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Social Studies Vocab

Classify To arrange by assigning things into groups or categories based on their characteristics.
Compare To examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences.
Conclusion A reasoned deduction or inference.
Describe To tell or depict in written or spoken words; give an account of.
Examine To inquire into or investigate.
Explain To make known in detail.
Predict To declare or tell in advance; forecast the future.
Relationship A connection, association, or involvement.
A.D. In the year of the Lord; Anno Domini (Used in indicating dates)
B.C. Before Christ. (Used in indicating dates)
B.C.E. Before Common Era; alternative to B.C.
C.E. Common Era; alternative to A.D.
Chronology Arranging time in periods and determining the dates and historical order of past events.
Timeline Showing important events in the order in which they occurred with evenly spaced intervals for centuries, decades, and even years.
Aerial Photograph A picture taken from high above the Earth, usually with a camera from an airplane.
Cartographer Map maker.
Diagram A representation of something in graphic form.
Environment The natural world in a particular geographic area.
Geographic Relating to the natural features, population, characteristics of a region.
Geographic Tools An instrument used by a geographer to study the physical and human features of the earth, including maps, globes, aerial photographs, GIS.
Globe A round object with a map of the world; three diminutional representation of the world.
Satellite Image Images of earth collected by satellites in space.
Spacial Perspective A study of where things happen - studies physical locations to determine how people live on the surface of the earth.
Absolute Location The exact position of a place on earth, usually expressed by a grid (Latitude and Longitude)
Coordinate Points Set of numbers that determines the location of a point in space, expressed in latitude and longitude degrees.
Equator A line of latitude that stretches around the middle of the earth.
Latitude Imaginary horizontal lines that run across the earth; sometimes called parallels since they run parallel to each other.
Longitude Imaginary lines that run north and south on a map or globe from the North Pole to the South Pole; not parallel (Meet at the poles).
Parallel Line of latitude, extending in the same direction, equally distant at all points.
Prime Meridian A line of longitude that divides the world into Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
physical Characteristics of an area that are part of nature, such as landforms, climates, plants and animal life.
agriculture Farming, including growing crops and raising livestock
civilization a society with cities, a government, workers who specialize in certain jobs, social classes; characterized by writing, art, culture
cultural Relating to culture - people's learned behavior and ways of life, including their language, beliefs, customs, & practices
economic Relating to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and goods for trade
enduring influence Long-term effects; impact can be seen many years, decades, or centuries later
government Form or system of rule by which a state, community, etc. is governed
irrigation Creation of artificial waterways to carry water from rivers to fields to assist in growing of crops
religion A set of beliefs about the nature of the universe, the existence of one God or several gods, the meaning of life, and moral codes of behavior
social structure A pattern of organized relationships among groups of people within a society
technology Any way of putting knowledge to practical use to make something or solve a problem
trade Buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countries
climate Long-term trends in weather and conditions in the atmosphere of an area
criteria Standards used to judge or evaluate something
cultural region Area in which people share common cultural characteristics such as language, history, or religious beliefs
population Total number of persons living in a country, city, or any district or area
region Area with similar characteristics that make it distinct from other areas; places with the area are more alike than places outside the area
modification Change the form of something, especially the natural environment
unintended consequences Effects, results, or outcomes of something that are not the ones produced by purposeful actions.
environmental factors Reasons for human migration relating to natural disasters & climate
Created by: Mrs. Michel
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