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Stack #205234


scrupulous conscientious; extremely thorough; Ex. scrupulous worker
rigid hard and unbending; stiff and unyielding; fixed in behavior or views; strict; rigorous; Ex. rigid rule
versatile having many talents; capable of working in many fields; having many uses or functions; N. versatility
mediocre ordinary; commonplace; neither good nor bad
nourishment something that nourishes; food
orthodox traditional; (of someone) conservative in belief; adhering to an established doctrine
adherent supporter; follower
hybrid mongrel; mixed breed; V. hybridize
glaze cover with a thin and shiny surface; apply a glaze to; N: thin, smooth, shiny coating (as for pottery); Ex. unglazed pottery
memorial something, such as a monument or holiday, intended to honor the memory of a person or event; ADJ: commemorative
satiate satisfy fully (physical needs such as hunger); sate; N. satiety: condition of being satiated
righteous morally upright; just
castigation punishment; severe criticism or disapproval
incarnate endowed with flesh; invested with bodily form; personified; Ex. devil incarnate; V: give bodily form to; embody
expeditious done with speed; quick; N. expedition
homespun domestic; made at home; spun or woven at home; simple and ordinary; Ex. homespun philosophy
abscission cutting off; separation
phoenix symbol of immortality or rebirth; Ex. phoenix rising from its ashes
perceptive insightful; showing a good ability at perceiving and understanding; aware; wise; of perception
taunt deride or provoke; challenge in derision; N.
polarity state of having two opposite qualities
constituent supporter; voter; member of a constituency; component
excise cut away; cut out; N: government tax on good produced and used inside a country; N. excision
prey target of a hunt; victim; V: hunt and eat as prey; victimize; Ex. Cats prey on mice.
obsolete outmoded; no longer used
vying contending; CF. vie
impuissance powerlessness; feebleness
distinct clearly different; clearly noticed
healthful conducive to good health; Ex. healthful mountain air
unequivocal plain; clear; obvious
profligate wasteful (of money); dissipated; wildly immoral; dissolute; N: profligate person; N. profligacy
opportunist individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of circumstances; N. opportunism
sovereign ruler in a monarchy; ADJ: (of a country) independent and self-governing; having supreme power; supreme; excellent
myriad very large number; ADJ. CF. ten thousand
unfledged immature; not having the feathers necessary to fly; CF. fledgling
rancid having the odor of stale or decomposing fat; rank
pecuniary pertaining to money
hurl throw forcefully; shout out violently
founder fail completely; sink; CF. flounder
sacrosanct invioably sacred; most sacred; inviolable
conviction judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief
cornucopia horn (or horn-shaped container) overflowing with fruit and grain; symbol of abundance; horn of plenty
disgorge surrender something (stolen); eject; vomit; OP. gorge
emend correct (usually a text); N. emendation: correction of errors; improvement
hindrance block; obstacle; V. hinder
cistern reservoir or water tank
cipher nonentity; worthless person or thing; zero; secret code; V.
bristling rising like bristles; showing irritation
cadence rhythmic rise and fall (of words or sounds); beat; regular beat of sound; rhythm
outlaw fugitive from the law (excluded from legal protection); V: declare (someone) to be an outlaw; deprive of the protection of the law; declare illegal; Ex. Drinking has been outlawed.
gratis free; without charge; ADJ.
stalemate deadlock; situation in which further action is blocked
avert prevent; avoid; turn away (eyes or thought); Ex. An accident was averted by his quick thinking; Ex. She averted her eyes from the terrible sight.
bleak cold or cheerless; frigid; unlikely to be favorable; depressing
liquidate settle accounts; pay off (a debt); clear up; eliminate; kill or abolish
concordat formal agreement
prance move about in a spirited manner (proudly and confidently)
conjecture surmise; guess; V.
prodigal wasteful; reckless with money; profuse; Ex. a mind prodigal of ideas; N. prodigality
dingy (of things and place) dirty and dull; Ex. dingy street/curtain
ferocious fierce; violent; N. ferocity
confidence self-assurance; calm unworried feeling based on a strong belief in one's abilities; strong belief in the ability of a person or plan; trust or faith in a person or thing; something confided; secret; Ex. confidence in your ability;
preen make oneself tidy in appearance; feel self-satisfaction or pride; (of a bird) smooth or clean (feathers) with the beak; Ex. preen oneself on; CF. prune
adorn decorate
malingerer one who feigns illness to escape duty; V. malinger: feign illness to avoid work
crotchety (of someone old) eccentric; odd; whimsical; bad-tempered; N. crotchet: odd or whimsical notion
ancestry family descent; ADJ. ancestral
quack charlatan; impostor
inductive pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general
quietude tranquillity; calmness
spartan without attention to comfort; lacking luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined; Ex. spartan living condition/life
surreptitious done secretly; secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden
undermine weaken gradually; sap; dig a mine beneath
stultify make stupid in mind; cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; suppress; frustrate or hinder; Ex. stultifying effect of uninteresting work; Ex. stultify free expression
querulous given to complaining; complaining; fretful; whining
anodyne drug that relieves pain or trouble; ÁøÅëÁŠ; opiate; ADJ. Ex. anodyne statement
comeuppance deserts; well-deserved punishment or misfortune; rebuke
largess generous gift (given to people who do not have enough)
endorse approve; support; write one's signature on the back of; N. endorsement; CF. dorsal
pall become boring; grow tiresome
frantic wild; distraught as from fear or worry; Ex. frantic with fear
voluptuous sensual; of or giving sensual pleasure; indulging in sensual pleasures; Ex. voluptuous lines; Ex. voluptuous life of the Romans; N. voluptuary: voluptuous person
clip cut off with shears; fasten; N: something clipped off (as a short extract from film); clasp or fastener
podiatrist doctor who treats ailments of the feet; chiropodist; N. podiatrics
philistine narrow-minded person, uncultured and exclusively interested in material gain; uncultured person who is indifferent to artistic and cultural values; member of an ancient people in Palestine; OP. aesthete
assail assault
boost lift by pushing up from below; increase; raise; N: push upward; increase
diverge vary; go in different directions from the same point; ADJ. divergent: differing; deviating
indelible not able to be erased
hoodwink deceive; delude
fabricate build; lie; make up (a story) in order to deceive; Ex. fabricate the whole story; CF. fabric: underlying structure; Ex. fabric of society
minuscule(miniscule) extremely small
bigotry stubborn intolerance
forthcoming happening in the near future; ready; willing to help; Ex. No answer was forthcoming.
seine seine net; net for catching fish
enamored in love; Ex. enamored of his own beauty; V. enamor: inspire with love
stammer speak with involuntarily pauses or repetitions
hale healthy
regent a person who governs in place of a ruler who is ill, absent, or still a child; ADJ. Ex. the Prince regent
ingenue ing\'enue; young innocent girl
grudge deep feeling of dislike; Ex. grudge fight; V.
lugubrious mournful; sorrowful
remit transmit (money) in payment; free someone from a debt or punishment
glaring (of something bad) highly conspicuous; harshly bright; shining intensely and blindingly
convene come together; assemble; call to meet; Ex. convene the council
obsequy funeral ceremony
subdue less intense; quieter; Ex. subdued lighting; Ex. subdue: conquer; make less intense; quiet; Ex. subdue one's anger
dominate control; rule; enjoy a commanding position in; overlook from a height; ³»·ÁŽÙºžŽÙ
acrimonious stinging; caustic; bitter in words or manner; N. acrimony: bitter ill-natured animosity in speech or behavior
inadvertently unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly
antiquated obsolete; old-fashioned; outdated
dregs sediment in a liquid; lees; worthless residue
peer one who has equal standing with another; nobleman; V: look intently; N. peerage; CF. peeress
rabies disease passed on by the bite of an infected animal (causing madness and death)
rabid of or suffering rabies; like a fanatic; extremely zealous; furious; CF. rabies: hydrophobia
absolute complete; totally unlimited; having complete power; certain; not relative; Ex. absolute honesty/ruler; CF. absolutism
illicit illegal
inveigle deceive; lead astray by deception; wheedle(cajole); Ex. inveigle her into joining the club; CF. interest dishonestly
prosperity good fortune and financial success; physical well-being
blare loud or harsh roar or screech; dazzling blaze of light
candor frankness; open honesty; ADJ. candid
talisman charm; object believed to give supernatural powers to or protect its bearer
ubiquitous being everywhere; omnipresent; N. ubiquity
multiplicity state of being numerous or multiple; large number; Ex. multiplicity of details; ADJ. multiple: of more than one element
renovate restore to good condition; renew
natal connected with birth; CF. prenatal; CF. postnatal
nuptial of marriage or the wedding ceremony; N; nuptials; wedding ceremony
premonition forewarning; presentiment; foreboding
tempestuous stormy; violent; impassioned; N. tempest: violent storm
ballast heavy substance used to add stability or weight; V. supply with ballast
accolade award of merit; strong praise and approval
gentility those of gentle birth; high social class; refinement; quality of being genteel
retentive holding; able to retain things (esp. facts in the mind); having a good memory
desperate having lost all hope; despairing; reckless and violent because of loss of hope or despair; undertaken as a last resort
manifesto public declaration of principles; statement of policy
covert secret; hidden; implied; OP. overt
overweening arrogant; presumptuous
extort wring from; get money by threats, etc.; obtain by force or threats; CF. extortionate: exorbitant
trifle something of little importance or value; small amount; Ex. a trifle; V: treat without seriousness; flirt
pungent stinging; acrid; sharp in taste or smell; (of speech or writing) caustic; N. pungency
encompass surround; include; Ex. His activities encompass publishing and computers.
surmise guess; N.
graze (of an animal) feed on growing grass; cause (an animal) to feed on grass; scrape (esp. the skin) or touch lightly in passing; brush; Ex. We can't graze the cattle till summer; N: surface wound
partiality state of being partial; inclination; favorable bias; special fondness; preference
reaper one who harvests grain; Ex. the Grim Reaper; V. reap: cut and gather (crop); harvest a crop
lull moment of calm; period of reduced activity; Ex. a lull in the rain; V: cause to become less active; cause to sleep or rest; Ex. lull the opponents into a false sense of security; CF. lullaby
politic prudent; judicious; well judged; expedient; well devised
papyrus ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant
specious seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally)
postulate self-evident truth; something assumed without proof; V: assume the truth of (as a basis of an argument)
genealogy record of descent; lineage; ancestry; study of ancestry
mellifluous (of words or a voice) sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious; having a pleasant tune
leonine like a lion
assimilate absorb; take (food) into the body and digest it; understand (knowledge) completely and be able to use properly; cause to become homogeneous (the people of a country or race in the wasy of behaving or thinking)
dally trifle with; toy with; treat without the necessary seriousness; procrastinate; waste time
queer strange; eccentric; deviating from the normal
tribune official of ancient Rome elected by the plebians to protect their rights; protector of the people
fathom comprehend; investigate; determine the depth of; N. unit of measurement for the depth of water
promulgate announce; proclaim a doctrine or law; make known by official publication
lateral of or coming from the side
onomatopoeia words formed in imitation of natural sounds
rudimentary elementary; not developed; crude; N. rudiment: fundamental element or principle; Ex. rudiments of the language
gambol romp; skip about; leap about playfully; frolic; N.
inclusive tending to include all; all-inclusive; Ex. inclusive charge
waffle speak equivocally about an issue; N.
sparse not thick; thinly scattered; scanty
melee fight
harrowing agonizing; distressing; traumatic; V. harrow: break up and level (soil) with a harrow; inflict great distress on; agonize; N: farming machine to break up the earth
partition divide into parts
soluble able to be dissolved in a liquid; able to be worked out or solved
supercilious haughty; arrogant; condescending; patronizing; CF. eyebrow, cilium
minute extremely small; CF. minutes: official record of the proceedings at a meeting
iridescent exhibiting rainbowlike colors; Ex. iridescent oil slick; N. iridescence
precise exact
depreciate lessen in value; belittle; represent as of little value
immutable unchangeable
winsome charming (in a childlike way); agreeable; gracious; engaging
optimist person who looks on the bright side; N. optimism
inaugurate begin formally; install in office; induct into office by a formal ceremony; N. inauguration; ADJ. inaugural
irrelevant not applicable; unrelated
quaint odd in an old-fashioned way; odd; old-fashioned; picturesque
studied carefully contrived; calculated; unspontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful; Ex. studied remark
concentric having a common center
pacify soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue; bring peace to
friction clash or conflict in opinion; rubbing against
scenario plot outline; screenplay(script for a movie); opera libretto; outline of possible future events
concession an act of yielding; conceding; something conceded; point, right, etc. given unwillingly; privilege of maintaining a business in a certain place; Ex. oil concessions in the North sea; CF. concessionaire
serenity calmness; placidity; ADJ. serene
menial suitable for servants; lowly; mean; N: someone who does menial work (esp. servant in a house)
amputate cut off part of body; prune (a limb)
incarcerate imprison
presumptuous going beyond what is right; excessively forward; arrogant; taking liberties
blithe(blithesome) gay; joyous
cognitive having to do with knowing or perceiving related to the mental processes; N. cognition: the mental process of knowing
plaintive expressing sorrow; mournful; Ex. plaintive song
rivulet small stream; CF. rill < rivulet < river
warranty guarantee; assurance by seller
equinox period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn; Ex. vernal/autumnal equinox; ADJ. equinoctial
vital full of life; animated; vibrant and lively; critical; of great importance; necessary to stay alive; of life; living; breathing; N. vitality; V. vitalize
impugn dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way); attack as false or questionable; challenge; gainsay; CF. fight
yen strong desire; longing; urge; Ex. yen for travel
retrench cut down; cut down expenses; economize
babble chatter idly or foolishly; make continuous sounds like water running gently over rounded stone; N.
gastronomy art and science of preparing and serving good food; CF. gastronome
ventriloquist someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing (without moving lips or jaws); N. ventriloquism, ventriloquy
deplete reduce; exhaust
necromancy black magic; sorcery; dealings with the dead; art that professes to communicate with the spirits of the dead so as to predict the future; CF. necromancer; CF. necro+divination; CF. necro-: death; Ex. necropolis
chasm abyss; very deep crack
maternal motherly; N. maternity: motherhood
daze stun as with a blow or shock; bemuse; benumb; N.
caste one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society; social stratification; prestige
immure imprison; shut up in confinement; CF. wall
rhapsodize speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic manner; Ex. rhapsodize over the beauty of the scenery
stupor state of being stupefied; state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness
deface mar; disfigure
revert relapse; backslide; turn back to; return to the former owner; N. reversion
parquet floor made of wood strips inlaid in a mosaic like matter; CF. strip: long narrow piece
fickle changeable (in affections or friendship); faithless
inimical (of someone) unfriendly; hostile; (of something) harmful; detrimental; CF. enemy
consonant harmonious; in agreement; N.
gauche clumsy (in social behavior); coarse and uncouth
falsify make (something written) false by changing
repine fret; complain; be annoyed; Ex. repine over the undone work
integral complete; necessary for completeness; Ex. integral part
ursine bearlike; pertaining to a bear
miasma swamp gas; heavy vaporous atmosphere often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence; noxious atmosphere or influence
deviate turn away from (a principle, norm); move away from an accepted standard; swerve; depart; diverge; N. deviation; Ex. deviation of the path of light by a prism
slapdash hasty and careless; haphazard; sloppy(carelessly done)
maim mutilate; injure lastingly; disable; cripple; Ex. maimed for life
decapitate behead
intractable unruly; difficult to manage; Ex. intractable problem/child
cordial warmly friendly; gracious; heartfelt; Ex. cordial welcome
unilateral one-sided; involving or affecting only one side; Ex. unilateral declaration
verbose wordy; N. verbosity
tonsure shaving of the head especially by person entering religious orders; V.
masticate chew
gestate evolve as in prenatal growth; N. gestation: period of development from conception until birth
rhetoric art of effective communication; art of using language effectively and persuasively; style of speaking or writing; grandiloquent language; Ex. political rhetoric; ADJ. rhetorical;
melancholy gloomy; morose; blue; N. ADJ. melancholic; CF. melancholia
retiring shy and reserved (of a person); modest; Ex. her retiring personality
agrarian pertaining to land or its cultivation; Ex. agrarian reform
visceral felt in one's inner organs; N. viscera: internal body organs; CF. eviscerate
palate roof of the mouth; sense of the taste
cleave split or sever; cling to; remain faithful to; N. cleavage; ADJ. cloven
detonation explosion
levitate rise and float in the air (especially by magical means); CF. light
fit sudden outburst of an illness or feeling; convulsion caused by epilepsy
default failure to act; failure to perform a task or be present; V.
stampede sudden frenzied rush (of panic-stricken animals or people); V: participate in or cause stampede; Ex. stampede before the price rises
factitious artificial; produced artificially; sham; false; Ex. factitious tears
bastard illegitimate child
outlook point of view; view from a particular place; expectation for the future; prospect; Ex. outlook on life; Ex. pleasing outlook; Ex. weather outlook
dank damp; unpleasantly wet
brevity conciseness; shortness of duration
whimsy whim; tendency to behave amusingly strangely; Ex. story full of whimsy
gust strong abrupt rush of wind; V. CF. bluster
trinket knickknack; bauble; cheap jewelry
extemporaneous not planned; impromptu; extempore
universal characterizing or affecting all; general; present everywhere; of the universe; cosmic; Ex. universal agreement; Ex. a subject of universal interest
interrogate question closely; cross-examine; cross-question
ferment agitation; commotion(noisy and excited activity); unrest (of a political kind); V. produce by fermentation; undergo fermentation; cause (a state of trouble)
apothegm(apophthegm) pithy, compact saying
transport strong emotion; rapture; Ex. in a transport/transports of; V: move to strong emotion; enrapture
tickle touch (the body) lightly so as to cause laughter; please
chaff worthless products of an endeavor; husk(outer seed cover) separated from grain; Ex. separate the wheat from the chaff
irreverence lack of proper respect or reverence; ADJ. irreverent
trifling trivial; unimportant
chronicle report; record (in chronological order)
gourmand epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink
regal royal; of a monarch; Ex. regal manner
earn gain for the performance of service or labor; gain (something that one deserves); deserve
glower scowl; glare; look or stare angrily
prefatory introductory; of a preface
gruff rough-mannered; (of a voice) rough; hoarse
harangue long, passionate, and vehement speech; V.
carrion rotting flesh of a dead body; CF. vulture
broach introduce as a subject; moot; open up
enigma puzzle; mystery; ADJ. enigmatic: obscure; puzzling
disinter dig up; unearth; OP. inter
defrock strip a priest or minister of church authority; unfrock
craft skill (esp. with one's hands); skill in deceiving people; guile; ADJ. crafty: cleverly deceitful; cunning
collateral security given for loan; ADJ: secondary; descended from the same person but through different sons or daughters
reek emit (an unpleasant odor or smoke); give off an unpleasant odor; give out smoke; Ex. reeking chimney; N: unpleasant odor; stench
staid serious and sedate; sober; Ex. staid during the funeral ceremony
satire form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack human vice and folly
solicitor lawyer in the lower court of law
synthesis combining parts or separate things into a whole; the whole so formed; PL. syntheses; V. synthesize
mange skin disease (esp. of domestic animals) marked by loss of hair
camp group sharing a common cause or opinion
viable capable of maintaining life; feasible; practical or workable; Ex. viable scheme
obviate make unnecessary; get rid of; Ex. obviate the need
confound confuse; puzzle
conifer pine tree (usu. evergreen); cone-bearing tree; ADJ. coniferous; CF. deciduous; CF. evergreen
dissonance discord
dehydrate remove water from; dry out
cauterize burn (a wound or snakebite, etc.) with hot iron or caustic substance to stop bleeding and prevent infection
suture stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision; material used in sewing; V: sew together a wound
epicure connoisseur of food and drink; gourmet; ADJ. epicurean; CF. Epicurus
prelate church dignitary; priest of high position in the church (esp. bishop)
defect shortcoming; V: desert (in order to join the opposite one)
incriminate accuse of or implicate in a crime; serve as evidence against; cause to seem or make guilty of a crime; Ex. incriminating evidence
sectarian of a sect; narrow-minded; parochial; N: member of a sect; narrow-minded person
forsake desert; abandon; renounce
inerrancy infallibility
somatic pertaining to the body; bodily; physical
die metal block used for shaping metal or plastic; device for stamping or impressing; mold; CF. dice
gavel hammerlike tool; mallet(wooden hammer) used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer; V.
monochrome painting in only one color; ADJ.
thrash beat with a whip or flail; defeat utterly; talk about thoroughly in order to find the answer; move wildly or violently; Ex. The fishes thrashed about in the net.
geriatrics medical treatment and care of old age
discretion prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances; freedom of action or judgment; ADJ. discreet; CF. discretionary
dictum authoritative and weighty statement (made by a judge in court); saying; maxim; CF. obiter dictum: incidental, nonbinding remark (something said in passing)
animus hostile feeling or intent; animosity; hostility; disposition
acclaim applaud; praise; greet with great approval; announce with great approval; Ex. The new drung has been acclaimed as the most important discoveries for years; N: strong expression of approval and praise
reprobate morally disapproved person; person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency; CF. disapproved by God ?
kleptomaniac person who has a compulsive desire to steal
tycoon wealthy and powerful businessperson; wealthy leader; magnate; Ex. business tycoon
resignation patiently submissiveness; statement that one is quitting a job; ADJ. resigned: acquiescent
microcosm small representative world; world in miniature; Ex. microcosm of English society
prosaic lacking in imagination; dull and unimaginative; matter-of-fact(concerned with facts, not imagination or feelings); factual; CF. prose
fuss: trouble or worry over trifles; make nervous; pay too much attention to; N: needless concern or worry (about a trivial thing); anxious nervous condition; display of attention; Ex. make a fuss over the baby
compassion sympathy for the suffering of others; ADJ. compassionate
anthropoid manlike; resembling a human being; N.
pauper very poor person
fallow (of land) plowed but not sowed (to improve the quality); uncultivated
entreat plead; ask earnestly
disconcert confuse; upset; embarrass; perturb
unruly disobedient; lawless; difficult to control
potion dose (of liquids); liquid dose
bigot one who is intolerant (in matters of religion or politics)
ingenuous naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated; candid
illusive deceiving; based on illusion; causing illusion; deceptive
orient get one's bearings; adjust; make familiar with a situation; orientate
raiment clothing; garments; Ex. I have no raiment fit to wear.
Bacchanalia the ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus
pucker gather into wrinkles or folds; N: wrinkle or fold
casual happening by chance; irregular; occasional; informal; showing or feeling little interest; Ex. casual reader/labor/remark
pummel pommel; beat or pound with fists
curmudgeon churlish, miserly individual; bad-tempered old person
coup highly successful action or sudden attack; coup(s) d'\'etat; CF. coup de gr\^ace: deathblow or shot which kills
glimmer shine erratically; twinkle; N: dim or unsteady light; faint indication; Ex. glimmer of hope
synchronous similarly timed; simultaneous with; occurring at the same time; V. synchronize
impudence impertinence; insolence
quaff drink with zest; drink with relish(zest; hearty enjoyment); ²Ü²©²Ü²© ž¶œÃŽÙ; CF. sip
paramount foremost in importance; supreme; CF. para-: beyond; above; Ex. paranormal
violate break (a law); defile; desecrate; assault sexually; Ex. violate graves
stellar pertaining to the stars; of a star performer; outstanding; Ex. stellar attraction of the entire performance
affected artificial; pretended
notoriety disrepute; ill fame
fluctuate waver; shift; rise and fall as if in waves; change or vary irregularly
slaughter killing of animals for food; massacre; V: butcher (animals) for food; kill in large numbers
levee earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding; CF. raise
embroider decorate with needlework; ornament (a story) with fancy or fictitious details; embellish
correlation mutual relationship
crossbreed hybridize; N: hybrid; CF. interbreed; CF. inbreed
centripetal tending toward the center
malefactor evildoer; criminal
loquacious talkative; N. loquacity
garrulous loquacious; wordy; talkative; N. garrulity
Occident the West
lilliputian extremely small; CF. Lilliput in Gulliver's Travels
prude excessively modest or proper person (who is easily shocked by improper things, esp. of a sexual nature); N. prudery; ADJ. prudish: excessively concerned with propriety
pallid pale; wan; Ex. pallid complexion
flinch hesitate; shrink back (in fear of something unpleasant); Ex. She did not flinch in the face of danger.
romp play or frolic boisterously; gambol; N.
acerbity bitterness of speech and temper; ADJ. acerbic: bitter; acrid (in taste, manner, or tone)
cumulative growing by addition; accumulative
dignitary person of high rank or position
berserk mad with violent anger; frenzied; madly excited
languish lose animation or strength
outskirts fringes; outer borders (as of a city); Ex. outskirts of Boston
paranoia psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution; N: ADJ: paranoid, paranoiac
paradox something apparently contradictory in nature (that may nonetheless be true); statement that looks false but is actually correct
infinitesimal very small
masquerade wear a mask or disguise; pretend; N: costume party or ball at which masks are worn; pretense; disguise
shade slight difference in degree; nuance; degree of color; Ex. shades of meaning/grey
merit good quality deserving praise; merits: aspect of character or behavior deserving approval or disapproval; Ex. judge each plan on its own merits; V: deserve; earn
charlatan quack; pretender to knowledge (esp. in medicine)
legacy gift made by a will; something handed down from an ancestor
suffuse spread through or over (with a color or liquid); charge; Ex. A blush suffused her cheeks.
prelude introduction; introductory performance or event; forerunner
cursive (of writing) flowing; running; having the successive letters joined
alleviate relieve (pain)
hireling one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously); one who works solely for compensation; Ex. hireling politician
palatial of or suitable for a palace; magnificent
execrate curse; express abhorrence for; detest
disheveled untidy (of hair or clothing); V. dishevel
geniality cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy; ADJ. genial: cheerful and good-tempered
sanguinary bloody; with much bloodshed
impediment hindrance; stumbling-block; speech defect preventing clear articulation; Ex. speech impediment
dolt slow-thinking stupid person; CF. dull
sacrilegious desecrating; profane; N. sacrilege: desecration, misuse, or theft of something sacred
nutritious providing nourishment
menace threat; V: threaten
dilapidated falling to pieces; in a bad condition; ruined because of neglect; Ex. dilapidated old car/castle; N. dilapidation
cataract great waterfall; eye abnormality (causing a gradual loss of eyesight)
usury lending money at illegal high rates of interest
impute attribute; ascribe; charge; N. imputation
jaundiced yellowed; prejudiced (envious, hostile, or resentful) from long and disappointing experience of human affairs; Ex. with a jaundiced eye
lace cord used to draw and tie together two opposite edges (as of a shoe); delicate fabric made of fine threads; V: draw together by tying a lace
prophylactic used to prevent disease; N: something prophylactic; condom; N. prophylaxis: prevention of disease
paroxysm fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage; sudden outburst
transmute transform; change; convert to something different
submerge place under water; dip; go under water; cover completely (as with water); Ex. submerged in work
foppish vain about dress and appearance; N. fop: man who takes too much interest in his clothes and appearance
psychopathic pertaining to mental dearrangement; N. psychopath: person with an antisocial personality disorder
porridge soft food made by boiling oatmeal
religious of religion; (of a person) pious; having reverence for a deity
cumbersome heavy and awkward to carry or wear; burdensome; Ex. cumbersome parcel/uniform
volley simultaneous discharge of a number of shots; V.
silt sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river)
catcall shout of disapproval or displeasure (made at the theater or a sports match); boo; V.
sleeper one that achieves unexpected success; something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable
replete fully filled; filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed; abundantly supplied; Ex. report replete with errors
rakish jaunty; stylish; sporty; morally corrupt; dissolute; Ex. He wore his hat at a rakish and jaunty angle.
writhe twist in coils; contort in pain
satirical using satire; mocking
nauseate cause to become sick; fill with disgust; fill nausea
muddle confuse; mix up confusedly; N: state of confusion
varnish paint used to coat a surface with a glossy film; glossy coating produced by using this substance; Ex. nail varnish; V.
chortle chuckle with delight; N.
multiform having many forms
dilate expand; dilate on/upon: speak or write at length on (a subject)
monarchy government under a single ruler
layman man who is not a cleric; man who is nonprofessional
flair talent
fluke unlikely occurrence; stroke of fortune; accidental stroke of good luck; ADJ. fluky
ornithologist scientific student of birds; N. ornithology: scientific study of birds
bank heap; piled-up mass; embankment; lateral tilting (as of an aircraft in turning); V: pile up; protect with a bank; tilt in turning
ruthless pitiless; merciless; cruel
entail make necessary; require; necessitate; involve; limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified succession of heirs; Ex. entail A on/upon B
prosody art of versification; study of the metrical structure of verse
acme peak; pinnacle; highest point
delusive deceptive; likely to delude; misleading; raising vain hopes; Ex. delusive promises
torso trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk
asinine stupid; Ex. asinine remarks
adulterate make impure or of poorer quality by adding inferior or tainted(contaminated) substances
economy efficiency or conciseness in using something; thrifty management of resources
derelict negligent; (of someone) neglectful of duty; (of something) deserted by an owner; abandoned; N: abandoned property; homeless or vagrant person
lust intense sexual desire; intense eagerness; V.
ignite kindle; light; catch fire or set fire to
convex curving outward
vociferous clamorous; noisy; V. vociferate: cry out loudly (when complaining)
knack special talent; art
matrimony state of being married
self-righteous sure of one's own righteousness; moralistic
caustic burning; corrosive; able to burn by chemical action; sarcastically biting; (of remarks) intended to hurt; bitter; harmful; OP. harmless
icon(ikon) religious image; idol; image or representation
static having no motion; unchanging; lacking development; N. stasis: stable state
allege state without proof
victuals food; provisions; V. victual: provide with food
ennui boredom; listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; CF. annoy
heyday time of greatest success or power; prime
obese excessively fat; N. obesity
maxim proverb; truth pithily stated
stupefy stun; make numb (as with a drug); amaze
ecstasy rapture; very strong feeling of joy and happiness; any overpowering emotion; ADJ. ecstatic: causing or experiencing ecstasy
impotent weak; ineffective; lacking in physical strength or power
tureen deep dish for serving soup
statute law enacted by the legislature
stoop bend forward and down; lower or debase oneself; fall to a lower standard of behavior by doing something; condescend; Ex. stoop to lying
aromatic fragrant; having a sweet smell; N. aroma: strong pleasant smell
frustrate thwart; defeat; prevent from accomplishing a purpose
hothead person who does things too quickly without thinking; ADJ. hotheaded
abut border upon; adjoin
litigation lawsuit; N. litigant: one party in a lawsuit; V. litigate
descry catch sight of (something distant)
squeamish easily shocked or sickened by unpleasant things; fastidious; Ex. A nurse should not be squeamish.
abrogate abolish
grill question severely; cook on a grill; broil; N: cooking surface of parallel metal bars
conciliatory reconciling; soothing; V. conciliate: reconcile; soothe; win the friendly feelings (by removing anger)
burgeon grow rapidly; grow forth; send out buds; Ex. burgeoning computer industry; CF. bludgeon
freebooter pirate or plunderer who makes war in order to grow rich
bruise injure without breaking the skin; N.
amorphous formless; lacking shape or definition
sedition conduct or language inciting rebellion; rebellion; resistance to authority; insubordination; ADJ. seditious
groom man employed to take care of horses; V: make neat and trim; clean and brush (an animal)
circuitous roundabout
determination resolve; firmness of purpose; measurement or calculation; decision
peerless having no equal; incomparable
mobile movable; not fixed; N. mobility
sultry (of weather) hot; sweltering; sensual; voluptuous
banal hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality; clich\'ed
prehensile capable of grasping or holding (esp. by wrapping around); Ex. prehensile tails
unction the act of anointing with oil; Ex. extreme unction
Created by: akhalidi
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