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5E ST points

5E ST/XI point location with names

XI.1 Receive Tears, Entry. On cheek, sup to infra-orbital foramen, on inf edge of orbit, in line with pupil
XI.2 Four Whites. In depression of infra-orbital foramen, 3 fen inf to inf edge of orbit
XI.3 Great Cheekbone. On zygoma, inf to infra-orbital foramen, level with inf edge of alum of nose
XI.4 Earth Granary. 4 fen lat with angle of mouth
XI.5 Great Welcome. On inf edge of mandible, ant to masseter, in depression of facial artery
XI.6 Mandible Wheel. 4 fen ant/sup to angle of mandible, in depression b/t bellies of masseter
XI.7 Lower Passage. In depression inf to zygomatic arch, ant to mandibular condyle, depression disappears when mouth opens
XI.8 Head Tied. On head, .5 ACI post/sup to hairline, at sup corner of forehead, directly above lat wall of eye orbit
XI.9 People Welcome, Sea of Energy, Window of the Sky. On ant neck, on carotid artery, at ant edge of SCM, level with laryngeal prominence, X.18 and II.16
XI.10 Water Rushing Out. On ant edge of SCM, level with cricoid cartilage, 1 ACI inf to XI.9
XI.11 Ch'i Cottage. Sup to clavicle, b/t 2 heads of SCM, 2 ACI lat to midline
XI.12 Broken Bowl. Middle of supraclavicular fossa, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line
XI.13 Ch'i Door.On inf edge of clavicle, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line
XI.14 Storehouse. In 1st ic space, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line
XI.15 Room Screen. In 2nd ic space, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line
XI.16 Breast Window. In 3rd ic space, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line
XI.17 Centre of the Breasts. In the center of the nipple
XI.18 Root of the Breasts. In 5th ic space, 4 ACI lat to midline, on paramedian nipple line
XI.19 Not at Ease. On thorax, 3 ACI lat to midline, 6 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.14
XI.20 Receiving Fullness. On thorax, 3 ACI lat to midline, 5 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.13
XI.21 Bridge Gate. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 4 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.12
XI.22 Border Gate. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 3 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.11
XI.23 Great Oneness. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 2 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.10
XI.24 Lubrication Food Gate. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 1 ACI sup to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.9
XI.25 Heavenly Pivot. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, level of umbilicus, lat edge of rectus abdominus
XI.26 Outside Mound. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 1 ACI inf to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.7
XI.27 Great Might. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 2 ACI inf to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.5
XI.28 Water Path. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 3 ACI inf to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.4
XI,29 The Return. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, 4 ACI inf to level of umbilicus, level with XIII.3
XI.30 Ch'i Rushing. On abdomen, 3 ACI lat to midline, level with sup edge of pubis symphysis and XIII.7
XI.31 Thigh Border. On ant thigh, 13 ACI prox to flexure of knee, b/t vastlat andrecfem
XI.32 Prostate Hare, 7 Internal Dragons. On ant thigh, 7 ACI prox to flexure of knee, b/t vastlat and recfem
XI.33 Yin Market. On ant thigh, 5 ACI prox to flexure of knee, b/t vastlat and recfem
XI.34 Beam Mound. On ant thigh, 4 ACI prox to flexure of knee, b/t vastlat and recfem
XI.35 Calf Nose. On ant knee, b/t patella and tibia, lat to patellar tendon, with knee flexed, a depression appears here
XI.36 Leg Three Miles, Earth, Horary 7-9am. On ant leg, 13 ACI prox to lat mall rpom, lat to tibial edge
XI.37 Upper Great Void. On ant leg, 10 ACI prox to lat mall prom, lat to tibial edge
XI.38 Branch Opening. On ant leg, 8 ACI prox to lat mall prom, lat to tibial edge
XI.39 Lower Great Void. On ant leg, 7 ACI prox to lat mall prom, lat to tibial edge
XI.40 Abundant Splendor, Junction. On ant/lat leg, 8 ACI prox to lat mall prom, 1 ACI lat to XI.38
XI.41 Released Stream, Fire, Tonification, 7 Internal Dragons. In mid/ant anfle flexure, b/t edl and ehl tendons
XI.42 Rushing Yang, Source, Exit. On dorsum of foot, in depression b/t navicular, lat cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform
XI.43 Sinking Valley, Wood. On dorsum of foot, in angle b/t 2nd and 3rd mtb
XI.44 Inner Courtyard, Water. On dorsum of foot, b/t 2nd and 3rd toes, dist to base of prox phalanx of 2nd toe
XI.45 Hard Bargain, Metal, Sedation. Lat nail point of 2nd toe
Created by: aromalink
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