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Study Skills
First 100 Root Words
Question | Answer |
Photos | light |
Graph | Draw/write |
tele | far away or distant |
metron | measure |
tropos | turning |
philia | love/friendship |
phobos | fear |
syn | with/together |
thesis | put/place/position |
kinesis | movement |
phone | sound |
sonus | sound/noise |
skopeo | look at/inspect/consider/examine |
video/visum | see |
logos | word,study |
verbum | word/latin |
nomen/nominus | name |
pro | for/before/forward/in place of |
prae | before/in front of |
ad | to/toward/near/next to |
jacio/jactum | throw |
pono,positum | lay/put/place |
figo/fixum | fix/fasten/attach |
jungo/junctum | join/unite,connect |
digitus | finger/toe/inch |
caput/capitis | head |
manus | hand |
pes/pedis | foot |
bracchium | arm |
dens/dentist | tooth |
corp us/corporis | body |
unus | 1 |
duo | 2 |
tres | 3 |
quatorr | 4 |
quinque | 5 |
sex | 6 |
septem | 7 |
octo | 8 |
novem | 9 |
decem | 10 |
centum | 100 |
mille | 1000 |
pyro | fire |
ignis | fire |
vulcanus | Vulcan=god of fire |
hydros | water |
aqua | water |
bonus | good |
helios | sun |
solar | sun |
lunar | moon |
dia | through/between/across/apart |
trans | across/over/beyond/through |
geo | earth |
terra | land |
dormio/dormitum | sleep |
hypnos | sleep |
annus | year |
lithos | stone |
petros | rock/stone |
astron | star |
stell | star |
dendron | tree |
arbor/arbors | tree |
chronos | time |
tempus/temporis | time |
para | along with/beside |
inter | between/among/amid |
cum | with/together |
techne | art/skill |
ars/artis | art/skill |
bios | life |
vivo/victum | live |
mikros | small |
megas | great/large/big |
magnus | big/large/great |
pater/patris | father |
mater/matris | mother |
frater/fratis | brother |
demos | the people the citizens |
populus | people |
polis | city |
urbs/urbis | city |
pathos | feeling |
autos | self |
thermos | heat |
curro/cursom | run |
zoon | animal |
verto/versum | turn |
facio/ factum | make/do |
scribe/scriptum | write |
plico/plicatum | fold |
dico/dictum | speak |
biblos | book |
liber/libri | book |
scio/scitum | know |
discupulis | student |
sauros | lizard |
amo/amatum | love |