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Schindler's List

Vocabulary #3

Killing Centers camps maintained to systematically kill Jews
Krakow (or Cracow) the architectural gem of a city in southern Poland where Schindler lived between 1939 and 1944.
Kristallnacht (Crystal Night) The Night of Broken Glass; the night Nazi police and collaborators subjected Jews to an onslaught of anti-Semitic violence
Nazism the political doctrine of the Nazi party which advocated anti-Semitism, racism, militarism, one-party rule, anticommunism, and a rigid authoritarian dictatorship
Nazi Party (NSDAP, or National Socialist German Workers= Party) political party of Hitler
Nuremberg Trials trials of Nazi war criminals conducted by former military opponents of Germany after WWII.
Occupied Territories those nations overrun and occupied by the Nazi government
Peer pressure social pressure to conform to the beliefs and behaviors exerted by those people of about the same age, status, etc.
Perpetrators in the Holocaust, those persons, agencies, or governments who assist in or gain from the persecution of others
Prejudice a negative, inflexible attitude toward a group impervious to evidence or contrary argument, founded on suspicions, ignorance, and irrational hatred
Plaszow a forced labor camp in a Krakow suburb on the site of two Jewish cemeteries
Racism the belief that a racial group is inferior because of biological or cultural traits
Resettlement deportation of Jews to killing centers in Poland
Resistance acts of rebellion, sabotage, and attempts to escape committed by individuals and groups within the concentration camps and ghettos
Rescuers those who helped rescue Jews without regard to personal consequences
Righteous Gentile those Gentiles honored by the state of Israel for their efforts to rescue Jews during the Nazi occupation of Europe
Scapegoat a person, group, or thing that bears the blame for the mistakes or crimes of others
Emilie Schindler Oskar Schindler=s wife
SS (Schutzstaffel) the elite force of the Nazi party whose troops were ideologically indoctrinated and viewed the Jews, and other=s they believed to be sub-human, as worthy of only extermination
Stereotyping attributing to a group a quality or trait possessed by only part of the group
Treblinka a killing center near Warsaw; the graveyard of Warsaw Jewry
Wannsee Conference a meeting of the Nazi bureaucracy and military to coordinate the role of various government agencies in the extermination of the Jews
Zegota a small, unique organization clandestinely established in Nazi-occupied Poland for the purpose of rescuing Jews
Zyklon B hydrogen cyanide, the pesticide used in crystalline form in the gas chambers of the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek killing centers
Created by: shaws
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