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Sociology C 3
Chapter 3 Culture
Term | Definition |
society | a group of people who inhabit a specific territory and share a common culture |
instincts | innate (something you didn't learn - you just naturally know) patterns of behavior |
culture | knowledge, values, customs, and physical objects that are shared by the members of a society |
reflex | automatic reaction to physical stimuli |
drive | impulse to reduce discomfort |
sociobiology | the study of how biology influences human behavior |
evolution | a process of change from one point of development to another |
hypothesis of linguistic relativity | theory stating that our idea of reality depends largely upon language |
exposure | the state of being made known; |
adjacent | located next to or nearby |
norm | rules defining appropriate and inappropriate behavior |
violation | the action of violating someone or something |
folkways | norms that lack moral significance |
taboo | a rule of behavior, the violation of which calls for strong punishment |
law | a norm that is formally defined and enforced by officials |
sanctions | rewards and punishments that can be applied by most members of a group |
formal sanctions | sanctions imposed by persons given special authority |
informal sanctions | rewards or punishments that can be applied by most members of a group |
values | broad ideas about what is good or desirable |
nonmaterial culture | ideas, knowledge, and beliefs that influence people's behavior |
material culture | the concrete, tangible objects of a culture |
beliefs | ideas about the nature of reality |
contrast | dissimilar attributes among things with common natures |
encounter | to come across or meet |
ideal culture | cultural guidelines that group members claim to accept |
real culture | actual behavior patterns of members of a group |
social categories | groupings who share a social characteristic |
subculture | a group that is part of the dominate culture but that differs from it in some important respects |
counterculture | a subculture deliberately and consciously opposed to certain central beliefs or the dominate culture |
ethnocentrism | judging others in terms of one's own cultural standards |
cultural universals | general cultural traits that exist in all cultures |
cultural pariculars | the ways in which a culture expresses universal traits |