of satusfying a need
Maslow's hierarchy of needs Maslow developed a theory that characterized needs and arranged them into a hierarchy. The five levels from basic to higher needs are: physiological need, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization
Perceptions Meaning that a person attributes to incoming stimuli gathered through the five senses- sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.
Perceptual screens Mental filtering processes through which all inputs must pass.
Learning In a marketing context, this refers to as immediate or expected changes in consumer behavior as a result of experience
Componenents of Learning theory Drive, Cues, Responses, Reinforcement
Drive Any strong stimulus that impels action
Cue Any object in the environment that determines the nature of the consumer's response to a drive
Response Individuals reaction to a set of cues and drives
Reinforcement Reduction in drive that results from a proper response.
Six steps in consumer buying behavior Problem solving, Information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, post purchase evaluation, Disposal of product
Evoked set Number of alternatives a consumer actually considers in making a purchase decision
Evaluative criteria Features a consumer considers in choosing among alternatives
Cognitive dissonance Imbalance among knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes that occurs after an action or decision, such as a purchase.
Routinized response behavior Consumers make many purchases routinely by choosing a preferred band or one of a limited group of acceptable brands. This is a rapid consumer problem solving process.
Limited problem solving When consumers apply a set of evaluative criteria when they encounter an unknown brand. This problem solving process takes a little longer than routinized response behavior.
Extended problem solving This results when brands are difficult to categorize or evaluate. This problem solving process involves lengthy external searches.
Kurt Lewin's proposition Kurt lewin proposed that behavior ( B) is a function (f) of the interactions of personal influences (P) and pressures exerted by outside environmental force (E).
High involvement decisions These have high levels of potential social or economic consequences, such as selecting a college for a degree.
Low involvement decisions These decisions pose little financial, social, or emotional risk to the buyer, such as buying a gallon of milk.
Created by: mkale
Popular Marketing sets




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