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Srta Lynch Acoso

El Acoso Escolar

acosar to bully
alienar to alienate
amenazar to threaten
asustar to frighten
burlarse de to make fun of
chantajear to blackmail
chinchar to pester
chismear sobre to gossip about
complacarse en to take pleasure in
criticar to ctiricize
dañar sus pertencias personales to damage their personal belongings
dar patadas to kick
decir to say
destrozar to destroy
difundir rumores o mentiras acerca de to spread rumours or lies about
empujar to push
escupir to spit
excluir a alguién to exclude somebody
golpear to hit
gritar to shout
hablar mal de alguién a sus espaldas to talk badly about somebody behind their back
hacer conentarios ofensivos acerca de to make offensive comments about
hacer insinuaciones to make insinuations
ignorar to ignore
insultar to insult
intimidar to intimidade
pasar tiempo con to spend time with
pegar to hit
rechazar to reject
reírse de to laugh at
robar to rob
burlarse de por ser diferente to make fun of for being different
convertirse en el blanco de to become the target of
ser víctima to be a victim
por tener sobrepeso for being overweight
peor tener una discapacidad for having a disability
acaban siendo they end up being
autoestima self esteem
dormir mal to sleep badly
el acosador the bully
el matón the bully
estar en riesgo de to be at risk of
experimentar to experience
hacerse novillos to skip class
llevar a to lead to
llevar a la depresión to lead to depression
trastornos alimenticios eating disorders
los efectos the effects
los efectos son duraderos the effects are long lasting
perder interés they lose interest
ser más propenso a to be more prone to
tener baja autoestima to have low self esteem
tener efegos a largo plazo to have long term effects
tener miedo a to be afraid of
temer to fear
tener pensamientos suidicas to have suicidal thoughts
tener pesadillas to have nightmares
tener un impacto en su salud mental to have an impact on their mental health
la enseñanza teaching
el poder power
código de conducta code of behaviour
empeorar to get worse
canal de comunicación channel of communication
Created by: Luvlycaroline
Popular Spanish sets




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