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Christmas Exams 2015
Question | Answer |
overtime | this is when you work over the regular hours |
defecit | this is when you Expenditure is higher than your Incom |
irregular expenditure | this is when you pay a different amount of money and on a different date |
benefit in kind | Incom not in the form of money |
opportunity cost | an opportunity cost is when you want to buy two things and you only have enough for one. the thing you don't buy is the opportunity |
Discretonary Expenditure | discretonary expenditure is when you buy some thing you don't need EG:holiday |
Surplus | surplus is when your Incom is higher than your Expenditure |
Fixed Expenditure | fixed expenditure is when you pay the same amount of money on the same date EG:rent |
Deposit account | a deposit account is used to save money. the bank will pay you interest on the money that you saved and you also get a credit card |
Current account | no interest is received in a current account but you can pa bills using your debit card or cheque you can also use a standing order and a direct debit you can get an over draft on your account and you an also use paypath |
bank overdraft | this is when the bank gives permission to a person with a current account to take more money from the account than is available in it to a certain amount |
budgeting | every family have a budget this is a plan of the money coming in and going out |
current expenditure | this is when you spend money every week or every month EG:esb bill and food |
capital expenditure | this is when you spend money now and again |