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WHS M1 L1B Kultur
WHS Mosaik 1 Lektion 1B - Kultur
Frage | Antwort |
Who came up with the concept and the term Kindergarten? | Friedrich Fröbel, a 19th century teacher, conceived the idea of Kindergarten. |
Is Kindergarten a part of the German public school system? | No. Many Kindergärten today are privately run. |
Does every German child have to go to Kindergarten? | No, but every child does have to begin formal schooling by age 6. |
What is the Grundschule? | All children spend the first four years of their education in this school. |
Who decides which school students will attend after the Grundschule? | The Grundschullehrer, or elementary school teacher, strongly influences the decision about in which school a student should continue his/her education. The student and his/her parent also have a say in the matter. |
What is a Gymnasium? | This is the most academically rigorous of the school options for students following the Grundschule. |
How long does the Gymnasium last? | Students attend the Gymnasium from the fifth through the thirteen (or twelfth) grades. |
What is an Abitur? | This is a difficult exit exam lasting as long as two weeks. It tests students over 4 – 5 disciplines (subjects) and is given in both oral and written formats. |
Why is passing the Abitur so important? | Passing the „Abi“ gives students access to competitive internships and a university education. |
What is a Hauptschule? | This is the least academically rigorous of the school options for students following the Grundschule. Students who are preparing for a vocation are best prepared here. |
What might a Hauptschüler do after finishing at the Hauptschule? | A Hauptschüler may attend a Berufsfachschule, where s/he can train for a variety of professions, from mechanics to physical therapy, which lead to solid employment opportunities. |
What is a Realschule? | This school has stricter academic requirements than the Hauptschule. After completion, students may pursue careers in banking, IT, social work or nursing. |
Why is there criticism concerning the Abitur? | The Abitur is associated with higher social status, and more and more families push to have their children admitted to the Gymnasium. |
Why is there a stigma associated with the Hauptschule? | Because it is less rigorous than the Gymnasium or the Realschule, it makes the search for employment more difficult for its graduates. |
What is a Gesamtschule? | This comprehensive school offers college preparatory classes for students who perform well, general education classes for students with average performance, and remedial courses for those who need additional support. |
When were Gesamtschulen introduced? | The concept of Gesamtschule was introduced in the seventies. |
Why were Gesamtschulen introduced? | It was hoped that with the introduction of Gesamtschulen the inequalities associated with the three-track system would be eliminated. |
What is „der Abschluss֧“? | It is graduation, or, better said, the completion of one’s schooling. |
Who is „der Schulleiter / die Schulleiterin֧“? | S/He is the principal, or school director. S/He also has a teaching assignment. |
What does „bestehen֧“ mean? | „eine Prüfung bestehen֧“ is “to pass a test”. |
What does „durchfallen֧“ mean? | „durchfallen֧“ is to fail a test or a class. |
What does a student do when s/he „schwänzt“֧? | A student who „schwänzt֧“ is cutting class! |
What does „langweilig֧“ mean? | „langweilig֧“ is “boring”. |
What do German children receive on their first day of first grade? | On the first day of first grade, students receive a Schultüte, usually made by the students’ parent(s). |
Who is an „Erstklässler“? | An „Erstklässler“ is a first-grader. |
What is a Schultüte? | A Schultüte is a decorated paper cone, filled with candies, chocolates, school supplies, and other treats. |
How long are German students in school on a typical day? | The school day lasts from 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning until 1:00 or 1:30 in the afternoon with a 15-20 minute mid-morning break called the Große Pause. |
Where do most German students eat lunch? | Since the majority of German schools do not have cafeterias, most German students go home for lunch after their last class of the day. |
What do German students do in the afternoon? | They are either doing homework or participating in extra-curricular activities |
How much vacation time do German students get in the summer? | German students have 6 weeks of summer vacation. |