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Prenatal Development

Prenatal development, nutrition, and health

The male sex cell is the ___________. Sperm
The union of the ovum and sperm resulting in pregnancy. Conception
Where conception usually takes place (in the female body). Fallopian Tubes
What are the 3 stages of prenatal development after conception? In order from first to last. 1. ZYGOTE 2. EMBRYO 3. FETUS
The doctor that specializes in care of pregnant women. Obstetrician
The time from conception to birth is known as the ___________ period. Prenatal
The natural ending of a pregnancy before the fetus could survive. Miscarriage
A physical or biochemical problem that is present at birth. Birth Defect
What are the 2 causes of birth defects? 1. Environment 2. Heredity
What are the environmental causes of birth defects? nutritional balance of mother’s diet any disease or infections the mother may have during pregnancy harmful substances outside hazards (radiation
A healthy pregnant woman should consume how many extra calories a day? 300
The tightening and releasing of the uterine muscles. Contraction
The widening of the cervix. Dialation
When the baby is born feet or buttock first it is called a ________ birth. Breech
Nutrients and oxygen are carried from the mother to the baby through the _________. Umbilical Cord
The rating of the baby's vital signs right after birth APGAR Test
The fetus has a heart beat at month ____. One
The fetus turns head down in the mothers uterus during month ____. Eight
All organ are present in the fetus at month ______. Three
The fetus gets disease fighting anti-bodies from the mother's blood during month ______. Nine
The fluid that fills the sac that protects the developing baby is called the ________. Amniotic Fluid
During what stage of labor is the placenta expelled? Third
During what stage of labor does the baby's head begin to emerge? Second
During what stage of labor do the contractions open the cervix to prepare for the baby to pass through? First
The female egg is the ________ Ovum
Created by: TiffanyCantrell
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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