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pt6 Final

PT 6 Final

Hydrocortisone Hydrocortone
Methylprednisolone Medrol
Triamcinolone Aristocort
Dexamethasone Oreton
Fluoxymesterone Halotestin
Stanozolol Winstrol
Oxandrolone Oxandrin
Metformin Glucophage
Rosiglitazone Avadia
Glipizide Glucotrol
Glimeprimide Amaryl
Glyburide Diabeta
Acarbose Percose
Miglitol Glyset
Repaglinide Prandin
Nateglinide Starlix
The pituitary gland is the ____ Master Gland
Anterior lobe Adenohypophusis
Posterior lobe Neurohypophysis
Oxytocin/pitocin is a synthetically produced hormone
Adrenal gland is on top on kidney
Cushing's Disease= too much ACTH
Addison's Disease= dificiency of adrenal hormone
Estrogen does what to cholesterol Increase HDL decrease LDL
Graves Disease is often misdiagnosed as what? Overactive thyroid
Pituitary dwarfisim= lack of GH
Estradiol Estrace
Estradiol transdermal Climara
Conjugated Estrogens Premarin
Estropipate Ogen
Combined Estrogen-progestin Prempro
Raloxifene Evista
Megestrol Acetate Megace
Medroxyprogesterone Pergonal
Tamoxifen Nolvadex
Fluoxymesterone Halotestin
Flutamide Eulexin
Testosterone/Estradiol Depo-testadiol
Oxymetholone Anadrol-5
Sildenafil Viagra
Dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation, headache, cramps, PMS
LSH& FSH act by stimulating the production of__ sex hormones in the gonads
Estradiol is the most abundant and most active of the estrogens
Progestrone is the hormone of life
Fertility in the male begins with GnRH in the hypothalamus
FSH hormone causes what? the sperm and ovum to develope and mature
What is the main factor that causes BPH? Age
NPH insulin Novolin H
Isophane + Regular Insulin Humulin 70/30, Novolin 70/30
Lispro Humalog
Tolbutamide Orinase
Chlorpropamide Diabinese
Tolazamide Tolinase
Pioglitazone Actos
Glyburide+Metformin Glucovance
Diazoxide Proglycem
Ketoacidosis High levels of acid in blood leading to diabetic coma or death
Diabetes Millitus cronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism that results in hyperglycemia
Doxepin Sinequon
Sertraline Zoloft
Tranylcypromine Pernate
Prochlorperazine Compazine
Haloperidol Haldol
Citalopram Celexa
Trifluoperazine Stelazine
Olanzapine Zyprexa
Methylphenidate Ritalin
Fluphenazine Prolixin
Bupropion Wellbutrin
Donepezil Aricept
Venlafaxine Effexor
Lithium Carbonate Eskalith
Chlorpromazine Thorazine
Fluoxetine Prozac
Buspirone Buspar
Paroxetine Paxil
Mirtazapine Remeron
Quetiapine Seroquel
Diazepam is used for____ alcohol withdrawl
Psychosomatic Triggering of an illness by emotional factors
Moa of antisychotic drugs is Blockade of dopamine
Lack of neurotransmitter associated with anxiety GABA
Drug of choice for mania Lithium
Organic mental disorder Brain lession mental disturbance
Tardive dyskenesia facial twitching, slow gate, jerking
psychosis Loss of reality
Flumazenil reverses benzodiazepines
Touretts syndrom drug orap
Somatoform individuals mental conflicsts are expressed as physical signs and symptoms
Topiramate Topamax
CLonazepam Klonopin
Diazepam Valium
Naltrexone Revia
Disulfiram Antabuse
Aripiprazole Abilify
Risperidone Risperdal
Phenobarbital Luminol
Methohexita Brevital
Thiopental Pentothal
Secobarbital Seconal
Zolpidem Ambien
Zaleplon Sonata
Flurazepam Dalmane
Quazepam Doral
Estazolam Prosom
Non-barbiturate is Zaleplon (sonata)
More likely to suffer from insomnia Females
OTC sleep aid Doxylamine
Side effects of barbiturates dry mouth, lethargy
Revia helps remain sober
Benzodiazepines used to aid first few days after stopping drinking
Mania includes all except feeling fatigued
Clozaril is medication that causes agranulocytosis
Created by: toolcc87
Popular Pharmacology sets




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