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LEED v2.2 SS

Sustainable Site Summary

Credit Intent of CreditRequirementsStrategySubmittal DocumentationCode or StandardSubmittal Phase
SSP1 -ConstructionActivityPollutionPresentation Reduce pollution from construction sites by controlling soil erosion,waterway sedimentation,airborne dust generation Provide ESC (Erosion / Sedimentation Control Plan)1 - Prevent loss of soil2 - Prevent sedimentation of storm sewer or streams3 - Prevent air pollution from dust Sedimentation can be controlled by the following methods:1 - Stabilization (seeding, mulching)2 - Structural (silt fencing, earth diking,sediment trap, sediment basin) 1 - Copies of the drawings to document erosion / sedimentation control measures2 - Confirmation showing compliance path- NPDES or local3 - Narrative of ESC 1 - EPA 20032 - NPDES(Nationalpollution discharge) Construction Decision Making by Design Team and Contractor
SS c1 - Site Selection Avoid development of inappropriate sites and reduce the environmental impact from the location of a building on a site. AVOID:1 - Farmland2 - Previously undeveloped land below 5 ft above 100 year flood3 - Within 100 ft of Wetland4 - Habitat for threatened/endangered species5 - Within 50 ft of lake, sea, river and streams6 - From public parkland During site selection, give preference to sites that do not include sensitive siteelements and restrictive land types. 1 - Confirmation does not meet prohibitedcriteria2 - Special circumstances: providenarrative 1 - USDA (USAgricultural Dept)2 - FEMA3 - CFR (CodeFederal of Regulation)4 - Clean WaterACT Design Decision Making by Owner
SS c2 - Density Development and Community Connectivity Channel development to urban areas with existing infrastructure, protect green fields and preserve habiat and natural resources. OPT 1 - DEVELOPMENT DENSITY1 - Prev developed site 2 - Min density 60K sf/acreOpt 2 - COMMUNITY CONNECTIVITY1 - Prev developed site 2 - Within 1/2 mile of residential avg density 10 u/a3 - 10 basic services within 1/2 mile radius During site selection, give preference to urban sites with pedestrian access to variety of services. OPT 1 DEVLOP DENSITY1 Site vic plan with density boundary2 Project site and bldg area3 List of site and bldg areas w/in the rad OPT 2 COMMUNITY CONNECTIVITY1 Site vic plan with .5mi rad2 Project site and bldg area3 List of services n/a Design Decision Making by Owner and Design Team
SS c3 - Brownfield Redevelopment Rehabilitate damaged sites where development is complicated by environmental contamination, reducing pressure on undeveloped land. Develop site documented as contaminated by1 - Phase II or local Voluntary Cleanup Program OR2 - Defined as brownfield by gov agency During site selection, give prefernce to brownfield sites. Identfy tax incentives and property cost savings. Coordinate development plans with remediation plans. 1 - Provide confirmation site is brownfield2 - Narrative describing contamination and remediation ASTM E1903-97Phase IIEPA Brownfieldsdefinition Design Decision Making by Owner
SS c4.1 - Alternative Transportation, Public Transportation Reduce pollution and land development impact from automobile use. 1 - Locate 1/2 mile of commuter rail OR2 - Located 1/4 of stops for 2 bus lines Perform a transportation survey of future building occupants to identify transportation needs. Site the building near mass transit. 1 - Site vicinity drawing showing location of rail or bus stops2 - Listing of rail or bus stops and distance to site n/a Design Decision Making by Owner
SS c4.2 - Alternative Transportation Bike Storage and Changing Rooms Reduce pollution and landdevelopment impact fromautomobile use. COMMERCIAL1 Bike racks for 5% of bldg users &2 Shower/changing rooms for .5% of FTE OccupantsRESIDENTIAL1 Covered storage for bikes for 15% of occupants Design the building with bike racks and shower/changing rooms. 1 - Provide FTE occupancy and Transient occupancy2 - Provide drawings showing bike storage and showers3 - Calculation of quantity of showers n/a Design Decision Making by Design Team
SS c4.3 - Alternative Transportation Low-Emission & Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Reduce pollution and land development impact from automobile use. 1 Provide low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles for 3% of FTEAND preferred parking OR2 Provide preferred parking for LE/FE vehicles for 5% ofparking capacity3 Install alt-fueling stations for 3% of parking capacity Provide transportation amenities such as alternative fuel refuling stations. Consider sharing the costs and benefits of refueling stations with neighbors. 1 - Provide FTE occupancy and parking capacity2 - Provide drawing locating preferred parking spaces3 - Confirm quantity / type FLE/FE car4 - Confirm number preferred spots5 - Confirm alternative fuel type California Air Resources Board Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV)American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual vehicle rating Design Decision Making by Owner and Design Team
SS c4.4 - Alternative Transportation Parking Capacity 1 Point(+ 1 EP) Reduce pollution and land development impact from single occupancy vehicle use. OPT 1 NON-RES1 - Prkg cap < zoning req AND2 - Preferred prkg for carpools for 5% of prkg spacesOPT 2 NON-RES1 - Provide prkg for < 5% FTE &2 - Preferred prkg for carpools for 5% of prkg spacesOPT 3 RES1 Prkg cap < min zoning req'mt &2 Prov Minimize parking lot/garage size. Consider shared parking facilities with adjacent buildings. Consider alternatives that will limt the use of single occupancy vehicles. 1 - Provide FTE , tot. prkg cap, confirm path of compliance:Opt 1 provide # of prkg spaces per code and # of carpoolspaces Opt 2 provide # of carpool spaces Opt 3 - provide descp of ridesharing infrastruc. programs n/a Design Decision Making by Owner and Design Team
SS c5.1 - Site Development Protect or Restore Habitat 1 Point(+ 1 EP) Conserve existing naturalareas and restore damagedareas to provide habitat andpromote biodiversity. Limit site disturbance to 40' outside building perimeter, 10' beyond pavement, 15' roadways, 25' permeable surfaces OR Restore/protect 50% site area with native/adaptive vegetation Perform site survey to identify site elements and adopt master plan for development of site. Site bldg to minimize disruption, stack bldg program, tuck-under parking, share facilities with neighbors. Plant native/adapted plants. 1 - Provide project site area, building footprint area, narrative of approach2 - Greenfield sites: site drawing with boundaries of disturbance3 - Developed site: sf of site that is restored and landscape plan n/a Construction, Decision Making by Owner, Design Team and Contractor
Created by: perlman
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