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WHS M1 L1B Kultur

WHS Mosaik 1 Lektion 1B - Kultur

Who came up with the concept and the term Kindergarten? Friedrich Fröbel, a 19th century teacher, conceived the idea of Kindergarten.
Is Kindergarten a part of the German public school system? No. Many Kindergärten today are privately run.
Does every German child have to go to Kindergarten? No, but every child does have to begin formal schooling by age 6.
What is the Grundschule? All children spend the first four years of their education in this school.
Who decides which school students will attend after the Grundschule? The Grundschullehrer, or elementary school teacher, strongly influences the decision about in which school a student should continue his/her education. The student and his/her parent also have a say in the matter.
What is a Gymnasium? This is the most academically rigorous of the school options for students following the Grundschule.
How long does the Gymnasium last? Students attend the Gymnasium from the fifth through the thirteen (or twelfth) grades.
What is an Abitur? This is a difficult exit exam lasting as long as two weeks. It tests students over 4 – 5 disciplines (subjects) and is given in both oral and written formats.
Why is passing the Abitur so important? Passing the „Abi“ gives students access to competitive internships and a university education.
What is a Hauptschule? This is the least academically rigorous of the school options for students following the Grundschule. Students who are preparing for a vocation are best prepared here.
What might a Hauptschüler do after finishing at the Hauptschule? A Hauptschüler may attend a Berufsfachschule, where s/he can train for a variety of professions, from mechanics to physical therapy, which lead to solid employment opportunities.
What is a Realschule? This school has stricter academic requirements than the Hauptschule. After completion, students may pursue careers in banking, IT, social work or nursing.
Why is there criticism concerning the Abitur? The Abitur is associated with higher social status, and more and more families push to have their children admitted to the Gymnasium.
Why is there a stigma associated with the Hauptschule? Because it is less rigorous than the Gymnasium or the Realschule, it makes the search for employment more difficult for its graduates.
What is a Gesamtschule? This comprehensive school offers college preparatory classes for students who perform well, general education classes for students with average performance, and remedial courses for those who need additional support.
When were Gesamtschulen introduced? The concept of Gesamtschule was introduced in the seventies.
Why were Gesamtschulen introduced? It was hoped that with the introduction of Gesamtschulen the inequalities associated with the three-track system would be eliminated.
What is „der Abschluss֧“? It is graduation, or, better said, the completion of one’s schooling.
Who is „der Schulleiter / die Schulleiterin֧“? S/He is the principal, or school director. S/He also has a teaching assignment.
What does „bestehen֧“ mean? „eine Prüfung bestehen֧“ is “to pass a test”.
What does „durchfallen֧“ mean? „durchfallen֧“ is to fail a test or a class.
What does a student do when s/he „schwänzt“֧? A student who „schwänzt֧“ is cutting class!
What does „langweilig֧“ mean? „langweilig֧“ is “boring”.
What do German children receive on their first day of first grade? On the first day of first grade, students receive a Schultüte, usually made by the students’ parent(s).
Who is an „Erstklässler“? An „Erstklässler“ is a first-grader.
What is a Schultüte? A Schultüte is a decorated paper cone, filled with candies, chocolates, school supplies, and other treats.
How long are German students in school on a typical day? The school day lasts from 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning until 1:00 or 1:30 in the afternoon with a 15-20 minute mid-morning break called the Große Pause.
Where do most German students eat lunch? Since the majority of German schools do not have cafeterias, most German students go home for lunch after their last class of the day.
What do German students do in the afternoon? They are either doing homework or participating in extra-curricular activities
How much vacation time do German students get in the summer? German students have 6 weeks of summer vacation.
Created by: cawhite
Popular German sets




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