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Abbreviations P-Z

SOAP Notes - Jill W's list

p (with a line over it) post, after
P poor (muscle strength, balance)
P: plan (treatment plan)
para paraplegia
PCA patient controlled analgesia
PCL posterior cruciate ligament
PCP primary care physician
PDR physician desk reference
peds pediatrics
PF plantar flexion
pH hydrogen-ion concentration
PIP proximal interphalangeal
pm, p.m. afternoon
PNF proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
PO by mouth
POC plan of care
polio poliomyelitis
POMR problem-oriented medical record
post. posterior
post after
post-op after surgery or operation
PPO preferred provider organization
pps pulses per second
PPS prospective payment system
Pr problem
PRE progressive resistive exercise
pre-op before surgery or operation
prn whenever necessary, as needed
PROM passive range of motion
pro time prothrombin time
prox. proximal
PSIS posterior superior iliac spine
pt , PT ,PTP? protime
PT physical therapist, physical therapy
Pt., pt. patient
PTA physical therapist assistant, prior to admission
PUW pick up walker (standard walker)
PVD peripheral vascular disease
PWB partial weight-bearing
q (with a line over it) every
qd every day
qh every hour
qid four times a day
qm every minute
qod every other day
qt quart
quad quadriplegic
quads quadriceps
(R) (circled R) right
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RBC red blood cells
R.D. registered dietician
re: regarding
re-ed reeducation
REM rapid eye movement
reps repetitions
RLE right lower extremity
RLL right lower lobe
rm room
RN registered nurse
R/O, R.O. rule out
ROM range of motion
rot. rotation
RT respiratory therapist
RUE right upper extremity
Rx therapy, treatment
s (with a line over it) without
S supervision
S: subjective data
SAQ short arc quadriceps
SBA standby assist
SCI spinal cord injury
sec second(s)
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
SLP speech language pathologist
SLR straight leg raise
SNF skilled nursing facility
SOAP subjective, objective, assessment, plan
SOB shortness of breath
SOMR source-oriented medical record
S/P status post
SPTA student physical therapist assistant
stat. immediately, at once
STG short term goal
str. strength
strep Streptococcus
sup. superior
SWD shortwave diathermy
Sx symptoms
T trace muscle strength
TB tuberculosis
TBI traumatic brain injury
TDWB touchdown weight-bearing
T.E.D.s antiembolitic stockings
temp. temperature
TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
TF tube feeding
TFs transfers
ther. ex. therapeutic exercise
THR (THA) total hip replacement (total hip arthroplasty)
TIA transient ischemic attack
tid three times a day
TKE terminal knee extension
TKR (TKA) total knee replacement (total knee arthroplasty)
TMJ temporomandibular joint
tol. tolerate
train., trng. training
TTWB toe-touch weight-bearing
tx treatment
Tx traction
UA urinalysis
UE, UEs upper extremity, upper extremities
UED1 upper extremity diagonal 1
UMN upper motor neuron
URI upper respiratory infection
U/S, US ultrasound
UTI urinary tract infection
UV ultraviolet
v.c. verbal cues
vent ventilator
VO verbal order
v.s. vital signs
(w) wife
w/ with
WB weight-bearing
WBAT weight-bearing as tolerated
WBC white blood cell
WC, w/c wheelchair
W/cm2 watts per square centimeter
WBQC wide-based quad cane
WFL within functional limits
WHO World Health Organization
WNL within normal limits
wk week
w/o without
wt. weight
x (with a line over the x) except
X number of times performed
XR x-ray
xfer (transf) transfer
YO y/o years old
yr year
Z zero
Created by: ladylore
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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