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5E ST points
5E ST/XI point location with names
Question | Answer |
XI.1 | Receive Tears, Entry. On cheek, sup to infra-orbital foramen, on inf edge of orbit, in line with pupil |
XI.2 | Four Whites. In depression of infra-orbital foramen, 3 fen inf to inf edge of orbit |
XI.3 | Great Cheekbone. On zygoma, inf to infra-orbital foramen, level with inf edge of alum of nose |
XI.4 | Earth Granary. 4 fen lat with angle of mouth |
XI.5 | Great Welcome. On inf edge of mandible, ant to masseter, in depression of facial artery |
XI.6 | Mandible Wheel. 4 fen ant/sup to angle of mandible, in depression b/t bellies of masseter |
XI.7 | Lower Passage. In depression inf to zygomatic arch, ant to mandibular condyle, depression disappears when mouth opens |
XI.8 | Head Tied. On head, .5 ACI post/sup to hairline, at sup corner of forehead, directly above lat wall of eye orbit |
XI.9 | People Welcome, Sea of Energy, Window of the Sky. On ant neck, on carotid artery, at ant edge of SCM, level with laryngeal prominence, X.18 and II.16 |
XI.10 | Water Rushing Out. On ant edge of SCM, level with cricoid cartilage, 1 ACI inf to XI.9 |
XI.11 | Ch'i Cottage. Sup to clavicle, b/t 2 heads of SCM, 2 ACI lat to midline |
XI.12 | Broken Bowl. Middle of supraclavicular fossa, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line |
XI.13 | Ch'i Door.On inf edge of clavicle, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line |
XI.14 | Storehouse. In 1st ic space, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line |
XI.15 | Room Screen. In 2nd ic space, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line |
XI.16 | Breast Window. In 3rd ic space, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line |
XI.17 | Centre of the Breasts. In the center of the nipple |
XI.18 | Root of the Breasts. In 5th ic space, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line |
XI.19 | Not at Ease. On thorax, 3 ACI lat to midline, 6 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.14 |
XI.20 | Receiving Fullness. On thorax, 3 ACI lat to midline, 5 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.13 |
XI.21 | Bridge Gate. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 4 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.12 |
XI.22 | Border Gate. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 3 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.11 |
XI.23 | Great Oneness. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 2 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.10 |
XI.24 | Lubrication Food Gate. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 1 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.9 |
XI.25 | Heavenly Pivot. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, level of umbilicus, lat edge of rectus abdominus |
XI.26 | Outside Mound. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 1 ACI inf to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.7 |
XI.27 | Great Might. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 2 ACI inf to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.5 |
XI.28 | Water Path. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 3 ACI inf to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.4 |
XI,29 | The Return. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 4 ACI inf to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.3 |
XI.30 | Ch'i Rushing. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, level with sup edge of pubis symphysis and XIII.7 |
XI.31 | Thigh Border. On ant thigh, 13 ACI prox to flexure of knee, b/t vastlat andrecfem |
XI.32 | Prostate Hare, 7 Internal Dragons. On ant thigh, 7 ACI prox to flexure of knee, b/t vastlat and recfem |
XI.33 | Yin Market. On ant thigh, 5 ACI prox to flexure of knee, b/t vastlat and recfem |
XI.34 | Beam Mound. On ant thigh, 4 ACI prox to flexure of knee, b/t vastlat and recfem |
XI.35 | Calf Nose. On ant knee, b/t patella and tibia, lat to patellar tendon, with knee flexed, a depression appears here |
XI.36 | Leg Three Miles, Earth, Horary 7-9am. On ant leg, 13 ACI prox to lat mall rpom, lat to tibial edge |
XI.37 | Upper Great Void. On ant leg, 10 ACI prox to lat mall prom, lat to tibial edge |
XI.38 | Branch Opening. On ant leg, 8 ACI prox to lat mall prom, lat to tibial edge |
XI.39 | Lower Great Void. On ant leg, 7 ACI prox to lat mall prom, lat to tibial edge |
XI.40 | Abundant Splendor, Junction. On ant/lat leg, 8 ACI prox to lat mall prom, 1 ACI lat to XI.38 |
XI.41 | Released Stream, Fire, Tonification, 7 Internal Dragons. In mid/ant anfle flexure, b/t edl and ehl tendons |
XI.42 | Rushing Yang, Source, Exit. On dorsum of foot, in depression b/t navicular, lat cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform |
XI.43 | Sinking Valley, Wood. On dorsum of foot, in angle b/t 2nd and 3rd mtb |
XI.44 | Inner Courtyard, Water. On dorsum of foot, b/t 2nd and 3rd toes, dist to base of prox phalanx of 2nd toe |
XI.45 | Hard Bargain, Metal, Sedation. Lat nail point of 2nd toe |