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1784 Nexos Ch 2

Nexos Chapter 2 (with grammar rules)

A ti, ¿qué te gusta hacer los fines de semana (los viernes, los sábados y los domingos)? What do you like to do on the weekends (Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays)?
A mí me gusta I like
alquilar videos to rent videos
estudiar en la biblioteca / en casa to study in the library / at home
conversar to chat
escuchar música to listen to music
cocinar to cook
bailar to dance
caminar to walk
cantar to sing
A mi amiga le gusta My friend likes to
practicar deportes to practice sports
pintar to paint
patinar to skate
navegar por internet to surf the internet
hablar por tel éfono to talk on the phone
levantar pesas to lift weights
mirar televisión to watch tv
A mis amigos les gusta My friends like
tocar un instrumento to play an instrument
el piano the piano
la trompeta the trumpet
la guitarra the guitar
el violín the violin
visitar a amigos to visit friends
sacar fotos to take pictures
tomar un refresco to have a drink
trabajar to work
tomar el sol sunbathe
aburrido(a) boring
divertido(a) fun
interesante interesting
activo(a) active
perezoso(a) lazy
antipático(a) unpleasant
simpático(a) pleasant
extrovertido(a) extroverted
introvertido(a) introverted
tímido(a) timid / shy
generoso(a) generous
egoísta selfish / egotistical
impaciente impatient
paciente patient
impulsivo(a) impulsive
cuidadoso(a) cautious
inteligente intelligent
tonto(a) silly / stupid
mentiroso(a) liar
sincero(a) sincere
responsable responsible
irresponsable irresponsible
serio(a) serious
cómico(a) funny
trabajador hard-working
tiene el pelo castaño he has brown hair
viejo old
alto tall
pelo negro black hair
gordo fat
feo ugly
pequeño small
joven young
Es pelirroja he/she is a redhead
lindo / guapo pretty
pelo rubio blonde hair
delgado slim
baja short
características de la personalidad personality traits
características físicas physical traits
apagar to turn off
buscar to look for
cenar to eat dinner
comprar to buy
dejar (de+infinitive) to leave / stop doing something
descansar to rest
llamar to call
llegar to arrive
necesitar (+infinitive) to need to do something
pasar to pass (by), to happen
preparar to prepare
regresar to return
usar to use
yo bailo I dance
tú bailas you dance
él / ella / Ud baila he / she dances
nosotros/as bailamos we dance
ellos / ellas / Uds bailan they dance
Do not use two verbs conjugated in the present tense together unless... they are separated by a comma or y (and), or o (or).
To negate a verb, put ____ before the conjugated verb no
Gustar is always used with pronouns that indicate... who is pleased by the activity mentioned
The pronouns used with Gustar are... indirect object pronouns
Me gusta... I like (to do something)
Te gusta... You like (to do something)
Le gusta... You (form) like, he / she likes (to do something)
Nos gusta... We like (to do something)
Les gusta... You (pl) / they like (to do something)
To clarify who likes to do something, add _____+_____ before gusta A + name, or A + pronoun (A Beto, or A él le)
To clarify what you or a close friend like, add ______ before gusta mí (with me gusta), a ti (with te gusta)
To create negative sentences with gusta... place no before the pronoun + gusta (No nos gusta trabajar)
To agree with someone's opinion, use ______, to disagree use _____ or _______ también, no, tampoco
Spanish adjectives must agree with both... the gender and number of the noun they modify
The masculine ending for adjectives ending in o is... the o form
The feminine ending for adjectives ending in o is... the a form
Adjectives ending in e, or most consonants... don't change to reflect gender
Adjectives ending in or add ____ to the end for the feminine form a
To create the plural of an adjective ending in a vowel, add ___ s
To create the plural of an adjective ending in a consonant, add ___ es
To create the plural of an adjective ending in or, add ___ to the masculine form or ___ to the feminine form es, as
Adjectives that apply to mixed groups of males and females use the ______ form masculine
With nationality adjectives, feminine endings are ___ / ___ for nationalities that end in __, __, and __ a / as --- l, s, n
argentino(a) Argentina
boliviano(a) Bolivia
chileno(a) Chile
chino(a) China
colombiano(a) Colombia
cubano(a) Cuba
ecuatoriano(a) Ecuador
salvadoreño(a) El Salvador
italiano(a) Italia
hondureño(a) Honduras
canadiense(s) Canadá
costarricense(s) Costa Rica
guatemalteco(a) Guatemala
guineano(a) Guinea Ecuatorial
mexicano(a) México
panameño(a) Panamá
paraguayo(a) Paraguay
peruano(a) Perú
puertorriqueño(a) Puerto Rico
dominicano(a) Rep. Dominicana
uruguayo(a) Uruguay
venezolano(a) Venezuela
estadounidense(s) Estados Unidos
nicaragüense(s) Nicaragua
Alemania alemán, alemana, alemanes, alemanas
España español, española, españoles, españolas
Francia francés, francesa, franceses, francesas
Inglaterra inglés, inglesa, ingleses, inglesas
Japón japonés, japonesa, japoneses, japonesas
Adjectives of nationality are used ___ the noun after
bueno good
malo bad
grande big, large
When bueno and malo are used before a singular, masculine noun they are shortened to buen or mal (un buen estudiante / una buena estudiante)
When grande is used before a singular masculine or feminine noun it is shortened to gran (un gran hotel, una gran universidad)
Grande has different meaning based on where it is placed in relation to the noun if placed before the noun it means great or famous, if used after the noun it means large
Created by: crashley1784
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